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FROM PatentExpiryBase;
Note: It also looks like Ed did the same fixes in:
E:\mcnair\Projects\LBO\Clean\Ed Run\Building the Patent Start End Table Revised.sql
So the dataset is built from StataStaging4, as well as raw tables.
Variables used include:
*gvkey, year
*naics, sic, exchg
*datadate, fyear, tic, cusip, name_compustat, fyr, act, artfs, at, ceq, che, csho, dlc, dltt, dt, dvc, dvp, ebitda, emp, esubc, ibc, intan, lct, lt, ni, oibdp, opiti, re, revt, sale, txditc, txt, xidoc, xint, xrd, xsga, xstfws,
*exchg, prcc_f, addzip, city, loc
It therefore seems that statastaging4 is all of COMPUSTAT with some LBO data included...
==Ed's version from 2018==

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