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==In 2019==
===First things===
Restore '''allpatentsprocessed''' (as researcher):
It also looks like some development notes are missing. I can't find them in either E:\mcnair\Projects\LBO\Clean\Ed Run or the LBO dropbox, or Dropbox\coauthoredprojects\NonMcNair.
However, loads/merges the following:
*PreMergeRelevant.dta, which is produced by, after a ''keep if savefilter''. The sole input to is '''masterv1-0.txt'''
*matchresultsV7, which comes from '''matchresults - V7 nofe lagps 92 R0 indu3 20pc 5yr.txt''', which is generated by running LBOmatchscript.jl on MatchInputV7.txt, which in turn is made by
*PatentStatistics.dta, which needs to be produced using PatentMeasures.sql on '''allpatentsprocessed''' once all matches have been identified
export delimited gvkey year lboentry lboexit patentflow patentstock lagpatentstock indu3 indu5 indu6 decade logitpreg logitpregwindu3fe logitpregwfe
hadlbo matchfilter somepatenting using "E:\McNair\Projects\LBO\Clean\Ed Run\MatchInputV7.txt", delimiter(tab) nolabel quote replace
PatentMeasures.sql takes MatchedGVKeys.txt (184) and builds the patent measures (see below) in '''allpatentsprocessed''', producing MatchedMeasuresPortfolio.txt (8468), which is merged in after being resaved as PatentStatistics.dta.
ORDER BY gvkeyint, year;
So, loads/merges the following:
*PreMergeRelevant.dta, which is produced by, after a ''keep if savefilter''. The sole input to is '''masterv1-0.txt'''
*matchresultsV7, which comes from '''matchresults - V7 nofe lagps 92 R0 indu3 20pc 5yr.txt''', which is generated by running LBOmatchscript.jl on MatchInputV7.txt
*PatentStatistics.dta, which needs to be produced using PatentMeasures.sql on '''allpatentsprocessed''' once all matches have been identified
export delimited gvkey year lboentry lboexit patentflow patentstock lagpatentstock indu3 indu5 indu6 decade logitpreg logitpregwindu3fe logitpregwfe
hadlbo matchfilter somepatenting using "E:\McNair\Projects\LBO\Clean\Ed Run\MatchInputV7.txt", delimiter(tab) nolabel quote replace
===Analyzing DataExtension.sql===
*patenthistorybase ...,GvkeyYear -> gvkeyyearpatentdata (395213)
Therefore needed inputs to DataExtension.sql are:
The '''patentexpiry''' table was built in '''allpatentsprocessed''' by running PatentExpiry.sql, which is in E:\mcnair\Projects\LBO\Clean\Ed Run and was last updated in March 2018. Most of the script is comment. The key elements are:
The stack is as follows:
*'''patents''' is an input
*Maintfeeevents2 FROM 'MaintFeeEvents_20170410b.txt' (COUNT 14708262)
*PatentExpirationRules2 FROM 'patentExpirationRules2.txt' (COUNT 27)
*Maintfeeevents2,patentexpirationrules -> patentfeebaseevents (4402215)
*FULL OUTER (patents, patentfeebaseevents) -> patentfeebasefull (5463947) -> PatentExpiryBase (5463947) -> PatentExpiry (5463947)
Note that patentfeebaseevents is made from PatentExpirationRules and not PatentExpirationRules2. Both list the same fee codes and description, but PatentExpirationRules2 has a termlength column whereas PatentExpirationRules has daysincrement and daysduration columns. daysduration is the same as termlength, except when daysduration=7300 then termlength=6205. It seems from the code that PatentExpirationRules is correct, as there is a manual fix when max(daysduration)=7300.
DROP TABLE PatentExpiry;
SELECT patentnumber, FilingDate, grantdate, maxdaysduration, nomaintenance, maxtermfix1, maxtermfix2,
--Old patents get: grant plus 17yrs
WHEN nomaintenance = 1 THEN grantdate + 6205
-- Patents grandfathered in during transition in 1995 to new file date + 20 year term limit get: Later of issue date + 17 years or file date + 20 years used
WHEN (maxtermfix1 = 1 AND maxdaysduration = 7300)
THEN GREATEST(FilingDate + 7300, grantdate + 6205)
--Patents after June 8 1995 but before May 28 2000 get: file date + 20 years
WHEN (maxtermfix2 = 1 AND maxdaysduration = 7300)
THEN FilingDate + 7300
--Patents after May 28 2000 (this might not be automatic and require an appeal though) get: later of issue date + 17 years or file date + 20 years
WHEN (maxtermfix2 = 2 AND maxdaysduration = 7300)
THEN GREATEST(FilingDate + 7300, grantdate + 6205)
ELSE grantdate + maxdaysduration
END AS expdate,
CASE WHEN nomaintenance = 1 OR maxdaysduration = 7300 THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS HeldToTerm
FROM PatentExpiryBase;
==Ed's version from 2018==

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