|Has project status=Complete
The code for this function is located at E:/McNair/Software/Google_Scholar_Crawler/pdfdownloader.py
This program takes in a txt file that contains rows of entries where each row is a file name and a link to a pdf, separated by a tab. (For an example, E:/McNair/Projects/Patent_Thickets/ScholarQueries/patent thickets/Query_patent thickets_pdfTable.txt). It also takes in a directory that you want all the PDFs to be placed in. It downloads all the PDFs from the links in the txt file and names them by the file name, also in the text file. It saves all of the PDFs in the output directory provided.
=How to Use=
Open the pdfdownloader.py in Komodo. At the bottom of the file, type: ''main(your text file, your output directory)''. Click the play button in the top middle of the screen.