SQL steps are located at
E:\McNair\Projects\LBO\Clean\Building the Patent Start End Table.sql
These are instructions for building the patentstartend table, which identifies for each patent (number) the dates at which it is granted and at which it expired.
It uses a database of all maintenance fee events and a list of the types of maintenance fee events and their effect the length of patent life
--First, we need to import the table of Maintenance fee events (from copy in Z:\LBO\Clean, originally from Z:\USPTO_Consolidated\Maint_Fee_Events)
CREATE TABLE Maintfeeevents (
patentNumber VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL,
appNumber VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
smallEntity VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL,
appFilingDate DATE NOT NULL,
grantDate DATE NOT NULL,
\COPY Maintfeeevents FROM 'MaintFeeEvents_20160613.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E' ' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV;
--Now import table of fee codes (and the duration of the extensions) from (Z:\LBO\Clean)
--daysDuration represents the number of days from grantdate that patent will remain active due to maintenance fee event
--I.e., 8 years for 4th year extension, 12 years for 8th year extension, 20 years for 12th year extension
--Note that we give the expiration events a value of 0 since these can occur after any such extension (or lack thereof).
CREATE TABLE PatentExpirationRules (
description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
daysIncrement INTEGER NOT NULL,
\COPY PatentExpirationRules FROM 'patentExpirationRules.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV;
--We can approximate the actual expiration date by taking the max of daysDuration and adding that number of days to the original grantdate
SELECT M.patentnumber, MAX(M.grantdate) as grantdate, MAX(GREATEST(M.grantdate + P.daysDuration, M.grantdate + 1460)) as expdate
INTO patentstartend
FROM maintfeeevents as M RIGHT JOIN patentexpirationrules as P ON M.feecode = P.feecode
GROUP BY M.patentnumber
There is an alternative way to do this using fee expiration events; however, there are two problems:
1) The USPTO may have accidentally omitted some expiration events
2) Sometimes there are late payments; this leads to reinstatement of the patent. Should be solved by taking last expiration event, but there are potential problems:
2a) See problem 1
2b) Might not have expiration event at conclusion of 20 years (after all three extensions expire)