Patent ID Table

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Table Purpose

The Patent ID Table contains a record of all patents and patent applications involved in US assignments. The table includes all types of patents as well as foreign patents. Since the table identifies the type of patent as well as whether the patentid corresponds to a patent or an application number, the patents of interest, utility patents, for the McNair Center academic projects may be distinguished and separated. Additionally, the Patent ID Table tracks the assignment history of a patent.

Table Structure

                Table "public.patentid"
    Column     |          Type          | Modifiers 
reel           | integer                | 
frame          | integer                | 
recdate        | date                   | 
patentid       | character varying(500) | 
country        | character varying(500) | 
kind           | character varying(500) | 
filingdate     | date                   | 
inventiontitle | character varying(500) | 

Example of table entries:

reel  | frame |  recdate   | patentid | country | kind | filingdate |                               inventiontitle                               
14692 |   879 | 2003-11-17 | WO07210  | US      | B1   |            | 
15377 |   840 | 2004-11-18 | US27977  | US      | B1   |            | 
16172 |   708 | 2005-01-24 | US15883  | US      | B1   |            | 
19399 |   976 | 2007-05-25 | TL63716  | US      | B1   |            | 
 3996 |   522 | 1982-07-15 | T988010  | US      | B1   | 1979-11-06 | PROCESS FOR PREPARING C1-C5 ALKYL 5-(SUBSTITUTED-PHENOXY)-2 -NITROBENZOATE
 5270 |   208 | 1990-04-16 | T986005  | US      | B1   | 1979-09-04 | PHOTOGRAPHIC FILMS
 4669 |   905 | 1986-06-12 | T982002  | US      | B1   |            | 
 7322 |   128 | 1995-01-25 | T980003  | US      | B1   | 1979-03-06 | POLYOLEFIN COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING CALCIUM CARBONATE
 4759 |   429 | 1987-08-11 | T941023  | US      | B1   |            | 
 5240 |   440 | 1989-06-26 | T941017  | US      | B1   |            |

Table Variables

Reel and frame give the location on the microfilm files where the particular transaction is recorded. The reel number and frame number are unique to a transaction between the assignee and assignor. The recdate gives the date the assignment was recorded by the USPTO. Patentid is the patent number, either foreign or American, or the application number of the patent involved in the transaction. The patentid column entries are not only integers but also include letters indicating type of patent or foreign patents. The country is the country of the original inventor or patent applicant. Kind identifies the type of patent, when it was granted, and whether the patentid corresponds to a patent or a patent application. The filing date is the date the patent application was filed. Inventiontitle is the title of the patent.

Current Problems

The patentid table has many entries that do not consist of only integers.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM patentid WHERE patentid ~ '[A-Z]'; 
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM patentid WHERE patentid ~ '[^A-Z]';