Revision as of 16:29, 7 June 2024 by Ed (talk | contribs)
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VCDB24 is the 2024 and final iteration of my VentureXpert based Venture Capital DataBase. Thomson-Reuters discontinued access to VentureXpert through SDC Platinum on December 31st, 2023 (see also: SDC Normalizer). This iteration contains data up until then. Each VCDB includes investments, funds, startups, executives, exits, locations, and more. The previous build was VCDB23, but the best previous instructions are from VCDB20.

Processing Steps

Get the source data:

  1. Copy over the rpt, ssh, and pl files to E:\projects\vcdb24\SDC, and bulk edit the ssh files.
    1. Make final date 12/31/2023 and change vcdb23 to vcdb24
  2. Run the ssh files against SDC Platinum one last time on 31 December 2023.
  3. Run the SDC Normalizer script (one of the pl files) on each output
    1. Fix the header row in USFirms1980.txt before normalizing (the Capital Under Management column name is too long)
    2. Remove double quotes from USFund1980-normal.txt, USFundExecs1980-normal.txt, USPortCo1980-normal.txt, USFirmBranchOffices1980.txt
    3. The private and public M&A file sets have to be separately combined into 2 files after they've been normalized. Then replace \tnp\t and \tnm\t with \t\t in each.
    4. For RoundOnOneLine, remove the footer, run first, then, and then fix the header.
    5. PortCoLongDescription must be pre-processed from the command line and then post-processed in excel (see below as well as VCDB20H1 and Vcdb4#Long_Description).

Create the postgres database:

  1. Create a new database on mother (createdb vcdb24) and set up a directory for the input files: bulk\vcdb24
  2. Copy over (to sql folder) and edit Load.sql. Run it section-by-section.


Process the Long Description data as follows:

  1. Remove the header and footer, and then save as Process.txt using UNIX line endings and UTF-8 encoding.
  2. Run the first section (producing Out5.txt) of the regex process below
  3. Import into Excel to make tab-delimited
  4. Remove double quotes " from just the description field
  5. Put in a new header
  6. Save as In5.txt with UNIX/UTF-8
  7. Run the last regex. It deals with the spaces in the description and the cases when there is no description.
  8. Try importing USVCPortCoLongDesc1980Cleaned.txt. It should be fine.
cat Process.txt | perl -pe 's/^([^ ])/###\1/g' > Out1.txt
cat Out1.txt | perl -pe 's/\s{65,}/ /g' > Out2.txt
cat Out2.txt | perl -pe 's/\n//g' > Out3.txt
cat Out3.txt | perl -pe 's/###/\n/g' > Out4.txt
cat Out4.txt | perl -pe 's/(\d{4} $/\1\t/g' > Out5.txt
cat In5.txt | perl -pe 's/(\d{4})\t$/\1###/g' > Out6.txt
cat Out6.txt | perl -pe 's/\s{2,}/ /g' > Out7.txt
cat Out7.txt | perl -pe 's/###/\t/g' > USPortCoLongDesc1980Cleaned.txt


Part of Load.sql requires we update the Geocoding - adding new long and lat for PortCos and firm offices that we haven't seen before.

The last time this was run was vcdb20. Accordingly:

  • In vcdb20, export the portcogeo, firmgeo, and bogeo tables
  • Import them as portcogeo_vcdb20, firmgeo_vcdb20, and bogeo_vcdb20
  • Build portcogrowthneedsgeo, firmneedsgeo, firmboneedsgeo files for geocoding
  • Log into Google Console and set up an API key. Note that:
    • Up to $200/month should be free
    • $5.00 USD per 1000 lookups.
    • 3,000 QPM max
  • In E:/tools/Geocode run the script(s): for portcos and for everything else.
    • Strip the header line out of the input file(s)
    • python portcogrowthneedsgeo-NoHeader.txt
  • Get the latest Gazetteer file(s):
  • Check the coverage of portcogeo and create firmbogeoplus


Another part of Load.sql does the matching to IPOs and MAs and their precedence. Note that:

  • Issuer and target names are matched against themselves using the script in mode 2
  • PortCo stdnames are matched to issuerstd and targetstd (separately) in mode 0
  • The state and date matching requirements are in the load.sql.
  • There seems to have been duplicate issue records in the IPO data for vcdb2020 (and perhaps earlier). Some of the duplicates are often identical, except that the date is a day apart.
  • The IPO records also contain listings on junior and foreign exchanges, as well as some OTC - I left these in and flagged them.