Alex Jiang (Work Log)
Alex Jiang Work Logs (log page)
Since the three servers were set up right before spring break, I'm moving from testing things on the test webserver to recreating things on the actual webserver. For more detailed notes, see Web Server Documentation.
20160328 Finished example data structure for Cargo. #cargo_query is basically just SQL, which is nice. but creating the templates isn't as easy (honestly, we will probably have to create templates by hand anyways). also, there's native JSON support in cargo, so let's go with Cargo!
20160328 Finished the example data structure for Semantic Forms with a few difficulties. Scaling SF up may be difficult so I'm going to look into Cargo, which will hopefully be simpler.
20160325 Trying out an example for Semantic Forms. Working out the data structure for the Semantic Forms with Ed.
20160325 Installing Semantic Forms
20160325 Installing Semantic Mediawiki, looking into alternatives (Cargo?), investigating bugs in previously installed extensions that may be due to installing from Mediawiki's extension distributor (which isn't necessarily up to date with the repository)
20160323 Turns out Piwik does work (my browser was sending DoNotTrack requests), but Google Analytics is probably more stable in the long run anyways. Also, Semantic Mediawiki (especially Semantic Forms)
20160321 End of Day: Piwik looks promising but I can't confirm that it's tracking anything yet... Also, it may have some complications with MobileFrontend. Also, Semantic Mediawiki (particularly the Halo extension) looks promising but we're not sure if it's well maintained.
20160321 Turns out OWA sucks. Let's try Piwik instead.
20160321 Configuring BibTex extension and Open Web Analytics
20160316 Configuring Google Analytics on mediawiki and on WordPress blog. Maybe we should look into open-source alternatives, e.g. Open Web Analytics and Piwik
20160316 Installing WordPress blog on web server
20160316 Testing infoboxes (got them to work, but I had to remove the custom CSS from Common.css)
20160314 Trying out open-source blogging platforms (Ghost and WordPress)
20160311 Setting up the mediawiki for users and BibTex citations
20160309 working with Julia for the mediawiki CSS. ran into some issues with using custom typefaces, so wasn't able to make further progress.