Women in Entrepreneurship Lit Review
title={Initial human and financial capital as predictors of new venture performance}, author={Cooper, Arnold C and Gimeno-Gascon, F Javier and Woo, Carolyn Y}, journal={Journal of business venturing}, volume={9}, number={5}, pages={371--395}, year={1994}, publisher={Elsevier}
} PDF: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0883902694900132
title={Clearing the hurdles: Women building high-growth businesses}, author={Brush, Candida and Carter, Nancy and Gatewood, Elizabeth and Greene, Patricia and Hart, Myra}, year={2004}, publisher={FT Press}
} PDF: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1407284
title={Women entrepreneurs who break through to equity financing: the influence of human, social and financial capital}, author={Carter, Nancy and Brush, Candida and Greene, Patricia and Gatewood, Elizabeth and Hart, Myra}, journal={Venture Capital: an international journal of entrepreneurial finance}, volume={5}, number={1}, pages={1--28}, year={2003}, publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
} PDF: http://digitalknowledge.babson.edu/eshppw/12/
title={Patterns of venture capital funding: is gender a factor?}, author={Greene, Patricia G and Brush, Candida G and Hart, Myra M and Saparito, Patrick}, journal={Venture Capital: An international journal of entrepreneurial finance}, volume={3}, number={1}, pages={63--83}, year={2001}, publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
} PDF: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13691060118175
title={Funding new business ventures: Are decision makers biased against women entrepreneurs?}, author={Buttner, E Holly and Rosen, Benson}, journal={Journal of Business Venturing}, volume={4}, number={4}, pages={249--261}, year={1989}, publisher={Elsevier}
} PDF: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0883902689900153
title={The ambitious entrepreneur: High growth strategies of women-owned enterprises}, author={Gundry, Lisa K and Welsch, Harold P}, journal={Journal of business Venturing}, volume={16}, number={5}, pages={453--470}, year={2001}, publisher={Elsevier}
PDF: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883902699000592
title={A gender-aware framework for women's entrepreneurship}, author={Brush, Candida G and De Bruin, Anne and Welter, Friederike}, journal={International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship}, volume={1}, number={1}, pages={8--24}, year={2009}, publisher={Emerald Group Publishing Limited}
} PDF: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/17566260910942318
title={Examining venture-related myths concerning women entrepreneurs}, author={Menzies, Teresa V and Diochon, Monica and Gasse, Yvon}, journal={Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship}, volume={9}, number={2}, pages={89}, year={2004}, publisher={World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte., Ltd.}
} PDF: http://search.proquest.com/docview/208428310?pq-origsite=gscholar
title={SWP 5187 FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS-ARE THEY REALLY ANY DIFFERENT?}, author={Birley, Sue}, year={1988}
} PDF: https://core.ac.uk/download/files/23/137726.pdf
title={Female entrepreneurs: how far have they come?}, author={Buttner, E Holly}, journal={Business Horizons}, volume={36}, number={2}, pages={59--65}, year={1993}, publisher={Elsevier}
} PDF: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0007681305800394