Houston Technology Center (HTC)

Established in 1999, the Houston Technology Center (HTC) is a technology focused business incubator and accelerator, serving the Houston Metropolitan area. The non-profit organization aims to help emerging technology companies grow and move towards commercialization by providing them with in-depth strategic and tactical business guidance, fundraising advice, and connecting them to opportunities, allies, and capital. It is the largest technology business incubator and accelerator in Texas, and its mission is to enable and accelerate the growth of emerging technology companies for the purpose of creating jobs and promoting economic development in the greater Houston area.
focus lies in these sectors: energy, information technology, life sciences, nanotechnology, and NASA/aerospace.
Takes 60 companies at a time
Client Acceleration Program
The overall objective of the HTC Client Acceleration Program is to aid clients in formulating a compelling business proposition in order to prepare them to generate revenue or raise capital. HTC Clients work with an Acceleration Director who guides them in developing and executing their business strategy to achieve their individual goals. HTC provides introductions to advisors, funders, and customers through networking opportunities and events. HTC aims for Clients to graduate with sustainable revenues, a credible team, a validated product and a compelling story. Each company is treated individually according to their position in the Acceleration Pathway and their unique needs. HTC facilitates the acceleration of companies in five components they recognize as imperative in a client’s maturity: Team, Market, Product, Finance and Infrastructure.
Board of Directors
Chairman : Paul K. Siegele, President, Energy Technology Company, Chevron Corporation
President & CEO: Walter Ulrich, Houston Technology Center
Vice Chairman: Tom Gros, President, NRG Distributed Generation
Executive Vice Chairman: Paul M. Frison, Houston Technology Center
Immediate Past Chair: Richard E. Williams, Loaned Executive to Wetlands International, Shell Oil Company Dr. Bernard A. Harris, Jr., CEO & Managing Director, Vesalius Ventures Maryanne Maldonado, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Houston Technology Center Richard M. Scruggs, Partner, Winston Sage Partners; President & CEO Salient Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Randall L. Walker, CEO of Houston Region, Bank of Texas http://www.houstontech.org/htc-board-of-directors/
Main: 410 Pierce Street Houston, TX 77002 HTC - Main Campus Maryanne Maldonado, BBM, MBA Chief Operations Officer and Vice President mmaldonado@HoustonTech.org 713-658-1750
South 2101 NASA Parkway Houston, TX 77058 HTC South Campus Jane Lea Hicks Acceleration Director HTC South jhicks@HoustonTech.org 281-244-8276
North 4800 Research Forest The Woodlands, TX 77381 HTCNorth Campus Charles Wohl Managing Director - HTC North cwohl@HoustonTech.org 281-364-6031
HTC’s main headquarters consists of a pair of three-story, 50 thousand square-foot buildings. In addition to offices for HTC staff, the two buildings also include a conference center and event space from which the organization frequently hosts client and sponsor events. HTC also rents office space to several HTC members.
Notable Alumni
NanoRidge Materials: makes carbon nanotubes to make metal allows 10 times stronger than steel http://nanoridge.com/
Hydro Green Energy: produces hydro-electricity using the energy generated not by a dam but by the natural flow of a river or stream http://hgenergy.com/index.php
Bellicum Pharmaceuticals: focused on the development of next generation therapeutic vaccines http://www.bellicum.com/
Hispanic Teleservices Corporation: leading provider of outsourced customer care for the global Hispanic market http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=183908
Neohydro: patented electro oxidation technology that can be utilized to treat waste and other water for (re)use in multiple industries. Their primary focus is oil and gas exploration and production http://www.neohydro.com/neofrac
StarVision Technology: offers higher performing and more cost-effective products to the aerospace electro-optic and imaging markets where growth in unmanned systems and space asset is strong. http://www.starvisiontech.com/
Phone: (713) 658-1750 Fax: (713) 658-1744