Urban Start-up Agglomeration and Venture Capital Investment
Academic Paper | |
Title | Urban Start-up Agglomeration |
Author | Ed Egan |
RAs | Peter Jalbert, Jake Silberman, Christy Warden |
Status | In development |
© edegan.com, 2016 |
Agglomeration is generally thought to be one of the most important determinants of growth for urban entrepreneurship ecosystems. However, there is essentially no empirical evidence to support this. This paper takes advantage of geocoding and introduces a novel measure of agglomeration. This measure is the smallest circle area that covers all startup offices, subject to having at least N startups in each circle. Using GIS data on cities, this paper controls for the density and socio-demographics of an area to identify the effect of just agglomeration.
Clusters of economic activity plays a significant role in the firms performance and growth. An important driver of growth is the knowledge spillover between firms. This includes among others the facilitation of information flow and ideas between firms which could be a milestone especially in the growth of startup firms or small businesses. This project focuses on the effects of agglomeration on the performance and growth of startup firms. It introduces a novel measure of agglomeration which can be used to empirically test the effects of clustering. This measure the is smallest total circle area that covers all of the startups in the sample such that there are at least n firms in each circle. The projects is based on the creation of an algorithm which gives an unbiased measure to be used in the empirical analysis. The regression we are interested in takes the following form:
The dependent variable is a measure of growth of the firms. This measure could be investment forwarded one period or growth in investment. The control variables include the number of the startups firms, m, the agglomeration measure, A and a vector of other control variables affecting the growth of firms at time t. Because of the endogeneity in the circle area or the measure of agglomeration, A, there is a need for an instrumental variable to get consistent estimates of the effects we are interested in. The proposed instrument is the presence of a river, or road in between the points representing geographical locations of the venture capital backed up firms. The instrument affects agglomeration without having a direct impact on the growth. This makes it good candidate for a valid instrument. The next tasks are determining the additional control variables to include in the regression, years to include in the analysis and methods of finding an unbiased measure of agglomeration.
Making the circle input data
Ed's additional datawork is in
The key table for circle processing is CoLevelBlowout, which is restricted (to include cities with greater than 10 active at some point in the data) to make CoLevelForCircles.
We need to:
- Winsorize CoLevelBlowout
- Compute the circles!
- Make the Bay Area (over time) data
- Plot the Bay Area data (with colors per Bay Area city) for 1985 to present
- Combine the plots to make an animated gif
To winsorize the data we need the formula for Great Circle Distance. The radius of the earth is 6,378km (half of diameter: 12,756 km). So:
GCD = acos( sin(lat1) x sin(lat2) + cos(lat1) x cos(lat2) x cos(long1-long2) ) x r
Main Sources
The primary sources of data for this project are:
- SDC VentureXpert - from VC Database Rebuild, the key table is
- GIS City Data
- Data on NSF, NIH, population, income, clinical trials, employment, schooling, R&D expenditures and revenue of firms can be found in Hubs.
VC data
Data on the number of new vc backed firms in each city and year is in:
Z:\Hubs\2017\clean data The name of the file is firm_nr.txt.
Database is cities SQL script is: nr_firms.sql
Raw data is in:
Z:\VentureCapitalData\SDCVCData\vcdb2 The file is colevelsimple.txt
In order to see if there are outliers, I get the average coordinates for all cities and find the differences of the firm's coordinates from the city coordinate. The script for the average city coordinates is in
Z:\Hubs\2017\sql scripts and the file name is newcolevel.sql.
The differences are taken in excel. The file containing the differences is in
Z:\Hubs\2017 and the file name is new_colevel.txt.
- Data on the circle area in each city and year is in:
Z:\Hubs\2017\clean data The name of the file is circles.txt. (It contains only 106 observations)
Database is cities SQL script is: circles.sql
The script for joining the two tables on the VC table is in:
Z:\Hubs\2017\sql scripts The name of the file is new_firm_nr_circles.sql
- We use the cities with greater than 10 active VC backed firms. Data on the cities and number of active firms is in:
E:\McNair\Projects\Hubs\Summer 2017 The file is CitiesWithGT10Active.txt
The script for joining the final data with this file is located in
Z:\Hubs\2017\sql scripts The file name is final_joined_kerda.sql.
The final data is in
Z:\Hubs\2017\clean data The file name is new_final_kerda.txt.
Accelerator data
Accelerators data is in
Z:\Hubs\2017\clean data The file name is accelerators.txt The table is accelerators
The joined accelerators data with the VC table is in joined_accelerators table. The script is in
Z:\Hubs\2017\sql scripts The file name is join_accelerators.sql
The do file is in
Z:\Hubs\2017\kerda The name is agglomeartion_kerda.do
It includes the graphs, tables and the preliminary FE regressions with VC funding amount and growth rate. It also predicts the hazard rates, matches on the hazard rate in order to create synthetic control and treatment groups. What is left to do is to add 2 lagged and 3 forward observations for the cities which do have a match. Remove the overlapping observations for the years that get a treatment but which at the same time serve as a control.
See also
- Enclosing Circle Algorithm
- Normalizer
- Geocode.py
Unbiased measure
The number of startups affects the total area of the circles according to some function. The task is to find an unbiased measure of the area, which is not affected by the number of the startups, given the size and their distribution.
For the unbiased calculation of a measure in a different context see: http://users.nber.org/~edegan/w/images/d/d0/Hall_(2005)_-_A_Note_On_The_Bias_In_Herfindahl_Type_Measures_Based_On_Count_Data.pdf
GIS Resources
- https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger-line.html
- https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger.html
- http://postgis.net/features/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GIS_file_formats
Useful functions for spatial joins
sum(expression): aggregate to return a sum for a set of records count(expression): aggregate to return the size of a set of records ST_Area(geometry) returns the area of the polygons ST_AsText(geometry) returns WKT text ST_Buffer(geometry, distance): For geometry: Returns a geometry that represents all points whose distance from this Geometry is less than or equal to distance. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. For geography: Uses a planar transform wrapper. ST_Contains(geometry A, geometry B) returns the true if geometry A contains geometry B ST_Distance(geometry A, geometry B) returns the minimum distance between geometry A and geometry B ST_DWithin(geometry A, geometry B, radius) returns the true if geometry A is radius distance or less from geometry B ST_GeomFromText(text) returns geometry ST_Intersection(geometry A, geometry B): Returns a geometry that represents the shared portion of geomA and geomB. The geography implementation does a transform to geometry to do the intersection and then transform back to WGS84 ST_Intersects(geometry A, geometry B) returns the true if geometry A intersects geometry B ST_Length(linestring) returns the length of the linestring ST_Touches(geometry A, geometry B) returns the true if the boundary of geometry A touches geometry B ST_Within(geometry A, geometry B) returns the true if geometry A is within geometry B geometry_a && geometry_b: Returns TRUE if A’s bounding box overlaps B’s. geometry_a = geometry_b: Returns TRUE if A’s bounding box is the same as B’s. ST_SetSRID(geometry, srid): Sets the SRID on a geometry to a particular integer value. ST_SRID(geometry): Returns the spatial reference identifier for the ST_Geometry as defined in spatial_ref_sys table. ST_Transform(geometry, srid): Returns a new geometry with its coordinates transformed to the SRID referenced by the integer parameter. ST_Union(): Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the Geometries. substring(string [from int] [for int]): PostgreSQL string function to extract substring matching SQL regular expression. ST_Relate(geometry A, geometry B): Returns a text string representing the DE9IM relationship between the geometries. ST_GeoHash(geometry A): Returns a text string representing the GeoHash of the bounds of the object.
Native functions for geography
ST_AsText(geography) returns text ST_GeographyFromText(text) returns geography ST_AsBinary(geography) returns bytea ST_GeogFromWKB(bytea) returns geography ST_AsSVG(geography) returns text ST_AsGML(geography) returns text ST_AsKML(geography) returns text ST_AsGeoJson(geography) returns text ST_Distance(geography, geography) returns double ST_DWithin(geography, geography, float8) returns boolean ST_Area(geography) returns double ST_Length(geography) returns double ST_Covers(geography, geography) returns boolean ST_CoveredBy(geography, geography) returns boolean ST_Intersects(geography, geography) returns boolean ST_Buffer(geography, float8) returns geography [1] ST_Intersection(geography, geography) returns geography [1]
Functions for Linear Referencing
ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geometry A, double measure): Returns a point interpolated along a line. ST_LineLocatePoint(geometry A, geometry B): Returns a float between 0 and 1 representing the location of the closest point on LineString to the given Point. ST_Line_Substring(geometry A, double from, double to): Return a linestring being a substring of the input one starting and ending at the given fractions of total 2d length. ST_Locate_Along_Measure(geometry A, double measure): Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified measure. ST_Locate_Between_Measures(geometry A, double from, double to): Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified range of measures inclusively. ST_AddMeasure(geometry A, double from, double to): Return a derived geometry with measure elements linearly interpolated between the start and end points. If the geometry has no measure dimension, one is added.
3-D Functions
ST_3DClosestPoint — Returns the 3-dimensional point on g1 that is closest to g2. This is the first point of the 3D shortest line. ST_3DDistance — For geometry type Returns the 3-dimensional cartesian minimum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units. ST_3DDWithin — For 3d (z) geometry type Returns true if two geometries 3d distance is within number of units. ST_3DDFullyWithin — Returns true if all of the 3D geometries are within the specified distance of one another. ST_3DIntersects — Returns TRUE if the Geometries “spatially intersect” in 3d - only for points and linestrings ST_3DLongestLine — Returns the 3-dimensional longest line between two geometries ST_3DMaxDistance — For geometry type Returns the 3-dimensional cartesian maximum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units. ST_3DShortestLine — Returns the 3-dimensional shortest line between two geometries
Relevant PostgreSQL Commands
\dt *.* Show all tables \q Exit table
Specifities/ Outliers to consider
New York (decompose) Princeton area (keep Princeton unique) Reston, Virginia (keep) San Diego (include La Jolla) Silicon Valley (all distinct)
To make a circle
SELECT ST_Buffer([desired point], [desired radius], 'quad_segs=8') FROM [desired table]
quad_segs=8 indicates circle
For more precision in circle:
SELECT ST_Transform(geometry( ST_Buffer(geography( ST_Transform( [desired point], 4326 )), [desired radius]')), 900913) FROM [desired table]
4326 and 900913 represent particular precision.
Decimal Degrees
We are working with longitude and latitude in decimal degrees. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_degrees
When converting radius to km, multiply by 111.3199. For area, multiple by (111.3199)^2=12,392.12013601.
Census Data
The Census Gazetteer files for 2010, 2000 and 1990 can give use population by census place. See https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/gazetteer.html
The places file contains data for all incorporated places and census designated places (CDPs) in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as of the January 1, 2010. The file is tab-delimited text, one line per record. Some records contain special characters. Download the National Places Gazetteer Files (1.2MB) Download the State-Based Places Gazetteer Files: Column Label Description Column 1 USPS United States Postal Service State Abbreviation Column 2 GEOID Geographic Identifier - fully concatenated geographic code (State FIPS and Place FIPS) Column 3 ANSICODE American National Standards Insititute code Column 4 NAME Name Column 5 LSAD Legal/Statistical area descriptor. Column 6 FUNCSTAT Functional status of entity. Column 7 POP10 2010 Census population count. Column 8 HU10 2010 Census housing unit count. Column 9 ALAND Land Area (square meters) - Created for statistical purposes only. Column 10 AWATER Water Area (square meters) - Created for statistical purposes only. Column 11 ALAND_SQMI Land Area (square miles) - Created for statistical purposes only. Column 12 AWATER_SQMI Water Area (square miles) - Created for statistical purposes only. Column 13 INTPTLAT Latitude (decimal degrees) First character is blank or "-" denoting North or South latitude respectively Column 14 INTPTLONG Longitude (decimal degrees) First character is blank or "-" denoting East or West longitude respectively.