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E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Spring 2018\demo_day_classifier\DemoDayHTMLFull\demo_day_cohort_lists.xlsx
The task is basically to classify whether or not the HTML files contain cohort lists. There are many nuances in classifying this, because we want a balanced and correct dataset. If you are ever unsure how to classify something, just leave it blank. Also, if the HTML page looks like it is missing important text that should be there, just skip it.
1. Click on the link to the HTML file under the column "Link" (Not the URL, as HTML files can be different than the URL)
2. If the file contains a list of cohort companies, mark it as a 1 under the column "cohort." If not, mark it a 0. These pages do not necessarily have to be about the accelerator that the row is about, it could just be any list of cohort companies for any demoday. Even if the webpage links to a list of cohorts, still mark it 0. It must contain a list of cohorts to be marked 1.
It would probably be better not to do this sequentially, because having a balanced dataset of many types of pages is useful. Also, if you see a certain page that shows up many times (For example, the "Pardon Our Interruption" page), you don't need to classify it multiple times. Just leave the rest blank. Also, ignore eventbrite pages, because the HTML sometimes has cohort lists even though it's not visible in the browser.
Also, it is better to have a balanced set of 1's and 0's. It's not really useful to have a huge list of 0's, when there are only a few 1's (as the classifier only takes as many 0's as there are 1's to have a 50/50 set). So it's probably better to look for pages that are likely to list cohort companies and look at those first.
If you want examples of pages with and without cohort lists, you can look at some of the already classified examples, though there might be a few mistakes.


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