==Creating portcoexitmaster==
Portcoexitmaster contains the portcokey with an exitflag, ipoflag and maflag and an exit value. It is built off the companybaseipomasmaster table so be sure you've built this first.Note that the amounts are actually in m not k.
CREATE TABLE portcoexitbuild AS
SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, ipoissuedate, masannounceddate, ipoprincipalamtk, mastransactionamtk
CREATE TABLE portcoexitmaster AS
SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL THEN ipoissuedate WHEN masannounceddate IS NOT NULL THEN masannounceddate ELSE NULL END AS exitdate,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS ipoflag,
CASE WHEN masannounceddate IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS maflag,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL OR masannounceddate IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS exitflag,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL THEN ipoprincipalamtk::numeric::float8/1000 ELSE mastransactionamtk::numeric::float8/1000 END AS
FROM portcoexitbuild;