Other ways used to find Accelerators (listed below "List of Sources Obtained from Various Google Searches"):
*Type in generic location + "accelerators" (e.g. Houston Accelerators)
:*Looked at roughly the first 20 results
:*Used three locations as examples of accelerators that pop up
:#Disney Accelerator: disneyaccelerator.com/
:#Launchpad: launchpad.la/
===New York Accelerators===
:#DreamIT Ventures: http://www.dreamit.com/#meaningful-experience
:#Women Innovate Mobile: http://www.wim.co/
:#Techstars NYC: http://www.techstars.com/programs/nyc-program/
:#Entrepreneurs Roundtable: http://eranyc.com/
:#FirstGrowthVC: http://venturecrush.com/fg/
:#New York Digital Health Accelerator: http://digitalhealthaccelerator.com/
:#Grand Central Tech: http://www.grandcentraltech.com/
:#Accelerator Corp: http://www.acceleratorcorp.com/
:#New York Startup Lab: http://nystartuplab.com/