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Fearon (1994) - Rationalist Explanations For War1994Fearon
Ferejohn (1986) - Incumbent Performance And Electoral Control1986Ferejohn
Fernandez Rodrik (1991) - Resistance To Reform Status Quo Bias In The Presence Of Individual Specific Uncertainty1991Fernandez Rodrik
Forbes Lederman (2009) - Adaptation And Vertical Integration In The Airline Industry2009Forbes Lederman
Foster Haltiwanger Krizan (2006) - Market Selection Reallocation And Restructuring In The Us Retail Trade Sector In The 1990s1990Foster Haltiwanger Krizan
Foster Haltiwanger Syverson (2008) - Reallocation Firm Turnover And Efficiency Selection On Productivity Or Profitability2008Foster Haltiwanger Syverson
Galasso (2007) - Broad Cross License Agreements And Persuasive Patent Litigation2007Galasso
Galasso Schankerman (2008) - Patent Thickets And The Market For Innovation2008Galasso Schankerman
Galasso Schankerman (2010) - Patent Thickets Courts And The Market For Innovation2010Galasso Schankerman
Gans (2011) - When is Static Analysis a Sufficient Proxy for Dynamic Considerations Reconsidering Antitrust and Innovation2011Gans
Gans Hsu Stern (2008) - The Impact of Uncertain Intellectual Property Rights on the Market for Ideas2008Gans Hsu Stern
Gans Stern (2000) - Incumbency And RandD Incentives Licensing The Gale Of Creative Destruction2000Gans Stern
Gans Stern (2003) - The Product Market And The Market For Ideas Commercialization Strategies For Technology Entrepreneurs2003Gans Stern
Garicano (2000) - Hierarchies And The Organization Of Knowledge In Production2000Garicano
Gentry Hubbard (2004) - Entrepreneurship And Household Saving2004Gentry Hubbard
George (2006) - What Is Hiding In The Bushes Ebays Effect On Holdout Behavior In Patent Thickets2006George
Geradin (2007) - Royalty Stacking In High Tech Industries Separating Myth From Reality2007Geradin
Geradin LayneFarrar PadillaBlanco (2008) - The Complements Problem Within Standard Setting2008Geradin LayneFarrar PadillaBlanco
Giannetti Simonov (2009) - Social Interactions And Entrepreneurial Activity2009Giannetti Simonov
Gibbons (2005) - Four Formalizable Theories Of The Firm2005Gibbons
Gibbons Murphy (1992) - Optimal Incentive Contracts In The Presence Of Career Concerns1992Gibbons Murphy
Gilligan Krehbiel (1987) - Collective Decision Making And Standing Committees1987Gilligan Krehbiel
Goldberg (1977) - Competitive Bidding And The Production Of Precontract Information1977Goldberg
Gompers Lerner Sharfstein (2003) - Entrepreneurial Spawning2003Gompers Lerner Sharfstein
Gompers Xuan (2006) - The Role Of Venture Capitalists In The Acquisition Of Private Companies2006Gompers Xuan
Gompers Xuan (2008) - Bridge Building In Venture Capital Backed Acquisitions2008Gompers Xuan
Grief (1993)1993Grief
Groseclose and Snyder (1993) - Buying Supermajorities1993Groseclose and Snyder
Grossman Hart (1986) - The Costs And Benefits Of Ownership1986Grossman Hart
Grossman Helpman (1994) - Protection For Sale1994Grossman Helpman
Grossman Helpman (2001) - Special Interest Politics Chapters 4 And 52001Grossman Helpman
Grossman, G. and E. Helpman (1994), Protection for Sale1994Grossman
G. and E. Helpman
Hall (2005) - A Note On The Bias In Herfindahl Type Measures Based On Count Data2005Hall
Hall (2012) - A Study Of Patent Thickets2012Hall
Hall Ziedonis (2001) - The Patent Paradox Revisited2001Hall Ziedonis
Hall Ziedonis (2007) - An Empirical Analysis Of Patent Litigation In The Semiconductor Industry2007Hall Ziedonis
Haltiwanger (2011) - Job Creation And Firm Dynamics In The US2011Haltiwanger
Haltiwanger Jarmin Miranda (2010) - Who Creates Jobs Small Vs Large Vs Young2010Haltiwanger Jarmin Miranda
Hansmann (1988)1988Hansmann
Hargreaves (2011) - Digital Opportunity2011Hargreaves
Harhoff (2007) - The Strategic Use Of Patents And Its Implications For Enterprise And Competition Policies2007Harhoff
Harhoff (2008) - Incidence And Growth Of Patent Thickets2008Harhoff
Harhoff VonGraevenitz Wagner (2012) - Conflict Resolution Public Goods And Patent Thickets2012Harhoff VonGraevenitz Wagner
Hart Moore (1988) - Incomplete Contracts And Renegotiation1988Hart Moore
Hegde Mowery Graham (2009) - Pioneering Inventors Or Thicket Builders2009Hegde Mowery Graham
Heller (1998) - The Tragedy Of The Anticommons1998Heller
Heller Eisenberg (1998) - Can Patents Deter Innovation The Anticommons In Biomedical Research1998Heller Eisenberg
Henderson Clark (1990) - Architectural Innovation1990Henderson Clark
Holmstrom (1999) - Managerial Incentive Problems1999Holmstrom
Holmstrom (1999) - The Firm As A Subeconomy1999Holmstrom