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Acemoglu and Pischke (1998)Acemoglu and Pischke
Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson (2005)Acemoglu
Aghion Dewatripont Rey (1994) - Renegotiation Design With Unverifiable InformationAghion Dewatripont Rey
Agrawal Henderson (2002) - Putting Patents In Context Exploring Knowledge Transfer From MitAgrawal Henderson
Alchian Demsetz (1972) - Production Information Costs And Economic OrganizationAlchian Demsetz
Alesina Drazen (1991) - Why Are Stabilizations DelayedAlesina Drazen
Alonso Dessein Matouschek (2008) - When Does Coordination Require CentralizationAlonso Dessein Matouschek
Ardagna Lusardi (2009) - Explaining International Differences In Entrepreneurship The Role Of Individual Characteristics And Regulatory ConstraintsArdagna Lusardi
Arora Fosfuri Gambardella (2001) - Markets for Technology The Economics of Innovation and Corporate StrategyArora Fosfuri Gambardella
Arrow (1959) - Economic Welfare And The Allocation Of Resources For InventionArrow
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Austensmith Feddersen (2008) - Public Disclosure Private Revelation Or SilenceAustensmith Feddersen
Baker Gibbons Murphy (1999) - Informal Authority In OrganizationsBaker Gibbons Murphy
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Baker Hubbard (2003) - Make Vs Buy In TruckingBaker Hubbard
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Banerjee Duflo (2000) - Reputation Effects And The Limits Of ContractingBanerjee Duflo
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Baron (2001) - Theories of Strategic Nonmarket ParticipationBaron
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Baron Diermeier (2006) - Strategic Activism And Nonmarket StrategyBaron Diermeier
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Barro (1973) - The Control Of Politicians An Economic ModelBarro
Battaglini, M. (2002), Multiple Referrals and Multidimensional Cheap TalkBattaglini
Baye Morgan Scholten (2006) - Information Search and Price DispersionBaye Morgan Scholten
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Bertrand Schoar (2006) - The Role Of Family In Family FirmsBertrand Schoar
Bessen (2003) - Patent Thickets Strategic Patenting Of Complex TechnologiesBessen
Bharat Dittmar Sivadasan (2010) - Does Capital Market Myopia Affect Plant ProductivityBharat Dittmar Sivadasan
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Blanchflower Oswald (1998) - What Makes An EntrepreneurBlanchflower Oswald
Bolton Farrell (1990) - Decentralization Duplication And DelayBolton Farrell
Bottazzi DaRin Hellmann (2008) - Who Are The Active Investors Evidence From Venture CapitalBottazzi DaRin Hellmann
Brander Egan (2007) - The Role of VCs in AcquisitionsBrander Egan
Brander Egan Hellmann (2010) - Government Sponsored versus Private Venture CapitalBrander Egan Hellmann
Bruhn Karlan Schoar (2010) - What Capital Is Missing In Developing CountriesBruhn Karlan Schoar
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Cabral Hortacsu (2008) - Dynamics Of Seller ReputationCabral Hortacsu
Cadot, O. (1987), Corruption as a GambleCadot
Caillaud Jullien (2003) - Chicken And EggCaillaud Jullien
Clark (1985)Clark
Clarkson (2004) - Objective Identification Of Patent Thickets A Network Analytic ApproachClarkson
Clarkson (2005) - Patent Informatics For Patent Thicket DetectionClarkson