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Romer, T. and H. Rosenthal (1978), Political Resource Allocation, Controlled Agendas and the Status Quo1978Romer
T. and H. Rosenthal
Ruef (2002) - Strong Ties Weak Ties And Islands Strutural And Cultural Predictors Of Organizational Innovation2002Ruef
Salop (1979) - Monopolistic Competition With Outside Goods1979Salop
Samila Sorenson (2011) - Venture Capital Entrepreneurship And Economic Growth2011Samila Sorenson
Schacht (2006) - Patent Reform Issues In The Biomedical And Software Industries2006Schacht
Shaked Sutton (1982) - Relaxing Price Competition Through Product Differentiation1982Shaked Sutton
Shane Stuart (2002) - Organizational Endowments And The Performance Of University Startups2002Shane Stuart
Shapiro (2001) - Navigating The Patent Thicket2001Shapiro
Sheen (2009) - Do Public And Private Firms Behave Differently An Examination Of Investment In The Chemical Industry2009Sheen
Shepsle, K. (1979), Institutional Arrangements and Equilibrium in Multidimensional Voting Models1979Shepsle
Shue (2011)2011Shue
Siebert Graevenitz (2008) - Does Licensing Resolve Hold Up In The Patent Thicket2008Siebert Graevenitz
Siebert VonGraevenitz (2008) - Does Licensing Resolve Hold Up In The Patent Thicket2008Siebert VonGraevenitz
Siebert VonGraevenitz (2010) - Jostling For Advantage Or Not2010Siebert VonGraevenitz
Siebert VonGraevenitz (2010) - Licensing In The Patent Thicket Timing And Benefits2010Siebert VonGraevenitz
Snyder (1991) - On Buying Legislatures1991Snyder
Spence (1984) - Cost Reduction Competition And Industry Performance1984Spence
Spiller (2008) - An Institutional Theory Of Public Contracts Regulatory Implications2008Spiller
Spiller Gely (1992) - Congressional Control Or Judicial Independence1992Spiller Gely
Sternitzke Bartkowski Schramm (2008) - Visualizing Patent Statistics By Means Of Social Network Analysis Tools2008Sternitzke Bartkowski Schramm
Strandburg (2006) - Law And The Science Of Networks2006Strandburg
Stuart Hoang Hybels (1999) - Interorganizational Endorsements And The Performance Of Entrepreneurial Ventures1999Stuart Hoang Hybels
Syverson (2011) - What Determines Productivity2011Syverson
Tadelis (2001) - The Market For Reputations As An Incentive Mechanism2001Tadelis
Teece (1982) - Towards An Economic Theory Of The Multiproduct Firm1982Teece
Teece (1986) - Profiting From Technological Innovation1986Teece
Teece Pisano Shuen (1997) - Dynamic Capabilities And Strategic Management1997Teece Pisano Shuen
Thursby Fuller Thursby (2007) - Us Faculty Patenting Inside And Outside The University2007Thursby Fuller Thursby
Tian (2011) - The Causes And Consequences Of Venture Capital Stage Financing2011Tian
Ting (2009) - Organizational Capacity2009Ting
Tullock (1967) - The Welfare Costs Of Monopolies Tariffs And Theft1967Tullock
UKIPO (2011) - Patent Thickets An Overview2011UKIPO
VonGraevenitz (2012) - Incidence And Growth Of Patent Thickets2012VonGraevenitz
VonGraevenitz Wagner Harhoff (2011) - How To Measure Patent Thickets A Novel Approach2011VonGraevenitz Wagner Harhoff
Walsh Arora Cohen (2003) - Effects Of Research Tool Patents And Licensing On Biomedical Innovation2003Walsh Arora Cohen
Weingast Marshall (1988) - The Industrial Organization Of Congress1988Weingast Marshall
Weingast, B. (1979), A Rational Choice Perspective on Congressional Norms1979Weingast
Whinston (2003) - On The Transaction Costs Determinants Of Vertical Integration2003Whinston
Williamson (1971) - The Vertical Integration Of Production1971Williamson
Williamson (1976) - Franchise Bidding For Natural Monopolies1976Williamson
Williamson (1979) - Transaction Cost Economics1979Williamson
Williamson (1983) - Credible Commitments Using Hostages To Support Exchange1983Williamson
Williamson (1991) - Comparative Economic Organization The Analysis Of Discrete Structural Alternatives1991Williamson
Williamson (1999) - Public And Private Bureaucracies1999Williamson
Winter (2003) - Understanding Dynamic Capabilities2003Winter
Ziedonis (2004) - Dont Fence Me In2004Ziedonis