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Holmstrom Milgrom (1991) - Multi Task Principal Agent Analyses1991Holmstrom Milgrom
Holmstrom Milgrom (1991) - Multitask Principal Agent Analyses1991Holmstrom Milgrom
Holmstrom Roberts (1999) - The Boundaries Of The Firm Revisited1999Holmstrom Roberts
HoltzEakin Joulfaian Rosen (1994) - Sticking It Out Entrepreneurial Survival And Liquidity Constraints1994HoltzEakin Joulfaian Rosen
Hornbeck (2010)2010Hornbeck
Hotelling (1929) - Stability In Competition1929Hotelling
Hsu (2004) - What Do Entrepreneurs Pay For Venture Capital Affiliation2004Hsu
Huang Murray (2009) - Does Patent Strategy Shape The Long Run Supply Of Public Knowledge2009Huang Murray
Hurst Lusardi (2004) - Liquidity Constraints Household Wealth And Entrepreneurship2004Hurst Lusardi
Ivanov Xie (2010) - Do Corporate Venture Capitalists Add Value To Start Up Firms2010Ivanov Xie
Jin Leslie (2009) - Reputational Incentives For Restaurant Hygiene2009Jin Leslie
Kaplan Sensoy Stromberg (2009) - Should Investors Bet on the Jockey or the Horse2009Kaplan Sensoy Stromberg
Kaplan Stromberg (2003) - Financial Contracting Theory Meets The Real World Evidence From Venture Capital Contracts2003Kaplan Stromberg
Karlan Zinman (2009) - Observing Unobservables Identifying Information Asymmetries With A Consumer Credit Field Experiment2009Karlan Zinman
Katz (1986) - An Analysis of Cooperative Research and Development1986Katz
Kerr Lerner Schoar (2011) - The Consequences Of Entrepreneurial Finance Evidence From Angel Financings2011Kerr Lerner Schoar
Klein Crawford Alchian (1978) - Vertical Integration Appropriable Rents And The Competitive Contracting Process1978Klein Crawford Alchian
Knight, B. (2000), Supermajority Voting Requirements for Tax Increases2000Knight
Konrad (2007) - Strategy In Contests-An Introduction2007Konrad
Kreps (1990) - Corporate Culture And Economic Theory1990Kreps
Krishna Morgan (2008) - Contracting For Information Under Imperfect Commitment2008Krishna Morgan
Krishna, V. and J. Morgan (2001), Asymmetric Information and Legislative Rules: Some Amendments2001Krishna
V. and J. Morgan
La Porta et al (2008)2008La Porta et al
LaPorta LopezDeSilanes Shleifer Vishny (1998) - Law And Finance1998LaPorta LopezDeSilanes Shleifer Vishny
Lamoreaux Sokoloff (2005) - Decline Of The Independent Inventor2005Lamoreaux Sokoloff
Lazear (2000)2000Lazear
Lee,Wilde (1980) - Market Structure And Innovation A Reformulation1980Lee
Lerner Malmendier (2011) - With A Little Help From My Random Friends2011Lerner Malmendier
Leung Sharkey (2009) - Out Of Sight Out Of Mind The Mere Labeling Effect Of Multi Category Membership In Markets2009Leung Sharkey
Levin Tadelis (2008) - Contracting For Government Services2008Levin Tadelis
Levin and Tadelis (2005)2005Levin and Tadelis
Levy Spiller (1994) - The Institutional Foundations Of Regulatory Commitment1994Levy Spiller
Loury (1979) - Market Structure And Innovation1979Loury
Lusardi Mitchell Curto (2010) - Financial Literacy Among The Young2010Lusardi Mitchell Curto
Mann (2004) - The Myth Of The Software Patent Thicket2004Mann
Mann (2005) - Do Patents Facilitate Financing In The Software Industry2005Mann
Manning (2003)2003Manning
Masulis Nahata (2011) - Venture Capital Conflicts Of Interest2011Masulis Nahata
Mccubbins Noll Weingast (1987) - Administrative Procedures As Instruments Of Control1987Mccubbins Noll Weingast
Mccubbins Schwartz (1984) - Congressional Oversight Overlooked1984Mccubbins Schwartz
Mcdevitt (2010) - A Business By Any Other Name Firm Name Choice As A Signal Of Firm Quality2010Mcdevitt
Mcdevitt (2010) - Names And Reputations An Empirical Analysis2010Mcdevitt
Merges (1996) - Contracting Into Liability Rules1996Merges
Merges (1999) - As Many As Six Impossible Patents Before Breakfast1999Merges
Merges (1999) - Institutions For Intellectual Property Transactions1999Merges
Merges Nelson (1990) - On The Complex Economics Of Patent Scope1990Merges Nelson
Messner Polborn (2004) - Voting On Majority Rules2004Messner Polborn
Messner, M. and M. Polborn (2004), Voting on Majority Rules2004Messner
M. and M. Polborn
Monteverde Teece (1982) - Supplier Switching Costs And Vertical Integration In The Automobile Industry1982Monteverde Teece
Montgomery (1994) - Corporate Diversification1994Montgomery