HistPatent Table

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Table Structure

              Table "public.histpatent"
    Column      |       Type        | Modifiers 
applicationid   | integer           | 
pubno           | character varying | 
patentnumber    | character varying | 
nber            | integer           | 
uspc            | character varying | 
uspc_sub        | character varying | 
applicationdate | date              | 
prioritydate    | date              | 
pubdate         | date              | 
displaydate     | date              | 
disptype        | character varying | 
exp_dt          | date              | 
exp_dt_max      | date              | 
pta             | integer           | 

Example of table entries:

applicationid |      pubno      | patentnumber | nber | uspc | uspc_sub | applicationdate | prioritydate |  pubdate   | displaydate | disptype |   exp_dt   | exp_dt_max | pta 
      9728079 | US20010000377A1 | 6301920      |   69 | 62   | 374      | 2000-12-04      | 1998-12-04   | 2001-04-26 | 2001-10-16  | ISS      | 2009-10-16 |            |   0
      9738354 | US20010000378A1 | 6327947      |   51 | 82   | 1        | 2000-12-18      | 1996-09-04   | 2001-04-26 | 2001-12-11  | ISS      | 2016-09-03 |            |   0
      9730148 | US20010000379A1 | -2938081     |   51 | 83   | 013      | 2000-12-04      | 2000-12-04   | 2001-04-26 | 2003-01-28  | ABN      |            |            |   0
      9730180 | US20010000380A1 | 6461408      |   13 | 95   | 55       | 2000-12-05      | 1997-09-24   | 2001-04-26 | 2002-10-08  | ISS      | 2017-09-23 |            |   0
      9734424 | US20010000381A1 | 6491741      |   13 | 95   | 90       | 2000-12-11      | 1998-10-08   | 2001-04-26 | 2002-12-10  | ISS      | 2018-10-07 |            |   0
      9732670 | US20010000382A1 | 6393980      |   69 | 101  | 128      | 2000-12-08      | 1998-10-16   | 2001-04-26 | 2002-05-28  | ISS      | 2014-05-28 |            |   0
      9739809 | US20010000383A1 | 6497774      |   19 | 149  | 45       | 2000-12-20      | 1997-03-31   | 2001-04-26 | 2002-12-24  | ISS      | 2017-03-30 |            |   0
      9739203 | US20010000384A1 | 6247415      |   69 | 109  | 33       | 2000-12-19      | 2000-12-19   | 2001-04-26 | 2001-06-19  | ISS      | 2009-06-19 |            |   0
      9729711 | US20010000385A1 | 6550416      |   69 | 116  | 142      | 2000-12-06      | 1998-04-10   | 2001-04-26 | 2003-04-22  | ISS      | 2007-04-22 |            |   0
      9735177 | US20010000386A1 | 6805134      |   61 | 131  | 299      | 2000-12-12      | 1999-04-26   | 2001-04-26 | 2004-10-19  | ISS      | 2019-04-25 |            |   0
      9741335 | US20010000387A1 | -3349739     |   19 | 149  | 019      | 2000-12-21      | 2000-12-21   | 2001-04-26 | 2001-12-10  | ABN      |            |            |   0
      9730265 | US20010000388A1 | 6491078      |   55 | 152  | 539      | 2000-12-05      | 1999-05-25   | 2001-04-26 | 2002-12-10  | ISS      | 2019-05-24 |            |   0
      9738655 | US20010000389A1 | 6521075      |   19 | 156  | 251      | 2000-12-15      | 1999-04-08   | 2001-04-26 | 2003-02-18  | ISS      | 2019-04-07 |            |   0
      9728280 | US20010000390A1 | -1342275     |   19 | 156  | 472      | 2000-12-01      | 2000-12-01   | 2001-04-26 | 2003-01-06  | ABN      |            |            |   0
      9736673 | US20010000391A1 | 6877544      |   59 | 157  | 1        | 2000-12-13      | 1998-06-01   | 2001-04-26 | 2005-04-12  | ISS      | 2019-08-01 |            | 427
      9737195 | US20010000392A1 | 6362417      |   41 | 174  | 384      | 2000-12-15      | 1999-02-03   | 2001-04-26 | 2002-03-26  | ISS      | 2019-02-02 |            |   0
      9737877 | US20010000393A1 | 6283228      |   64 | 175  | 58       | 2000-12-15      | 1997-01-08   | 2001-04-26 | 2001-09-04  | ISS      | 2017-01-07 |            |   0
      9728070 | US20010000394A1 | -2976897     |   55 | 180  | 002      | 2000-11-30      | 2000-11-30   | 2001-04-26 | 2002-01-11  | ABN      |            |            |   0
      9727786 | US20010000395A1 | 6325178      |   55 | 187  | 382      | 2000-12-04      | 1999-08-03   | 2001-04-26 | 2001-12-04  | ISS      | 2019-08-02 |            |   0
      9730968 | US20010000396A1 | 6613214      |   19 | 205  | 118      | 2000-12-05      | 1998-11-30   | 2001-04-26 | 2003-09-02  | ISS      | 2019-03-05 |            |  96

Table Variables

Table Purpose

Current Problems

The USPTO bulk data contains negative patent numbers.

applicationid | pubno |  patent  | nber | uspc | uspc_sub | applicationdate | prioritydate | pubdate | displaydate | disptype |   exp_dt   | exp_dt_max | pta  
      8466602 |       | -2037052 |   23 | 347  | 259      | 1995-06-06      | 1995-06-06   |         | 1997-06-19  | ABN      |            |            |    0
      8605804 |       | -2962913 |   70 | 395  | 500      | 1996-02-23      | 1996-02-23   |         | 1998-08-22  | ABN      |            |            |    0
              |       | 1332054  |   63 | 112  | 153      |                 |              |         | 1920-02-24  | ISS      | 1937-02-23 |            |    0

Application numbers are 8 digits long (99/999999). The first two digits are a series code and the last six represent a serial code assigned by the USPTO. The histpatent table has over 3 million application numbers with 7 digits, since leading zeros were dropped. Leading zeros were also dropped for patent numbers.

patent=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM histpatent WHERE applicationid > 9999999; 
(1 row)
patent=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM histpatent WHERE applicationid <9999999; 
(1 row)


There are duplicate entries for certain judges that may be dropped once data on patent litigation has been added.

            name             | court | count 
Malcolm Jones Howard         | EDNC  |     2
Richard Leroy Williams       | EDVa  |     2
Peter Jo Messitte            | DMd   |     2
Andre Maurice Davis          | DMd   |     2
Paula Xinis                  | DMd   |     2
Mary Hannah Lauck            | EDVa  |     2
Julie E. Carnes              | NDGa  |     2
Claude M. Hilton             | EDVa  |     2
William D. Quarles Jr.       | DMd   |     2
James C. Dever III           | EDNC  |     2
Catherine C. Blake           | DMd   |     2
Gerald Bruce Lee             | EDVa  |     2
Leonie M. Brinkema           | EDVa  |     2


The patentid table has many entries that do not consist of only integers.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM patentid WHERE patentid ~ '[A-Z]'; 
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM patentid WHERE patentid ~ '[^A-Z]';