Jackie Li (Work Log)
Jackie Li Work Logs (log page)
20160224 (Wed) 2:30 - Determine what deliverables I can create/work on vs. random research
20160224 (Wed) 5:30 - Currently working on patent legislation, in particular the Innovation Act
20160222 (Mon) 2:25 - Work on prize system, not patents
20160222 (Mon) 4:25 - Wrote section 'problems & considerations surrounding the prize system', added material to MIPF page. Might want to move the graph and intro information to the main page?
20160219 (Fri) 1:00 - Continue to work on patent reform wiki page
20160219 (Fri) 4:00 - Researched and wrote summaries on patent reform legislation, did research into and wrote section about the Medical Innovation Prize Fund Act proposed by Bernie Sanders.
20160217 (Wed) 2:30 - Find a new project to work on
20160217 (Wed) 5:30 - Worked on patent reform page, dug into Bernie Sander's stance on how patents are stifling innovation, and his prize system. Working on Medical Innovation Prize Act of 2005
20160215 (Mon) 2:30 - Work on Ed's Talk
20160215 (Mon) 4:30 - Added slides to Ed's presentation, dug into Politifact article about how small businesses are not dying off
20160212 (Fri) 1:00 -Structure Ed's Baker Institute talk, have a rough outline
20160212 (Fri) 4:00 - Have information for a slide on 'Market for Entrepreneurship, met with group and reevaluated/set new goals and outlines for Ed's talk
20160210 (Wed) 14:30 - Work on Ed's Baker Institute Talk
20160210 (Wed) 17:30 - Added in multiple sections in "Regulations in Relations to Small Businesses"; a section on Increasing operational costs from EPA Regulations, writing points on Expansion of Overtime Eligibility. Had a group meeting with the group working on Ed's talk