Patent Assignment Data Restructure
Revision as of 15:59, 2 March 2017 by MarcelaInteriano (talk | contribs)
In order to restructure the current patent dataset, the data requires rigorous cleaning. The primary areas for improvement are:
- 1. Clean ptoassignment table to unique keys.
- 2. Clean ptoproperties to remove nonutility patents. The patent numbers currently include:
- 7 digit patent numbers
- application numbers
- unknown numbers that cannot be matched to patent numbers in the patent table
- 20090108066
- 20100007288
- 20090108066
- 20100110022
- Design and Reissue patents ('%D%' or '%RE%')
- alphanumeric character strings
- 3. Clean ptoassignee to extract address components and clean it up.
- 4. Check all patent numbers accounted for in ptoassignee_currentusa.
- 5. Correspondence address clean up.
- 6. Transform structure of the dataset.