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{{McNair Projects
|Has project output=Data
|Has sponsor=McNair Center
|Has title=TIF Project
|Has title=TIF Project
|Has owner=Cindy Ryoo, Yunnie Huang,
|Has owner=Cindy Ryoo, Yunnie Huang,
Line 5: Line 7:
|Has deadline=12/09/2017
|Has deadline=12/09/2017
|Has keywords=TIF; city; data; GIS; Tax Increment Finance; KML
|Has keywords=TIF; city; data; GIS; Tax Increment Finance; KML
|Has project status=Active
=TIF Data=
New data is in
Old data is in
Main output is a table '''tifallclean''' (in vcdb4), which has 666 records and name, startyear, endyear, geog, statecode, and source (i.e., whioch file it came from) fields.
The very first build of these data was documented at the bottom of this page and in [[Jeemin Sim (Work Log)]].
Install ogr2ogr on mother:
apt install gdal-bin
There are 10 TIF shapefiles, which either have date date embedded or where date data is separately available. Of these, 8 are loaded from KML files with ogr2ogr:
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Chicago.kml -nln tifchicago
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Columbus.kml -nln tifcolumbus
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" WashingtonDC.kml -nln tifwashingtondc
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Houston.kml -nln tifhouston
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Vermont.kml -nln tifvermont
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Dublin.kml -nln tifdublin
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Atlanta.kml -nln tifatlanta
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" AlleghenyCounty.kml -nln tifalleghenycounty
Two are loaded with shp2pgsql, and in both cases the original data needs to be imported into ArcGIS and then exported in a standard projection as a first processing step. I used WGS1984:
--in ../StLouis1984
shp2pgsql -I "StLouisWGS1984" tifstlouis | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb4
--in ../Dallas1984
shp2pgsql -I "DallasWGS1984.shp" tifdallas | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb4
*Chicago, IL, 138 with dates: https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Boundaries-Tax-Increment-Financing-Districts/fz5x-7zak
*Columbus, OH, 68 with dates: http://data-columbus.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-increment-financing-areas?geometry=-112.588%2C-29.382%2C112.588%2C29.382
*Washington, DC:
**17 without dates: https://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/tax-increment-financing-tif-areas
**WashingtonDCNamesAndDates.txt compiled from: http://lims.dccouncil.us, https://code.dccouncil.us/dc/council/code/sections, https://ggwash.org/view/12907/what-can-dc-learn-from-its-successful-subsidies, https://cfo.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/ocfo/publication/attachments/FY%202018%20DC%20CAFR_Full%20Report.pdf, https://code.dccouncil.us/dc/council/code/titles/2/chapters/12/subchapters/IX/
*Houston, TX:
**17 without dates: https://cohgis-mycity.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/coh-tirz
**HoustonDatesAndData.txt compiled from https://www.houstontx.gov/finance/COHTIRZPerformanceAudit-FINAL(INCLUDINGAPPENDICES-NOMAPS).pdf
*Dallas, TX, 214 with dates (needs projection transformation): http://www.dallascad.org/GISDataProducts.aspx
*12 without dates: http://geodata.vermont.gov/datasets/cd53b08d40fc4e7dbc2757c36d038af5_7/data
*VermontNamesAndDates.txt compiled from https://accd.vermont.gov/sites/accdnew/files/documents/DED/VEPC/Tiff/TIFDISTRICTSstatus.pdf and https://accd.vermont.gov/community-development/funding-incentives/tif
*Dublin, OH, 46 with dates: https://data-dublinohio.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-increment-finance-zones
*Altanta, GA, 10 with dates: https://dcp-coaplangis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-allocation-district
*AlleghenyCounty (Pittsburg), PA:
**34 without dates: https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries
**AlleghenyCountyNamesAndDates.txt compiled from https://www.alleghenycontroller.com/admin/attachments/7880501fe636c1fe90fa572eb72b54292019MarTue13550615536085066512bd43d9caa6e02c990b0a82652dca36830bb3ce75baae6d5313ca822b2dc2FinalEconomicDevelopmentTaxSubsidiesReport.pdf
*St. Louis, MO:
**118 without dates (needs projection transformation): https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/data/tax-increment-financing-districts.cfm
**StLouisNamesAndDates.txt compiled from https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/sldc/documents/upload/Summary-of-TIF-Redevelopment-Projects-Updated-12-31-18.pdf
===Notes from the Agglomeration Project===
Starting the process with Chicago. Do the following:
*Go to: https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Boundaries-Tax-Increment-Financing-Districts/fz5x-7zak
*Save the KML as E:\projects\agglomeration\TIF\Chicago.KML
*Load the KML into the dbase using ogr2ogr [https://gdal.org/programs/ogr2ogr.html], note the the nln option creates a new layer (table)
*Note that you have to hit refresh on the dbase (or at least the table list) in DataGrip to get the new table to show up
*Also, you'll need to fix the date types in post-processing. Note that null dates are going to show up as year 0, which doesn't actually exist and is incorrect (try SELECT to_date('0', 'YYYY')) and again with -1. See https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/3762 and blame the pope.
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Chicago.kml -nln tifchicago
The table tifchicago corresponds to the XML below, except that it has some extra fields. The index field seems to be autogenerated, and tessellate, extrude and visibility are always -1,0, and -1 respectively. All other fields are blank, including description, timestamp, begin, and end (note that you can query end with "end" in postgres):
SELECT ogc_fid, name, description, timestamp, begin, "end", altitudemode, tessellate, extrude, visibility, draworder, icon FROM tifchicago;
The KML is an XML file with meta data (including an approval date, an expiration date, and a name, as well as some other values, some of which could be derived from the geometry) and then a set of points that describe the outer ring of a polygon:
<name>Northwest Industrial Corridor</name>
<Data name="approval_d"><value>12/2/1998</value></Data>
<Data name="comm_area"><value>19,20,23,25,26,27</value></Data>
<Data name="expiration"><value>12/2/2021</value></Data>
<Data name="ind"><value>Industrial</value></Data>
<Data name="name_trim"><value>Northwest Industrial Corridor</value></Data>
<Data name="objectid"><value>0</value></Data>
<Data name="objectid_1"><value>107</value></Data>
<Data name="ref"><value>T- 64</value></Data>
<Data name="repealed_d"><value></value></Data>
<Data name="sbif"><value>Y</value></Data>
<Data name="shape_area"><value>51402231.0322</value></Data>
<Data name="shape_leng"><value>80417.4828932</value></Data>
<Data name="show"><value>1</value></Data>
<Data name="type"><value>Existing</value></Data>
<Data name="use"><value>Industrial</value></Data>
<Data name="wards"><value>27,28,30,31,37</value></Data>
The ind variable might be useful if they are sufficiently systematic across jurisdictions. '''use''' was a messy version of '''ind'''. The '''sbif''' apprears to be a Small Business Improvement Fund grant specific to Chicago [https://somercor.com/sbif/]
SELECT sbif, count(*) FROM TifChicagoClean GROUP BY sbif;
sbif count
Y 92
N 45
====One by One====
Chicago -- credit Jonathan Levy, created Jul 17, 2013, updated Mar 19, 2019 [https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Boundaries-Tax-Increment-Financing-Districts/fz5x-7zak], has 138 TIFs with dates, approved from 1989-09-13 to 2018-10-31. Expiration ranges from 2018-07-13 to 2052-12-31.
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Chicago.kml -nln tifchicago
Columbus, OH. Last updated 8/8/2017. Downloaded full dataset [http://data-columbus.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-increment-financing-areas?geometry=-112.588%2C-29.382%2C112.588%2C29.382], which should contain 69 records as a KML. URL in each record is out of date but just points to https://www.columbus.gov/development/economic-development/. Records '''have PASSAGE dates''' but no end dates. They also have DTE_STATUS but it isn't clear that this really means anything (something to do with filling form DTE24?).
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Columbus.kml -nln tifcolumbus
Washington, DC. Last updated 6/25/2019. Downloaded full dataset [https://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/tax-increment-financing-tif-areas], which should contain 17 records. There are '''no dates''' and a quick search didn't find any. There's useful information here: https://cfo.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/ocfo/publication/attachments/tx_tif_chapter_2020j.pdf
It should also be noted that firms located in the DC Ballpark TIF area are specifically excluded from being Qualified High Technology Companies[https://otr.cfo.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/otr/publication/attachments/48605_FR-399_22416.pdf]. Checked the old version, and it didn't have dates either... so the labelling on [[TIF Project]] appears incorrect.
Call: 202 727 1140 -- Aisa Reed, senior data analyst.
202 727 4364 Nate Cruz, deputy director of Office of Economic Development Finance
202 478 9152 Nancy Fox, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Economic Development Finance
Note that we might be able to infer them, one by one, from financial statements or by looking at their creating acts: https://cfo.dc.gov/node/230912
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" WashingtonDC.kml -nln tifwashingtondc
Some date data taken from: https://cfo.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/ocfo/publication/attachments/FY%202018%20DC%20CAFR_Full%20Report.pdf
Others can be taken directly from the legislation either http://lims.dccouncil.us or https://code.dccouncil.us/dc/council/code/sections (better through Google). In 2 cases, I also took data from a news article [https://ggwash.org/view/12907/what-can-dc-learn-from-its-successful-subsidies].
See also, DC's TIF legislation: https://code.dccouncil.us/dc/council/code/titles/2/chapters/12/subchapters/IX/
Houston - no longer exists... But we have the shape files from the previous round of work. http://data.houstontx.gov/dataset/city-tax-increment-reinvestment-zones-tirz now leads to a dead link for the zip, but it does say that the file was created June 30, 2017, 2:27 PM (UTC-04:00) and last updated July 20, 2017, 2:22 PM (UTC-04:00). Again, though, '''no dates'''!
Can go one by one through the creation docs found at https://www.houstontx.gov/ecodev/tirz_info.html This site lists 27 TIRZ, whereas there are only 23 in the old data. Harris County says that it participates in just 5 Houston TIRZs [https://hcoed.harriscountytx.gov/tirz.aspx].
In z:/vcdb3/Houston:
shp2pgsql -I "TIRZ.shp" tifhouston | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3
drop table tifhouston;
In z:/vcdb3/HarrisCounty
shp2pgsql -I "TIRZ.shp" tifharriscounty | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3
drop table tifharriscounty;
See https://www.bostongis.com/pgsql2shp_shp2pgsql_quickguide.bqg for a cheatsheet for shp2pgsql.
Found City of Houston KML data here: https://cohgis-mycity.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/coh-tirz It doesn't have dates but does have 27 rows and was last updated 7/10/2019.
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Houston.kml -nln tifhouston
One TIF had a null name, which was changed to UNKNOWN. By process of elimination, this was Village Enclaves (Terminated).
Found the dates in a review: https://www.houstontx.gov/finance/COHTIRZPerformanceAudit-FINAL(INCLUDINGAPPENDICES-NOMAPS).pdf
This was processed and extracted to E:\projects\agglomeration\TIF\HoustonDatesAndData.txt. Note that the total increment and project costs were $830,822k and $1,732,558k, respectively.
Also, the Texas Comptroller's office has a nice chapter on TIFs: https://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/ordredirect.html?open&id=tifintexas.html
Dallas - downloaded 'latest' data [http://www.dallascad.org/GISDataProducts.aspx]. But no meta data is available. Shockingly, the data looks good and up to date. In contains legalstart and legalend fields for all 214 rows!
In z:/vcdb3/Dallas
shp2pgsql -I "LocalTaxDistrict.shp" tifdallas | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3
Vermont -- 12 records, last updated two years ago (4/7/2017), http://geodata.vermont.gov/datasets/cd53b08d40fc4e7dbc2757c36d038af5_7/data no dates available but one state contact (Megan Sullivan Executive Director, Vermont Economic Progress Council (802) 798-2221 Megan.Sullivan@vermont.gov) and an individual contact for each one. Dates are readily available from: https://accd.vermont.gov/sites/accdnew/files/documents/DED/VEPC/Tiff/TIFDISTRICTSstatus.pdf Other, more detailed info, is also available [https://accd.vermont.gov/community-development/funding-incentives/tif]. Note that Colchester was dissolved, having never become active and Milton has finished its debt service. TIFs get 10 yrs from approval to incur debt and then 20 yrs from debt to retain increment, which ends when debt service ends.
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Vermont.kml -nln tifvermont
Dublin, OH -- 46 records, last updated 5/8/2018, seems up to date. Has dates!
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Dublin.kml -nln tifdublin
Atlanta, GA -- Seems like 6+4 projects [https://www.atlantaga.gov/government/departments/city-planning/office-of-zoning-development/plans-and-studies/tax-allocation-district-tad]. Found here: https://dcp-coaplangis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-allocation-district All 10, last updated 8/29/2018. Has creation and end dates.
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Atlanta.kml -nln tifatlanta
AlleghenyCounty (Pittsburg), PA -- Available from https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries but dates are "None" through out. Looks up to date (says August 20, 2019, 5:00 PM), and has 34 records. Same data available from http://openac-alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries and https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries-a1715
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" AlleghenyCounty.kml -nln tifalleghenycounty
A report online [https://www.alleghenycontroller.com/admin/attachments/7880501fe636c1fe90fa572eb72b54292019MarTue13550615536085066512bd43d9caa6e02c990b0a82652dca36830bb3ce75baae6d5313ca822b2dc2FinalEconomicDevelopmentTaxSubsidiesReport.pdf], saved to the TIF folder, has end dates for 28 of 34 TIFs, which was used to infer start dates (T-20 from ). Note that the following TIF boundaries do not have dates:
Also the following TIFs do not have boundaries:
Summerset at Frick Park
Robinson Mall Peripheral is lumped in with Robinson Mall in the boundary data.
====Looking for add ons====
State-by-State-TIF-Spreadsheeet.xls is in the TIF folder. It was found on https://www.bettertogetherstl.com/economic-development-source-materials?rq=TIF and details the state level inception of TIF programs.
St. Louis, has shape files: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/data/tax-increment-financing-districts.cfm, also available as GEOJSON, but no date info. File name includes TIF_DISTRICTS_20190830, which implies it is up-to-date. St. Loius County has a KML file [https://worldmap.harvard.edu/data/geonode:slcounty_tif_aqt] with a PASSED field. It may or may not coincide... and might not be up to date.
There are also recent KMLs without dates here: https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/8918f94ffeca407fa48db2d66bc74c52/data
And an official map, without data available seperately here: https://gisportal.stlouis-mo.gov/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=5cf974631f65487f868c5bfcfaa3e9f9 This says to contact Dale Ruthsatz (314) 657-3732 for help. Might also be able to get dates out of https://dor.mo.gov/business/tif/.
Found the data on the dates here: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/sldc/documents/upload/Summary-of-TIF-Redevelopment-Projects-Updated-12-31-18.pdf Also, the duration is a max of 23 years [stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/sldc/economic-development/tax-increment-financing.cfm]
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" StLouisCounty.kml -nln tifstlouiscounty
--There are 46 records and we'd have to work to pull the passed field out of the description
DROP TABLE tifstlouiscounty;
shp2pgsql -I "TIF_DISTRICTS_20190830.shp" tifstlouis | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3
--118 records
But, like Dallas, this data is in a non-standard projection (NAD_1983_StatePlane_Missouri_East_FIPS_2401_Feet).
DROP TABLE tifstlouis;
shp2pgsql -I "StLouisWGS1984" tifstlouis | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3
These were put together with the dates using some regexes:
^(.*) Retired.*$
^(.*) Active.*$
^(.*) Terminated.*$
^(.*) Never Approved.*$
^(.*) On Hold.*$
.* (\d\d?\-\w\w\w-\d\d).*
==Old Work==
===Cities in our sample with TIF Data===
{| class="wikitable"
! Name (City, State)
! Shape File? Yes/No
! Start/End Dates? Yes/No
! Notes
! Link to Data
| Chicago, IL
| Yes
| Yes
| Upto 2016. All good.
| https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Boundaries-Tax-Increment-Financing-Districts/fz5x-7zak
| Columbus, OH
| Yes
| Yes
| Date is in 'passage' (change type in db)
| http://data-columbus.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-increment-financing-areas
| Washington, DC
| Yes
| Yes, about 50%
| Data coverage unknown but posted in 2018
| http://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/tax-increment-financing-tif-areas\
| Houston, TX
| Yes
| No
| Data coverage unknown but appears updated in 2017 (says 2013 elsewhere)
| http://data.houstontx.gov/dataset/city-tax-increment-reinvestment-zones-tirz
| Dallas, TX
| Yes
| No
| Maybe 15% have dates (only 2013/14)
| http://www.dallascad.org/GISDataProducts.aspx
| Vermont
| Yes
| No
| Appears last updated in Apr 2017
| http://geodata.vermont.gov/datasets/cd53b08d40fc4e7dbc2757c36d038af5_7/data
| Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), PA
| Yes
| No
| Do this one last! (Appears created 2017)
| https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries
| Atlanta, GA
| Yes
| Yes
| Only 10 records. Ends 2006. Might be up to date?
| https://dpcd-coaplangis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-allocation-districts
| Dublin, OH
| Yes
| Yes
| All bar 2 have dates. Last date 2015.
| http://data-dublinohio.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/ff0af920c18e4aa78459137b6efcd3d3_0?uiTab=table&selectedAttributes%5B%5D=TIF_ID&chartType=bar
==Cities not in our sample with TIF Data==
{| class="wikitable"
! Name (City, State)
! Shape File? Yes/No
! Date Last Updated
! Link to Data
| Bloomington, IN
| No
| https://data.bloomington.in.gov/en/dataset/tax-increment-financing-tif-district-maps
| Oakland, MI
| Yes
| 2016
| http://accessoakland.oakgov.com/datasets/e90026448daa4d568daa3ef727d8d758_2
| St. Louis, MO
| No
| 2018
| http://www.bettertogetherstl.com/studies/economic-development/tif-database
| Philadelphia, PA
| No
| Larimer County, CO
| No
| New Hampshire
| No
| http://www.swrpc.org/files/data/com_econ_dev/ed/December%202003_%20TIF%20Handbook_7232010forweb.pdf
| Sherman, TX
| Yes
| 2017
| https://koordinates.com/layer/16403-finance-tax-increment-finance-tif/
| Cincinnati, OH
| No
| Michigan
| No
===Cities in our sample that have GIS data===
Chicago, IL is in our data with 179 max active.
2017 GIS Data it appears to contain everything that we might need (the CSV contains everything)!!!
2017 GIS Data it appears to contain everything that we might need (the CSV contains everything)!!!
Line 26: Line 385:
==Bloomington, IN==
====Columbus, OH====
Some maps that plot TIFs, suggesting underlying data...
Columbus,OH is in our data with 29 max active
KML with start dates!
They don't host the GIS data on their own site:
====Washington, DC====
Washington, DC is in our data with 63 max active
Data from 2011 available with TIF dates:
See also, high tech dev zones (2013):
Econ dev zones (2004)
====Houston, TX====
Houston, TX is in our data with 101 max active
Last updated 2017, appears to have dates!
====Dallas, TX====
Has a map: http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?url=https://gis.dallascityhall.com/wwwgis/rest/services/Eco_public/EconomicDevelopment/MapServer/1
But the data doesn't contain dates and doesn't appear to be exportable.
It looks like there is Dallas data with dates from 2016: http://www.dallascad.org/GISDataProducts.aspx
Burlington, VT is in our data with 10 max active
GIS KML file, but doesn't contain creation date
GIS KML file, but doesn't contain creation date
Line 43: Line 423:
==Dublin, OH==
====Dublin, OH====
Dublin, OH is not in our data
KML GIS data, has creation and expiration date!
KML GIS data, has creation and expiration date!
==Allegheny County, PA==
====Allegheny County, PA====
PA cities in our data:
Bethlehem              PA 10 Lehigh and Northampton counties
Chesterbrook          PA 11 Chester County
Horsham                PA 10 Montgomery County
King of Prussia        PA 15 Montgomery County
Philadelphia       PA 123 Philadelphia County
Pittsburgh       PA 150 Allegheny County
West Conshohocken      PA         Montgomery County
Pittsburgh,PA is in Allegheny County, and may be covered in the data
KML that is supposed to have dates but doesn't appear to
KML that is supposed to have dates but doesn't appear to
==Oakland, MI==
===Cities not in our sample===
====Bloomington, IN====
Bloomington, IN is not in our data
Some maps that plot TIFs, suggesting underlying data...
They don't host the GIS data on their own site:
====Oakland, MI====
Oakland, MI is not in our data
KML that has TIFs without dates
KML that has TIFs without dates
==Columbus, OH==
===Cities We Couldn't Find===
KML with start dates!
We looked for but couldn't find the following:
==Washington, DC==
Data from 2011 available with TIF dates:
See also, high tech dev zones (2013):
Econ dev zones (2004)
==Houston, TX==
Last updated 2017, appears to have dates!
==Cities We Couldn't Find==
*Denver, CO
*Denver, CO
*Bellevue, WA
*Bellevue, WA
*Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), TN
*Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), TN
*Washington, DC
*Washington, DC
South San Francisco, CA
*South San Francisco, CA
Portland, OR
*Portland, OR
Durham, NC
*Durham, NC
Pleasanton, CA
*Pleasanton, CA
Baltimore, MD
*Baltimore, MD
Burlington, MA
*Burlington, MA
Carlsbad, CA
*Carlsbad, CA
Milpitas, CA
*Milpitas, CA
Richardson, TX
*Richardson, TX
Lexington, MA
*Lexington, MA
Los Gatos, CA
*Los Gatos, CA
Memphis, TN
*Memphis, TN
Oakland, CA
*Oakland, CA
Charlotte, NC
*Charlotte, NC
Reston, VA
*Reston, VA
Tysons Corner, VA
*Tysons Corner, VA
Sandy Springs, GA
*Sandy Springs, GA
Campbell, CA
*Campbell, CA
Madison, WI
*Madison, WI
St. Louis, MO
*St. Louis, MO
Alpharetta, GA
*Alpharetta, GA
Berkeley, CA
*Berkeley, CA
Raleigh, NC
*Raleigh, NC
Phoenix, AZ
*Phoenix, AZ
Ann Arbor, MI
*Ann Arbor, MI
Woburn, MA
*Woburn, MA
Cary, NC
*Cary, NC
Emeryville, CA
*Emeryville, CA
Marlborough, MA
*Marlborough, MA
Burlingame, CA
*Burlingame, CA
Salt Lake City, UT
*Salt Lake City, UT
San Carlos, CA
*San Carlos, CA
Plano, TX
*Plano, TX
Scottsdale, AZ
*Scottsdale, AZ
Stamford, CT
*Stamford, CT
Alexandria, VA
*Alexandria, VA
Newton, MA
*Newton, MA
Pasadena, CA
*Pasadena, CA
Albuquerque, NM
*Albuquerque, NM
Arlington, VA
*Arlington, VA
Bethesda, MD
*Bethesda, MD
Columbus, OH
*Columbus, OH
Florence-Graham, CA
*Florence-Graham, CA
Kirkland, WA
*Kirkland, WA
Los Altos, CA
*Los Altos, CA
Cleveland, OH
*Cleveland, OH
Minneapolis, MN
*Minneapolis, MN
Boca Raton, FL
*Boca Raton, FL
Gaithersburg, MD
*Gaithersburg, MD
New Haven, CT
*New Haven, CT
Cincinnati, OH
*Cincinnati, OH
Eden Prairie, MN
*Eden Prairie, MN
Foster City, CA
*Foster City, CA
Indianapolis city (balance), IN
*Indianapolis city (balance), IN
Peachtree Corners, GA
*Peachtree Corners, GA
Columbia, MD
*Columbia, MD
Hayward, CA
*Hayward, CA
Irving, TX
*Irving, TX
Bothell, WA
*Bothell, WA
Watertown Town, MA
*Watertown Town, MA
Chantilly, VA
*Chantilly, VA
Culver City, CA
*Culver City, CA
Norwalk, CT
*Norwalk, CT
El Segundo, CA
*El Segundo, CA
Herndon, VA
*Herndon, VA
Providence RI
*Providence, RI
There's data on a couple of places that we don't care about on https://ckan.geoplatform.gov/#?q=tax%20increment
===Other Stuff===
====St. Louis, MO====
St. Louis has data but without GIS shapes. The data is here: http://www.bettertogetherstl.com/studies/economic-development/tif-database . It was apparently extracted from a 2015 report here: http://dor.mo.gov/pdf/2015TIFAnnualReport.pdf . The locations are google mapped here: http://www.bettertogetherstl.com/tax-incremental-financing-map. Data with dates is here: https://worldmap.harvard.edu/data/geonode:stlcitif_0u1
The St. Louis County appears to have shapefiles with start dates here: https://worldmap.harvard.edu/data/geonode:slcounty_tif_aqt (but not sure if they cover the city too).
City of Philly Enterprise Zones:
Enterprise Zones - Data includes commercial and industrial zones, i.e. areas with specific federal enterprise zone designation meant to attract and support businesses in blighted areas. Blighted areas are defined as meeting one of seven city mandated criteria, including unsafe, unsanitary and inadequate conditions; economically or socially undesirable land use; and faulty street and lot layout. https://www.opendataphilly.org/dataset/enterprise-zones
Also Empowerment Zones. https://www.opendataphilly.org/dataset/empowerment-zones
====Larimer County====
Larimer County Colorado: https://www.larimer.org/assessor/tif (no data)
====New Hampshire====
New Hampshire report (2003) says that "some have GIS data" http://www.swrpc.org/files/data/com_econ_dev/ed/December%202003_%20TIF%20Handbook_7232010forweb.pdf
We have Nashua, NH (max 14 active) in our data, but it isn't one that has GIS data.
====Sherman, TX====
Sherman, TX has GIS data without dates: https://koordinates.com/layer/16403-finance-tax-increment-finance-tif/
Cincinnati has TIFs (http://choosecincy.com/Economic-Development/Programs-Services/Incentives-Financing/Tax-Increment-Financing.aspx) but no GIS data...
Michigan as some state level data (not GIS) in summary somewhere because it is reference in this report: http://www.senate.michigan.gov/SFA/Publications/Notes/2016Notes/NotesWin16dk.pdf
===Academic/Policy papers===
A policy paper on the econ effects of TIFs https://projects.cberdata.org/reports/TifEconEffects-012815.pdf
==Uploading TIF Data onto database (tigertest)==
=== Command to upload KML file into a table in database (tigertest) ===
researcher@McNairDBServ:/bulk/tigertest$ ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=tigertest" chicagotif.kml -nln chicagotif
(chicagotif.kml is the name of the KML file and chicagotif is the name I wish to name the table)
=== Command to upload SHP file into a table in database (tigertest) ===
researcher@McNairDBServ:/bulk/Jeemin/Dallas$ shp2pgsql -I "TIFDistrict.shp" dallastif | psql -U postgres -W -d tigertest
* Run this command in a folder with all files for the table, such as files of type .shp, .dbf, .shx, .cpg, and .prj
* "TIFDistrict.shp" is the name of the shapefile and dallstif is the name of the table I wish to name
* Will be prompted for a password after running inputting this command
=== To view all columns of a table ===
\d+ <tablename>
=== Cities & Tables ===
==== Chicago: Included ====
Table name: chicagotif
    Column    |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                  Default                  | Storage  | Stats target | Description
ogc_fid      | integer                  |          | not null | nextval('chicagotif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
wkb_geometry | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |          |          |                                            | main    |              |
name        | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
description  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
begin        | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
end          | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
altitudemode | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
tessellate  | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
extrude      | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
visibility  | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
draworder    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
icon        | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
name_trim    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
show        | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
approval_d  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
ref          | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
objectid    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
ind          | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
repealed_d  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
comm_area    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
wards        | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
shape_area  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
sbif        | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
shape_len    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
type        | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
expiration  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
use          | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
pull columns: wkb_geometry, approval_d, expiration
=== Allegheny County, PA ===
Table name: alleghenycountytif
    Column      |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                      Default                      | Storage  | Stats target | Description
ogc_fid        | integer                  |          | not null | nextval('alleghenycountytif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
wkb_geometry    | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |          |          |                                                    | main    |              |
name            | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
description    | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
timestamp      | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                                    | plain    |              |
begin          | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                                    | plain    |              |
end            | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                                    | plain    |              |
altitudemode    | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
tessellate      | integer                  |          |          |                                                    | plain    |              |
extrude        | integer                  |          |          |                                                    | plain    |              |
visibility      | integer                  |          |          |                                                    | plain    |              |
draworder      | integer                  |          |          |                                                    | plain    |              |
icon            | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
objectid        | integer                  |          |          |                                                    | plain    |              |
terminationdate | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
effectivedate  | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
sponsor        | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
active          | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
verified        | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
notes          | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
verified_date  | character varying        |          |          |                                                    | extended |              |
==== Atlanta: Included ====
Table name: atlantatif
    Column    |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                  Default                  | Storage  | Stats target | Description
ogc_fid      | integer                  |          | not null | nextval('atlantatif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
wkb_geometry | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |          |          |                                            | main    |              |
name        | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
description  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
begin        | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
end          | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
altitudemode | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
tessellate  | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
extrude      | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
visibility  | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
draworder    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
icon        | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
objectid    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
id          | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
area        | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
tad_name    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
start_      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
status      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
shape_length | double precision        |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
shape_area  | double precision        |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
pull columns: wkb_geometry, start_, (say that end is 2020)
==== Columbus, OH ====
Table name: columbustif
    Column    |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                  Default                    | Storage  | Stats target | Description
ogc_fid        | integer                  |          | not null | nextval('columbustif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
wkb_geometry  | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |          |          |                                              | main    |              |
name          | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
description    | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
timestamp      | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                              | plain    |              |
begin          | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                              | plain    |              |
end            | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                              | plain    |              |
altitudemode  | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
tessellate    | integer                  |          |          |                                              | plain    |              |
extrude        | integer                  |          |          |                                              | plain    |              |
visibility    | integer                  |          |          |                                              | plain    |              |
draworder      | integer                  |          |          |                                              | plain    |              |
icon          | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
objectid      | integer                  |          |          |                                              | plain    |              |
fund_no        | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
orc            | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
ordinance      | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
passage        | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
agreement      | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
dte_status    | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
acres          | double precision        |          |          |                                              | plain    |              |
url            | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
last_edit_date | character varying        |          |          |                                              | extended |              |
==== Washington, D.C. ====
Table name: dctif
    Column    |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                Default                | Storage  | Stats target | Description
ogc_fid      | integer                  |          | not null | nextval('dctif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
wkb_geometry | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
name        | character varying        |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
description  | character varying        |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
begin        | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
end          | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
altitudemode | character varying        |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
tessellate  | integer                  |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
extrude      | integer                  |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
visibility  | integer                  |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
draworder    | integer                  |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
icon        | character varying        |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
objectid    | integer                  |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
url          | character varying        |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
dc_code      | character varying        |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
type        | character varying        |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
gis_id      | character varying        |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
shape_length | double precision        |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
shape_area  | double precision        |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
==== Dublin, OH: Included ====
Table name: dublintif
    Column    |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                  Default                  | Storage  | Stats target | Description
ogc_fid      | integer                  |          | not null | nextval('dublintif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
wkb_geometry  | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |          |          |                                            | main    |              |
name          | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
description  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
begin        | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
end          | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
altitudemode  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
tessellate    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
extrude      | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
visibility    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
draworder    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
icon          | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
objectid      | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
tif_id        | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
tif_name      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
tif_type      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
ord_date      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
ord_num      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
ord_mod1      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
ord_mod2      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
ord_mod3      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
pr_imp_st    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
pr_imp_val    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
pub_imp_st    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
pub_imp_val  | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
num_jobs      | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
exp_date      | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
globalid      | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
shapestarea  | double precision        |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
shapestlength | double precision        |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
pull columns: wkb_geometry, ord_date, exp_date
==== Vermont ====
Table name: vermonttif
    Column    |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                  Default                  | Storage  | Stats target | Description
ogc_fid      | integer                  |          | not null | nextval('vermonttif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
wkb_geometry  | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |          |          |                                            | main    |              |
name          | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
description  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
begin        | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
end          | timestamp with time zone |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
altitudemode  | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
tessellate    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
extrude      | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
visibility    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
draworder    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
icon          | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
objectid_1    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
status        | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
tif          | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
acresotv      | double precision        |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
parcels      | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
edtaxablev    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
munitaxabl    | integer                  |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
contactnam    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
contacttit    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
contacttel    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
contactema    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
stateconta    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
statetitle    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
statetelep    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
stateemail    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
datelastup    | character varying        |          |          |                                            | extended |              |
shapestarea  | double precision        |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
shapestlength | double precision        |          |          |                                            | plain    |              |
==== Dallas, TX: Included ====
Table name: dallastif
  Column  |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                Default                | Storage  | Stats target | Description
gid        | integer                |          | not null | nextval('dallastif_gid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
cvttxdscrp | character varying(150) |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
nofore    | bigint                |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
noappl    | bigint                |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
nosale    | bigint                |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
sumasvlchg | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
sumtxvlchg | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
sumtxodchg | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
lastupdate | date                  |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
cvttxcd    | integer                |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
name      | character varying(150) |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
created_us | character varying(254) |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
created_da | date                  |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
last_edite | character varying(254) |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
last_edi_1 | date                  |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
shape_star | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
shape_stle | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
shape_area | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
shape_len  | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
geom      | geometry(MultiPolygon) |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
pull columns: geom, created_da, (assume 2020 as end date)
==== Houston, TX ====
Table name: houstontif
  Column  |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                Default                | Storage  | Stats target | Description
gid        | integer                |          | not null | nextval('houstontif_gid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
perimeter  | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
name      | character varying(25)  |          |          |                                        | extended |              |
siteno    | integer                |          |          |                                        | plain    |              |
cohgis_coh | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
cohgis_c_1 | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
shape_area | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
shape_len  | numeric                |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
geom      | geometry(MultiPolygon) |          |          |                                        | main    |              |
==Newly Found Data==
The following were found later and are yet to be reviewed:
**Contains economic opportunity zones and data!

Latest revision as of 12:41, 21 September 2020

TIF Project
Project logo 02.png
Project Information
Has title TIF Project
Has owner Cindy Ryoo, Yunnie Huang
Has start date 11/20/2017
Has deadline date
Has keywords TIF; city; data; GIS; Tax Increment Finance; KML
Has project status Active
Has sponsor McNair Center
Has project output Data
Copyright © 2019 edegan.com. All Rights Reserved.


New data is in


Old data is in


Main output is a table tifallclean (in vcdb4), which has 666 records and name, startyear, endyear, geog, statecode, and source (i.e., whioch file it came from) fields.

The very first build of these data was documented at the bottom of this page and in Jeemin Sim (Work Log).


Install ogr2ogr on mother:

apt install gdal-bin

There are 10 TIF shapefiles, which either have date date embedded or where date data is separately available. Of these, 8 are loaded from KML files with ogr2ogr:

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Chicago.kml -nln tifchicago
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Columbus.kml -nln tifcolumbus
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" WashingtonDC.kml -nln tifwashingtondc
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Houston.kml -nln tifhouston
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Vermont.kml -nln tifvermont
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Dublin.kml -nln tifdublin
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" Atlanta.kml -nln tifatlanta
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb4" AlleghenyCounty.kml -nln tifalleghenycounty

Two are loaded with shp2pgsql, and in both cases the original data needs to be imported into ArcGIS and then exported in a standard projection as a first processing step. I used WGS1984:

--in ../StLouis1984
shp2pgsql -I "StLouisWGS1984" tifstlouis | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb4
--in ../Dallas1984
shp2pgsql -I "DallasWGS1984.shp" tifdallas | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb4


Notes from the Agglomeration Project


Starting the process with Chicago. Do the following:

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Chicago.kml -nln tifchicago

The table tifchicago corresponds to the XML below, except that it has some extra fields. The index field seems to be autogenerated, and tessellate, extrude and visibility are always -1,0, and -1 respectively. All other fields are blank, including description, timestamp, begin, and end (note that you can query end with "end" in postgres):

SELECT ogc_fid, name, description, timestamp, begin, "end", altitudemode, tessellate, extrude, visibility, draworder, icon FROM tifchicago;

The KML is an XML file with meta data (including an approval date, an expiration date, and a name, as well as some other values, some of which could be derived from the geometry) and then a set of points that describe the outer ring of a polygon:

	<name>Northwest Industrial Corridor</name>
		<value>Northwest Industrial Corridor</value>
		<value>T- 64</value>

The ind variable might be useful if they are sufficiently systematic across jurisdictions. use was a messy version of ind. The sbif apprears to be a Small Business Improvement Fund grant specific to Chicago [2]

SELECT sbif, count(*) FROM TifChicagoClean GROUP BY sbif;
sbif	count
Y	92
N	45

One by One

Chicago -- credit Jonathan Levy, created Jul 17, 2013, updated Mar 19, 2019 [3], has 138 TIFs with dates, approved from 1989-09-13 to 2018-10-31. Expiration ranges from 2018-07-13 to 2052-12-31.

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Chicago.kml -nln tifchicago

Columbus, OH. Last updated 8/8/2017. Downloaded full dataset [4], which should contain 69 records as a KML. URL in each record is out of date but just points to https://www.columbus.gov/development/economic-development/. Records have PASSAGE dates but no end dates. They also have DTE_STATUS but it isn't clear that this really means anything (something to do with filling form DTE24?).

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Columbus.kml -nln tifcolumbus

Washington, DC. Last updated 6/25/2019. Downloaded full dataset [5], which should contain 17 records. There are no dates and a quick search didn't find any. There's useful information here: https://cfo.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/ocfo/publication/attachments/tx_tif_chapter_2020j.pdf It should also be noted that firms located in the DC Ballpark TIF area are specifically excluded from being Qualified High Technology Companies[6]. Checked the old version, and it didn't have dates either... so the labelling on TIF Project appears incorrect.

Call: 202 727 1140 -- Aisa Reed, senior data analyst.
202 727 4364 Nate Cruz, deputy director of Office of Economic Development Finance
202 478 9152 Nancy Fox, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Economic Development Finance

Note that we might be able to infer them, one by one, from financial statements or by looking at their creating acts: https://cfo.dc.gov/node/230912

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" WashingtonDC.kml -nln tifwashingtondc

Some date data taken from: https://cfo.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/ocfo/publication/attachments/FY%202018%20DC%20CAFR_Full%20Report.pdf Others can be taken directly from the legislation either http://lims.dccouncil.us or https://code.dccouncil.us/dc/council/code/sections (better through Google). In 2 cases, I also took data from a news article [7]. See also, DC's TIF legislation: https://code.dccouncil.us/dc/council/code/titles/2/chapters/12/subchapters/IX/

Houston - no longer exists... But we have the shape files from the previous round of work. http://data.houstontx.gov/dataset/city-tax-increment-reinvestment-zones-tirz now leads to a dead link for the zip, but it does say that the file was created June 30, 2017, 2:27 PM (UTC-04:00) and last updated July 20, 2017, 2:22 PM (UTC-04:00). Again, though, no dates! Can go one by one through the creation docs found at https://www.houstontx.gov/ecodev/tirz_info.html This site lists 27 TIRZ, whereas there are only 23 in the old data. Harris County says that it participates in just 5 Houston TIRZs [8].

In z:/vcdb3/Houston:

shp2pgsql -I "TIRZ.shp" tifhouston | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3
drop table tifhouston;

In z:/vcdb3/HarrisCounty

shp2pgsql -I "TIRZ.shp" tifharriscounty | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3
drop table tifharriscounty;

See https://www.bostongis.com/pgsql2shp_shp2pgsql_quickguide.bqg for a cheatsheet for shp2pgsql.

Found City of Houston KML data here: https://cohgis-mycity.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/coh-tirz It doesn't have dates but does have 27 rows and was last updated 7/10/2019.

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Houston.kml -nln tifhouston

One TIF had a null name, which was changed to UNKNOWN. By process of elimination, this was Village Enclaves (Terminated).

Found the dates in a review: https://www.houstontx.gov/finance/COHTIRZPerformanceAudit-FINAL(INCLUDINGAPPENDICES-NOMAPS).pdf This was processed and extracted to E:\projects\agglomeration\TIF\HoustonDatesAndData.txt. Note that the total increment and project costs were $830,822k and $1,732,558k, respectively.

Also, the Texas Comptroller's office has a nice chapter on TIFs: https://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/ordredirect.html?open&id=tifintexas.html

Dallas - downloaded 'latest' data [9]. But no meta data is available. Shockingly, the data looks good and up to date. In contains legalstart and legalend fields for all 214 rows!

In z:/vcdb3/Dallas

shp2pgsql -I "LocalTaxDistrict.shp" tifdallas | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3

Vermont -- 12 records, last updated two years ago (4/7/2017), http://geodata.vermont.gov/datasets/cd53b08d40fc4e7dbc2757c36d038af5_7/data no dates available but one state contact (Megan Sullivan Executive Director, Vermont Economic Progress Council (802) 798-2221 Megan.Sullivan@vermont.gov) and an individual contact for each one. Dates are readily available from: https://accd.vermont.gov/sites/accdnew/files/documents/DED/VEPC/Tiff/TIFDISTRICTSstatus.pdf Other, more detailed info, is also available [10]. Note that Colchester was dissolved, having never become active and Milton has finished its debt service. TIFs get 10 yrs from approval to incur debt and then 20 yrs from debt to retain increment, which ends when debt service ends.

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Vermont.kml -nln tifvermont

Dublin, OH -- 46 records, last updated 5/8/2018, seems up to date. Has dates!

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Dublin.kml -nln tifdublin

Atlanta, GA -- Seems like 6+4 projects [11]. Found here: https://dcp-coaplangis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-allocation-district All 10, last updated 8/29/2018. Has creation and end dates.

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" Atlanta.kml -nln tifatlanta

AlleghenyCounty (Pittsburg), PA -- Available from https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries but dates are "None" through out. Looks up to date (says August 20, 2019, 5:00 PM), and has 34 records. Same data available from http://openac-alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries and https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries-a1715

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" AlleghenyCounty.kml -nln tifalleghenycounty

A report online [12], saved to the TIF folder, has end dates for 28 of 34 TIFs, which was used to infer start dates (T-20 from ). Note that the following TIF boundaries do not have dates:


Also the following TIFs do not have boundaries:

Summerset at Frick Park

Robinson Mall Peripheral is lumped in with Robinson Mall in the boundary data.

Looking for add ons

State-by-State-TIF-Spreadsheeet.xls is in the TIF folder. It was found on https://www.bettertogetherstl.com/economic-development-source-materials?rq=TIF and details the state level inception of TIF programs.

St. Louis, has shape files: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/data/tax-increment-financing-districts.cfm, also available as GEOJSON, but no date info. File name includes TIF_DISTRICTS_20190830, which implies it is up-to-date. St. Loius County has a KML file [13] with a PASSED field. It may or may not coincide... and might not be up to date.

There are also recent KMLs without dates here: https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/8918f94ffeca407fa48db2d66bc74c52/data And an official map, without data available seperately here: https://gisportal.stlouis-mo.gov/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=5cf974631f65487f868c5bfcfaa3e9f9 This says to contact Dale Ruthsatz (314) 657-3732 for help. Might also be able to get dates out of https://dor.mo.gov/business/tif/.

Found the data on the dates here: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/sldc/documents/upload/Summary-of-TIF-Redevelopment-Projects-Updated-12-31-18.pdf Also, the duration is a max of 23 years [stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/sldc/economic-development/tax-increment-financing.cfm]

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=vcdb3" StLouisCounty.kml -nln tifstlouiscounty

--There are 46 records and we'd have to work to pull the passed field out of the description DROP TABLE tifstlouiscounty;

shp2pgsql -I "TIF_DISTRICTS_20190830.shp" tifstlouis | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3

--118 records

But, like Dallas, this data is in a non-standard projection (NAD_1983_StatePlane_Missouri_East_FIPS_2401_Feet).

DROP TABLE tifstlouis;
shp2pgsql -I "StLouisWGS1984" tifstlouis | psql -U researcher -W -d vcdb3

These were put together with the dates using some regexes:

^(.*) Retired.*$
^(.*) Active.*$
^(.*) Terminated.*$
^(.*) Never Approved.*$
^(.*) On Hold.*$
.* (\d\d?\-\w\w\w-\d\d).*

Old Work

Cities in our sample with TIF Data

Name (City, State) Shape File? Yes/No Start/End Dates? Yes/No Notes Link to Data
Chicago, IL Yes Yes Upto 2016. All good. https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Boundaries-Tax-Increment-Financing-Districts/fz5x-7zak
Columbus, OH Yes Yes Date is in 'passage' (change type in db) http://data-columbus.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-increment-financing-areas
Washington, DC Yes Yes, about 50% Data coverage unknown but posted in 2018 http://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/tax-increment-financing-tif-areas\
Houston, TX Yes No Data coverage unknown but appears updated in 2017 (says 2013 elsewhere) http://data.houstontx.gov/dataset/city-tax-increment-reinvestment-zones-tirz
Dallas, TX Yes No Maybe 15% have dates (only 2013/14) http://www.dallascad.org/GISDataProducts.aspx
Vermont Yes No Appears last updated in Apr 2017 http://geodata.vermont.gov/datasets/cd53b08d40fc4e7dbc2757c36d038af5_7/data
Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), PA Yes No Do this one last! (Appears created 2017) https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries
Atlanta, GA Yes Yes Only 10 records. Ends 2006. Might be up to date? https://dpcd-coaplangis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/tax-allocation-districts
Dublin, OH Yes Yes All bar 2 have dates. Last date 2015. http://data-dublinohio.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/ff0af920c18e4aa78459137b6efcd3d3_0?uiTab=table&selectedAttributes%5B%5D=TIF_ID&chartType=bar

Cities not in our sample with TIF Data

Name (City, State) Shape File? Yes/No Date Last Updated Link to Data
Bloomington, IN No https://data.bloomington.in.gov/en/dataset/tax-increment-financing-tif-district-maps
Oakland, MI Yes 2016 http://accessoakland.oakgov.com/datasets/e90026448daa4d568daa3ef727d8d758_2
St. Louis, MO No 2018 http://www.bettertogetherstl.com/studies/economic-development/tif-database
Philadelphia, PA No
Larimer County, CO No
New Hampshire No http://www.swrpc.org/files/data/com_econ_dev/ed/December%202003_%20TIF%20Handbook_7232010forweb.pdf
Sherman, TX Yes 2017 https://koordinates.com/layer/16403-finance-tax-increment-finance-tif/
Cincinnati, OH No
Michigan No

Cities in our sample that have GIS data


Chicago, IL is in our data with 179 max active.

2017 GIS Data it appears to contain everything that we might need (the CSV contains everything)!!! https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Boundaries-Tax-Increment-Financing-Districts/fz5x-7zak

Other Data on all tifs (inc start and end date) up to 2012 https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/TIF-Status-and-Eligibility/3qsz-jemf

Map (but not GIS) based data of Chicago TIFs up to 2017. Included CDC date. https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Tax-Increment-Financing-TIF-Projects-Map/v3a3-hhqn

This dataset is a comprehensive list of every project in every TIF District that has received funding from the City of Chicago via the TIF program from the inception of TIF to current. https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Tax-Increment-Financing-TIF-Projects/mex4-ppfc

Chicago KML from another source https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/boundaries-tax-increment-financing-districts

Columbus, OH

Columbus,OH is in our data with 29 max active KML with start dates! http://catalog.smartcolumbuside.com/en/dataset/tax-increment-financing-areas1


Washington, DC

Washington, DC is in our data with 63 max active Data from 2011 available with TIF dates: http://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/tax-increment-financing-tif-areas See also, high tech dev zones (2013): http://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/111b31a212814aad9320d301ccf9d6a9_20 Econ dev zones (2004) http://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/a3aefd57db394fd68d739556253dc44d_18

Houston, TX

Houston, TX is in our data with 101 max active Last updated 2017, appears to have dates! http://data.houstontx.gov/dataset/city-tax-increment-reinvestment-zones-tirz

Dallas, TX

Has a map: http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?url=https://gis.dallascityhall.com/wwwgis/rest/services/Eco_public/EconomicDevelopment/MapServer/1 But the data doesn't contain dates and doesn't appear to be exportable. It looks like there is Dallas data with dates from 2016: http://www.dallascad.org/GISDataProducts.aspx


Burlington, VT is in our data with 10 max active

GIS KML file, but doesn't contain creation date http://geodata.vermont.gov/datasets/cd53b08d40fc4e7dbc2757c36d038af5_7/data

Think the same thing is here: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/vt-tax-increment-financing-tif-districts

Overview info: http://accd.vermont.gov/community-development/funding-incentives/tif

Dublin, OH

Dublin, OH is not in our data KML GIS data, has creation and expiration date! http://data-dublinohio.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/ff0af920c18e4aa78459137b6efcd3d3_0?uiTab=table&selectedAttributes%5B%5D=TIF_ID&chartType=bar

Allegheny County, PA

PA cities in our data:

Bethlehem              PA	10	Lehigh and Northampton counties
Chesterbrook           PA	11	Chester County
Horsham                PA	10	Montgomery County
King of Prussia        PA	15	Montgomery County
Philadelphia	       PA	123	Philadelphia County
Pittsburgh	       PA	150	Allegheny County
West Conshohocken      PA	        Montgomery County

Pittsburgh,PA is in Allegheny County, and may be covered in the data KML that is supposed to have dates but doesn't appear to https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries

Cities not in our sample

Bloomington, IN

Bloomington, IN is not in our data

Some maps that plot TIFs, suggesting underlying data... https://data.bloomington.in.gov/en/dataset/tax-increment-financing-tif-district-maps

They don't host the GIS data on their own site: https://data.bloomington.in.gov/en/dataset?sort=score+desc%2C+metadata_modified+desc&res_format=KML&q=&page=2

Oakland, MI

Oakland, MI is not in our data KML that has TIFs without dates http://accessoakland.oakgov.com/datasets/e90026448daa4d568daa3ef727d8d758_2

Cities We Couldn't Find

We looked for but couldn't find the following:

  • Denver, CO
  • Bellevue, WA
  • Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), TN
  • Washington, DC
  • South San Francisco, CA
  • Portland, OR
  • Durham, NC
  • Pleasanton, CA
  • Baltimore, MD
  • Burlington, MA
  • Carlsbad, CA
  • Milpitas, CA
  • Richardson, TX
  • Lexington, MA
  • Los Gatos, CA
  • Memphis, TN
  • Oakland, CA
  • Charlotte, NC
  • Reston, VA
  • Tysons Corner, VA
  • Sandy Springs, GA
  • Campbell, CA
  • Madison, WI
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Alpharetta, GA
  • Berkeley, CA
  • Raleigh, NC
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Ann Arbor, MI
  • Woburn, MA
  • Cary, NC
  • Emeryville, CA
  • Marlborough, MA
  • Burlingame, CA
  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • San Carlos, CA
  • Plano, TX
  • Scottsdale, AZ
  • Stamford, CT
  • Alexandria, VA
  • Newton, MA
  • Pasadena, CA
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Arlington, VA
  • Bethesda, MD
  • Columbus, OH
  • Florence-Graham, CA
  • Kirkland, WA
  • Los Altos, CA
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Minneapolis, MN
  • Boca Raton, FL
  • Gaithersburg, MD
  • New Haven, CT
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • Eden Prairie, MN
  • Foster City, CA
  • Indianapolis city (balance), IN
  • Peachtree Corners, GA
  • Columbia, MD
  • Hayward, CA
  • Irving, TX
  • Bothell, WA
  • Watertown Town, MA
  • Chantilly, VA
  • Culver City, CA
  • Norwalk, CT
  • El Segundo, CA
  • Herndon, VA
  • Providence, RI

There's data on a couple of places that we don't care about on https://ckan.geoplatform.gov/#?q=tax%20increment

Other Stuff

St. Louis, MO

St. Louis has data but without GIS shapes. The data is here: http://www.bettertogetherstl.com/studies/economic-development/tif-database . It was apparently extracted from a 2015 report here: http://dor.mo.gov/pdf/2015TIFAnnualReport.pdf . The locations are google mapped here: http://www.bettertogetherstl.com/tax-incremental-financing-map. Data with dates is here: https://worldmap.harvard.edu/data/geonode:stlcitif_0u1

The St. Louis County appears to have shapefiles with start dates here: https://worldmap.harvard.edu/data/geonode:slcounty_tif_aqt (but not sure if they cover the city too).


City of Philly Enterprise Zones:

Enterprise Zones - Data includes commercial and industrial zones, i.e. areas with specific federal enterprise zone designation meant to attract and support businesses in blighted areas. Blighted areas are defined as meeting one of seven city mandated criteria, including unsafe, unsanitary and inadequate conditions; economically or socially undesirable land use; and faulty street and lot layout. https://www.opendataphilly.org/dataset/enterprise-zones

Also Empowerment Zones. https://www.opendataphilly.org/dataset/empowerment-zones

Larimer County

Larimer County Colorado: https://www.larimer.org/assessor/tif (no data)

New Hampshire

New Hampshire report (2003) says that "some have GIS data" http://www.swrpc.org/files/data/com_econ_dev/ed/December%202003_%20TIF%20Handbook_7232010forweb.pdf We have Nashua, NH (max 14 active) in our data, but it isn't one that has GIS data.

Sherman, TX

Sherman, TX has GIS data without dates: https://koordinates.com/layer/16403-finance-tax-increment-finance-tif/


Cincinnati has TIFs (http://choosecincy.com/Economic-Development/Programs-Services/Incentives-Financing/Tax-Increment-Financing.aspx) but no GIS data...


Michigan as some state level data (not GIS) in summary somewhere because it is reference in this report: http://www.senate.michigan.gov/SFA/Publications/Notes/2016Notes/NotesWin16dk.pdf

Academic/Policy papers

A policy paper on the econ effects of TIFs https://projects.cberdata.org/reports/TifEconEffects-012815.pdf

Uploading TIF Data onto database (tigertest)

Command to upload KML file into a table in database (tigertest)

researcher@McNairDBServ:/bulk/tigertest$ ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=tigertest" chicagotif.kml -nln chicagotif

(chicagotif.kml is the name of the KML file and chicagotif is the name I wish to name the table)

Command to upload SHP file into a table in database (tigertest)

researcher@McNairDBServ:/bulk/Jeemin/Dallas$ shp2pgsql -I "TIFDistrict.shp" dallastif | psql -U postgres -W -d tigertest
  • Run this command in a folder with all files for the table, such as files of type .shp, .dbf, .shx, .cpg, and .prj
  • "TIFDistrict.shp" is the name of the shapefile and dallstif is the name of the table I wish to name
  • Will be prompted for a password after running inputting this command

To view all columns of a table

\d+ <tablename>

Cities & Tables

Chicago: Included

Table name: chicagotif

   Column    |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                   Default                   | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid      | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('chicagotif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                             | main     |              | 
name         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
description  | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
begin        | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
end          | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
altitudemode | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
tessellate   | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
extrude      | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
visibility   | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
draworder    | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
icon         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
name_trim    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
show         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
approval_d   | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
ref          | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
objectid     | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
ind          | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
repealed_d   | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
comm_area    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
wards        | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
shape_area   | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
sbif         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
shape_len    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
type         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
expiration   | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
use          | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              |
pull columns: wkb_geometry, approval_d, expiration

Allegheny County, PA

Table name: alleghenycountytif

    Column      |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                       Default                       | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid         | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('alleghenycountytif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry    | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                                     | main     |              | 
name            | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
description     | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
timestamp       | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
begin           | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
end             | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
altitudemode    | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
tessellate      | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
extrude         | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
visibility      | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
draworder       | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
icon            | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
objectid        | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
terminationdate | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
effectivedate   | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
sponsor         | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
active          | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
verified        | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
notes           | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
verified_date   | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              |

Atlanta: Included

Table name: atlantatif

   Column    |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                   Default                   | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid      | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('atlantatif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                             | main     |              | 
name         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
description  | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
begin        | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
end          | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
altitudemode | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
tessellate   | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
extrude      | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
visibility   | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
draworder    | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
icon         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
objectid     | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
id           | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
area         | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
tad_name     | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
start_       | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
status       | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
shape_length | double precision         |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
shape_area   | double precision         |           |          |                                             | plain    |              |
pull columns: wkb_geometry, start_, (say that end is 2020)

Columbus, OH

Table name: columbustif

    Column     |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                   Default                    | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid        | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('columbustif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry   | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                              | main     |              | 
name           | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
description    | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
timestamp      | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
begin          | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
end            | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
altitudemode   | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
tessellate     | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
extrude        | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
visibility     | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
draworder      | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
icon           | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
objectid       | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
fund_no        | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
orc            | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
ordinance      | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
passage        | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
agreement      | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
dte_status     | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
acres          | double precision         |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
url            | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
last_edit_date | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              |

Washington, D.C.

Table name: dctif

   Column    |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                Default                 | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid      | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('dctif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                        | main     |              | 
name         | character varying        |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
description  | character varying        |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
begin        | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
end          | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
altitudemode | character varying        |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
tessellate   | integer                  |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
extrude      | integer                  |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
visibility   | integer                  |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
draworder    | integer                  |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
icon         | character varying        |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
objectid     | integer                  |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
url          | character varying        |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
dc_code      | character varying        |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
type         | character varying        |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
gis_id       | character varying        |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
shape_length | double precision         |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
shape_area   | double precision         |           |          |                                        | plain    |              |

Dublin, OH: Included

Table name: dublintif

   Column     |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                  Default                   | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid       | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('dublintif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry  | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                            | main     |              | 
name          | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
description   | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
timestamp     | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
begin         | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
end           | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
altitudemode  | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
tessellate    | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
extrude       | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
visibility    | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
draworder     | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
icon          | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
objectid      | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
tif_id        | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
tif_name      | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
tif_type      | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
ord_date      | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
ord_num       | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
ord_mod1      | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
ord_mod2      | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
ord_mod3      | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
pr_imp_st     | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
pr_imp_val    | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
pub_imp_st    | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
pub_imp_val   | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
num_jobs      | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
exp_date      | integer                  |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
globalid      | character varying        |           |          |                                            | extended |              | 
shapestarea   | double precision         |           |          |                                            | plain    |              | 
shapestlength | double precision         |           |          |                                            | plain    |              |
pull columns: wkb_geometry, ord_date, exp_date


Table name: vermonttif

   Column     |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                   Default                   | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid       | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('vermonttif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry  | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                             | main     |              | 
name          | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
description   | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
timestamp     | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
begin         | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
end           | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
altitudemode  | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
tessellate    | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
extrude       | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
visibility    | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
draworder     | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
icon          | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
objectid_1    | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
status        | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
tif           | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
acresotv      | double precision         |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
parcels       | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
edtaxablev    | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
munitaxabl    | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
contactnam    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
contacttit    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
contacttel    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
contactema    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
stateconta    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
statetitle    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
statetelep    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
stateemail    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
datelastup    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
shapestarea   | double precision         |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
shapestlength | double precision         |           |          |                                             | plain    |              |

Dallas, TX: Included

Table name: dallastif

  Column   |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                Default                 | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
gid        | integer                |           | not null | nextval('dallastif_gid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
cvttxdscrp | character varying(150) |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
nofore     | bigint                 |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
noappl     | bigint                 |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
nosale     | bigint                 |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
sumasvlchg | numeric                |           |          |                                        | main     |              | 
sumtxvlchg | numeric                |           |          |                                        | main     |              | 
sumtxodchg | numeric                |           |          |                                        | main     |              | 
lastupdate | date                   |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
cvttxcd    | integer                |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
name       | character varying(150) |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
created_us | character varying(254) |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
created_da | date                   |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
last_edite | character varying(254) |           |          |                                        | extended |              | 
last_edi_1 | date                   |           |          |                                        | plain    |              | 
shape_star | numeric                |           |          |                                        | main     |              | 
shape_stle | numeric                |           |          |                                        | main     |              | 
shape_area | numeric                |           |          |                                        | main     |              | 
shape_len  | numeric                |           |          |                                        | main     |              | 
geom       | geometry(MultiPolygon) |           |          |                                        | main     |              |
pull columns: geom, created_da, (assume 2020 as end date)

Houston, TX

Table name: houstontif

  Column   |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                 Default                 | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
gid        | integer                |           | not null | nextval('houstontif_gid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
perimeter  | numeric                |           |          |                                         | main     |              | 
name       | character varying(25)  |           |          |                                         | extended |              | 
siteno     | integer                |           |          |                                         | plain    |              | 
cohgis_coh | numeric                |           |          |                                         | main     |              | 
cohgis_c_1 | numeric                |           |          |                                         | main     |              | 
shape_area | numeric                |           |          |                                         | main     |              | 
shape_len  | numeric                |           |          |                                         | main     |              | 
geom       | geometry(MultiPolygon) |           |          |                                         | main     |              |

Newly Found Data

The following were found later and are yet to be reviewed: