The Economics of Growth

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A Solution to Vermont’s Declining Economy

A Solution to Vermont’s Declining Economy

Small, Dwindling, and Dead Last Vermont has pockets of prosperous haves in amongst fields of withering have-nots. Overall, though, the state’s economy has foundered for a long time. If you order America’s states on almost any economic measure,…

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McNair Center Articles

The Right to Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship and human rights are not frequently mentioned in the same conversation in the United States. However, in international policy, human rights and entrepreneurship are linked by many common policy goals, including enforcing the rule of law, improving infrastructure and fighting corruption. Rights necessary to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors–like the right to participate in the economy, the rights to…

Congress Turns Its Attention to Entrepreneurship and Innovation—But Does It Take Effective Action?

Legislation passed during the first three months of  the 115th Congress pays disproportionate attention to entrepreneurship and innovation. McNair Center research shows that in a typical congressional session, less than 2 percent of legislation introduced is relevant to E&I issues. As of March 23, three of the ten bills that have become law during the 115th Congress directly address entrepreneurship and…

Small Business and Overtime Regulation

Clocking in: Small Business and Overtime Regulation What is the New Overtime Regulation? On December 1, 2016, the Labor Department will officially institute new regulations on overtime eligibility for workers. Announced on May 17, the new rules require business owners to pay salary workers earning up to $47,476 a year time-and-a-half overtime pay when they work more…

Bureaucracy and Public Sector Innovation

The public benefits greatly when there are innovations in how our government approaches policymaking and regulation. However, sometimes barriers created by bureaucratic structures can slow implementation. When regulation and rigidity are holding us back, leaders are responsible for ensuring that our government institutions are allowing for change when our old ways of approaching challenges become…

Silicon Valley: A Powerhouse for Innovation

Silicon Valley’s economy is a powerhouse. Representing 14% of U.S. Gross Domestic Product, if California were a country, it would have the sixth biggest economy in the world. Although it has remained successful for decades, California was not always the leader that it is today. What about California led it to become a high-tech phenomena?…