The Economics of Growth

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Exploring Economic Consultants’ AI Capabilities for Litigation 

Exploring Economic Consultants’ AI Capabilities for Litigation 

This article compares 12 US economic consulting firms' AI capabilities, particularly those used to support litigation engagements. It finds that Cornerstone, Brattle, and AG have material AI capabilities and experience applying them to litigation. A second tier of…

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McNair Center Articles

Big Problems for Small Practices

Big Problems for Small Practices: Examining the Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Entrepreneurship in the Healthcare Field The doctor-patient relationship is an important aspect of healthcare. Small physician practices, offices with no more than a couple doctors, have been the long-standing foundation of this relationship. Unfortunately, legislative changes disincentivize doctors from being small…

Reducing Recidivism through Entrepreneurship

Reducing Recidivism through Entrepreneurship High rates of recidivism in the United States negatively affect prisons, inmates, the government and tax-paying citizens. In 2013, the U.S. imprisoned 2,220,300 people. A Bureau of Justice Statistics study found that within three years of release, 67.8% of released prisoners were rearrested. Within five years, 76.6% of released prisoners were…

Congress Turns Its Attention to Entrepreneurship and Innovation—But Does It Take Effective Action?

Legislation passed during the first three months of  the 115th Congress pays disproportionate attention to entrepreneurship and innovation. McNair Center research shows that in a typical congressional session, less than 2 percent of legislation introduced is relevant to E&I issues. As of March 23, three of the ten bills that have become law during the 115th Congress directly address entrepreneurship and…

Bureaucracy and Public Sector Innovation

The public benefits greatly when there are innovations in how our government approaches policymaking and regulation. However, sometimes barriers created by bureaucratic structures can slow implementation. When regulation and rigidity are holding us back, leaders are responsible for ensuring that our government institutions are allowing for change when our old ways of approaching challenges become…

Mile-High Entrepreneurship

Boulder has long been considered Colorado’s startup hub, but Denver is emerging as a strong contender. Mentoring and venture capital support have helped Denver’s ecosystem expand rapidly so that it is well on its way to becoming self-sustaining. Denver has garnered a reputation as one of the best places for high-tech, high-growth ventures.The total number…