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1 byte removed ,  16:43, 24 February 2016
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Despite all of the backlash the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, has received for its perceived potential destruction on small businesses, for the most part, small businesses with under 50 full time employees are not greatly affected by the Act. In fact, companies with under 50 employees, which make up a large portion of small businesses, are not penalized at all for not providing comprehensive and affordable health care to their employees. Companies with between 50 to 99 employees are required to provide insurance, but the penalties imposed for not complying with the ACA requirements were delayed until 2016, while the penalty for companies with >99 employees was delayed until 2015.
"Four years after President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, there is still uncertainty regarding its effects, due to delays and exemptions granted by the Obama administration and challenges still pending in the courts. So far, however, there is plenty of evidence that the ACA, or Obamacare, is raising the cost of health insurance to employers and individuals.
Anonymous user

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