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Created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government, the Small Business Administration's (SBA) has two strategic goals: first, growing businesses and creating jobs, and second, to serve as the voice for small business. SBA claims that the core of their entrepreneurial development is the foundation of targeted, effective advising, training, and mentoring services to drive business. Their entrepreneurial development performance goal focuses on driving greater participation in the resource partner advising and mentoring programs and training courses. The SBA primarily offers a range of financial assistance programs for small businesses that may have trouble qualifying for a traditional bank loan. SBA's programs also include financial and federal contract procurement assistance, management assistance, and specialized outreach to women, minorities and armed forces veterans. SBA also provides loans to victims of natural disasters and specialized advice and assistance in international trade. [| ]
==Useful data information==#[| Links to list of district offices]*note: each office has its own unique way of showing lender data--some use PDFs, some use excel sheets, some don't report it at all (or if they do, they make it very difficult to find(Alabama, where your loans at??)).#[| 100 most active 7(a) loan lenders]#[| SBA lending statistics for major programs, this has several statistic pages a new one of which is created every week to track weekly progress]#[| this is a pdf of all the microlenders in each state, no actual numbers, just list of lenders]#[| some old sketchy database of government contracts - can't find anything related to sba after 1997] ==SBA and FY 2016 EntrepreneurshipGoals==*FY 2016 broad Broad goal: Strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystems through a variety of strategic partnerships to provide tailored training, mentoring, and advising services that support entrepreneurs during every phase of their business growth.*FY 2016 performance Performance goal: reach 1.4 million clients with online and in-person training, mentoring, and advising in FY 2016.*Programsoffered: Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), Women's Business Centers (WBC), SCORE, Learning Center, Boots to Business, Regional Innovation Clusters, Entrepreneurship Education, Emerging Leaders
#Harness SBA's nationwide network of resource partners
#Improve entrepreneurial ecosystems through cross-agency and public-private partnerships
#Offer tailored training through structured programs and online access. “Banks without technology are not going to be able to compete,” says Neil Underwood, Live Oak’s president(7a lender bank at number 2 spot in country).
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