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*If there are multiple P matches but no A matches, take the one that was arrived at first.
*If there are multiple A matches but no P matches, take the one that was arrived at first.
==Human Choices==
It is generally preferrable to have a very high degree of confidence in the fuzzy matches, so that they can be treated as correct without individual inspection. However the script and modules are capable of matching to any degree of accuracy. To get further matches that can be inspected/validated/chosen by a human agent, a very weak criteria is set for two runs of fuzzy matching, and then in each run the best (in terms of parameter scores) options are recorded and written into a 'human choice' file.
As a result a human choice file may contain:
#No matches for a source string as none of the reference strings managed to reach even the very weak threshold criteria.
#One match, as both runs of fuzzy matching produced the same recommendation.
#Two matches, as both runs of fuzzy matching produced one best candidate and the candidates were unique.
#More than two matches, as one or both of the fuzzy matching runs had multiple unique candidates with the same scores.
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