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806 bytes added ,  19:17, 23 October 2011
==Particularly Useful Papers==
I found the following papers from the class particularly useful:*Manski (1993): Identifcation of Endogenous Social E¤ects: The Reflection Problem, Review of Economic Studies , 60 , pp. 531-542. ([[Media:Manski (1993) - Identification of Endogenous Social Effects.pdf |pdf]])*Sacerdote (2001): Peer Effects with Random Assignment: Results for Dartmouth Roommates, Quarterly Journal of Economics , 116 (2) , pp. 681-704 ([[Media:Sacerdote (2001) - Peer Effects with Random Assignment.pdf |pdf]])
In addition, these paper from my own reading were highly relevant:*Jackson, Matthew O. (2003), "A Survey of Models of Network Formation: Stability and Efficiency", in "Group Formation in Economics: Networks, Clubs, and Coalitions", edited by Gabrielle Demange and Myrna Wooders, Cambridge University Press*Manski (1993[[Media:Jackson (2003): Identi…cation - A Survey of Endogenous Social E¤ects: The Re‡ection Problem, Review Models of Economic Studies , 60 , pp. 531-542Network Formation Stability and Effciency.pdf |pdf]])*Ozsoylev, Han, Johan Walden, Deniz Yavuz, Recep Bildik (2011), “Investor Networks in the Stock Market”, Working Paper([[Media:Ozsoylev Walden Yavuz Bildik (2011) - Investor Networks in the Stock Market.pdf |pdf]]) I also strongly recommend interested students to read:*Sacerdote Roth, A.E. (20011988), "The Shapley value: Peer E¤ects with Random Assignment: Results for Dartmouth Roommates, Quarterly Journal essays in honor of Economics Lloyd S. Shapley", 116 Cambridge Univ. Press.(2This should be available in your library. It provides the cooperative game theory foundations for modern network economics. And Roth writes an excellent foreword and chapter that will get you up to speed fast.) , pp. 681-704
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