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To run the matching script:
julia -i LBOmatchingscriptLBOmatchscript.jl
dumps you to an interactive shell afterwards to do diagnostics:
println("Number of LBOs with complete data available for matching", size(LBOs,1))
We adjusted the bounds on patenting to 25% (and rounded the result to an integer) in the match script(s). This gave 173 matches from 173 candidates. See below for more information about catching the one unmatched. We also adjusted the script so that it just outputs the matches and throws out everything else. This can be uncommented if needed.
Import the matches into the dbase and generate the patent statistics using PatentMeasures.sql. Note that it is not possible to generate the patent measures for all of Compustat -- the data is just too big.
Then run
====Catching the one unmatched====
173 in, 1 unmatched:
10859 1985 0 19 3 0.005588403 0 1
We can catch several obs if we move to 25% bounds (especially if we round up/down to integers) on patenting. After doing this we have 173 matches!
====Notes on manual fixes====

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