update-initramfs -u
shutdown -r now
These instructions are taken from the [[Research_Computing_Configuration#Samba]] page with only minor modifications. This guide is helpful: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-configure-samba-server-share-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux
Check samba is running
samba --version
Then fix the conf file:
cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak
vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
usershare allow guests = no
;comment out the [printers] and [print$] sections
comment = Bulk RAID Array
path = /bulk
browseable = yes
create mask= 0775
directory mask = 0775
read only = no
guest ok = no
Test the parameters, change the permissions and ownership:
testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf
chmod 770 /bulk
groupadd smbusers
chown :smbusers /bulk
Now create the researcher account, and add it to the samba share group
cat /etc/group
groupadd -g 1002 researcher
useradd -g researcher -G smbusers -s /bin/bash -p 1234 -d /home/researcher -m
passwd researcher
hint: littleamount
smbpasswd -a researcher
Finally restart samba:
systemctl restart smbd
systemctl restart nmbd
Check it works:
smbclient -L localhost
(no root password)
And add users to the samba group:
usermod -G smbusers ed
===Dev Tools===
*Caffe: http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/
*BIDMach: https://github.com/BIDData/BIDMach/wiki/Installing-and-Running
Configure the Samba Server
Create researcher account