:* 3 other economic development programs
==Source: https://www.clustermapping.us/organization-type/innovation-and-entrepreneurship-support-organizations ==# Opened source link# Received 292 results for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Organizations in the US# Data:# Brief Description:# Company name with link to a separate page within cluster mapping::# Link to Company Website::# Regions'''Review'''* Provides a long list of entrepreneurship organizations* Limitation: Often data is missing off of the separate page for the company, including the URL to the company's website. The description is often not detailed enough to determine the category for the economic organization without going to the company's website.* Limitation: Different types of entrepreneurship organizations are mixed together* Using the first 10 links, three were accelerators, six were missing links (two were self-proclaimed incubators in description), and one was another type of support organization.