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In order to access the McNair Center resources, you generally need to be on the Rice network. Exceptions to this include accessing the dbase and webserver by ssh, and accessing the webserver (including the wiki) through the web. To access all other resources, you need to be connected in one of three ways:
#By a wired ethernet connection on the Rice campus, including through wired workstations at the McNair Center
#Through the Rice Owls wireless network (note: the Rice Visitor network will not allow you access)
#From off-campus (or through Rice Vistor, etc.) but through the VPN. Connection details are available here:
== Connecting to the RDP Server ==
To connect to the RDP Server, you will need a user account on the RDP server. If you don't have one, see Edtalk to a manager who can follow the instructions on [[Administrative Help]].
=== For PCs ===
# Go to the Start menu and search for and then open the "Remote Desktop Connection" application
# In the new window, enter the RDP machine's domain name ( or IP address (128199.42188.44177.182215) into the text box labeled "Computer"# Click "Show Options" and then enter ad.mcnaircenter.orgad0\user (where user should be replaced with your username on the RDP server) as the username
# Click Connect and type in your password when prompted
# You should now be able to access the RDP machine from the resulting window
Note that you can also use\user as the username if you have issues.
=== For Macs ===
# Open the app and go to Create / Edit Remote Desktops.
# On the Connection Center screen click New. A new window should pop up prompting you for several fields of information. Here are the important ones:
 * PC name: this should be the RDP machine's domain name ( or IP address (128199.42188.44177.182215)* Credentials: The user name and password to be used for the RDP server. Your username should be ad.mcnaircenter.orgad0\user (where user is replaced with your username on the RDP server) and your password is your password on the RDP server. 
# Save the remote desktop and you should be able to access it from the Microsoft Remote Desktop App.
== Mapping the Network Drive == To map to a network drive, Note that you will need a can also use\user account on as the RDP server. If username if you don't have one, see Edissues.
=== For PCs =Mapping the Database Server as Z==
# Open File Explorer on your PC the RDP and click "This PC"
# Look for the "Computer" tab in the menu at the top of the window and choose "Map Network Drive"
# In the new window, choose any empty drive letter (for example, Z:) and for the folder, type \\128192.42168.442.18292\mcnairbulk
# Check the "Connect using different credentials" checkbox
# Click Finish and enter your username (in the form\user where user is replaced with your username on '''researcher''' and the RDP server) and appropriate password when prompted# You should be able to see the network database server's bulk drive as Z on your computer RDP account now. === For Macs ===
# Go into the OS X Finder and hit Command+K which should bring up the "Connect ==Connecting to Server" menu.# In that menu, enter smb:// into the dbase server address and click Connect. # Enter your username (in the form\user where user is replaced with your username on from the RDP server) and password on the RDP server.# The drive should now appear on your Finder menu sidebar.==
==Connecting You'll need a copy of putty.exe. Retrieve one from E:\installs or the Database Server==internet and put it on your desktop.
You can map the database server's drive in the same way that you map the bulk drive on the RDP server. The details are: IP address: username (you don't need to specify the domain): researcher password: amount You can connect the database server from your laptop or from the RDP. For connecting from the RDP, follow the connection for connecting from windows. ===Connecting to the dbase server from windows=== *Download Open PuTTY by double clicking putty.exe (its free)ext*Connect to 128192.42168.442.181 92 (save your connection for lateras '''dbase server''')
*Username: researcher
*Password: amount ===Connecting to the dbase server from mac=== *Open a terminal*Connect using (on the first time you have to accept the certificate): ssh researcher@*Same username and password as above ===Connecting to the dbase server from linux (selenium box)=== *Go into Files and click "Connect to Server"* Type in smb:// and click connect* type in username and password if asked
===Using the Dbase server===
createdb yourdbname
See [[Category:McNair AdminWorking with PostgreSQL]]for more information.

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