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Primary key: rf_id
All columns (variables) when created: * rf_id, (bigint) reel frame number* app_num (varchar(255)) application document USPTO number* app_date (date), app_date, date that the application was filed* app_country, (varhar(255)) country in which it was filed* pgpub_num (varchar(255)) pre-grant publication document USPTO number* pgpub_date (date), pgpub_date, date that pre-grant publication was released* pgpub_country, grant_num (varchar(255)) country in which the patent is published before being granted a patent number* patent_number (varchar(255)) granted patent document USPTO number, also know as numbe* grant_date (date) date that the patent is officially published* grant_country (varchar(255)) country in which the '''patent is published after being granted a patent number'''* invention_title (varchar(255), grant_date, grant_country, invention_title, ) title of the invention* language (of varchar(255)) languageof invention title – could be potentially useful and interesting to investigate* reel_num (bigint), reel_num, number of the reel the assignment was stored on* frame_num (reel_num and frame_num were in ASSIGNMENT for bigint) number of the frame on the reel the uspto data paper, but I think they would be more useful here)assignment was stored on

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