NOTS Computing for Matching Entrepreneurs to VCs
When in doubt, consult the full documentation by CRC:
NOTS Computing for Matching Entrepreneurs to VCs | |
Project Information | |
Has title | NOTS Computing for Matching Entrepreneurs to VCs |
Has owner | Wei Wu |
Has start date | 2018-07-09 |
Has deadline date | |
Has keywords | NOTS, Matlab |
Has project status | Active |
Is dependent on | Estimating Unobserved Complementarities between Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists Matlab Code, Parallelize msmf corr coeff.m |
Has sponsor | McNair Center |
Has project output | Tool, How-to |
Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved. |
Summer 2018. We try to use NOTS (Night Owls Time-Sharing Service), a computing cluster of Rice's CRC (Center for Research Computing) to run the Matlab code for Matching Entrepreneurs to VCs. This is a documentation on how to use NOTS. Currently only Wei and Ed have access to NOTS.
Getting Started
SSH to NOTS with your net id. For example, from a Linux/UNIX machine:
ssh -Y (username)
To check what software is available, type
module spider
To see what modules are loaded,
module list
Currently, Matlab 2015a is installed on NOTS. To load a software such as Matlab 2015a,
module load MATLAB/2015a
To load this module by default at login,
module save
To unload all the modules,
module purge
Files Placement
Currently all the readjusted code for matching entrepreneurs to VCs are stored under /projects/fox/work
Transferring files
We have access to some of the directories on NOTS. In most cases, we will either work within our $HOME directory (4 GB storage quota):
or within $PROJECT under the group of Prof. Jeremy Fox (100 GB storage quota):
To transfer some files from your local Linux/UNIX machine to NOTS, use the following Secure Copy command on your local terminal:
scp some_file.dat *.incl *.txt (your_login_name)
This will put the files into your $HOME directory on NOTS
Set up Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) on NOTS
Setting Up Passwordless SSH (SSH Keys) on the Clusters (copied/modified from this)
Passwordless SSH is required on the Shared Computing Resources if you need to run MPI jobs using srun, or need to use other specialized software which uses SSH for communication between nodes. The srun command spawns copies of your executable on all of the nodes allocated to you by SLURM. It will communicate with these nodes via SSH so it is necessary that SSH is configured with SSH host keys (passwordless SSH) for your account. This document describes how to enable passwordless SSH on these systems.
- The first step in establishing passwordless SSH is to create your public host keys. Login to the cluster and run the ssh-keygen command. Accept all of the default values and do not enter a passphrase.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
- After you have created your public host key above, append the contents of ~/.ssh/ to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. This will enable mpirun to login from one compute node to another using SSH without a password.
cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys
- To avoid ssh prompts when automatically logging into compute nodes allocated by the scheduler, configure ssh to not use strict host key checking. Create the file ~/.ssh/config as shown below.
nano ~/.ssh/config Host * StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null LogLevel QUIET
Import a cluster configuration on PCT
Open Matlab:
matlab -nodisplay
This step only has to be performed once. Once imported, the profile will persist through multiple MATLAB runs. For each cluster the profile includes cluster settings for all available queues. The following commands, run on NOTS, will import the profiles and set Commons as the default:
Wall Time
Specifying job time (walltime) is required before submitting a job via matlab and validating a cluster parallel profile. Here is an example, please be as accurate as possible to minimize your wait time. For example, set the walltime for one day and one hour:
Optimal use of the Cluster Configuration
For performance and file quota reasons, please have your workspace in $SHARED_SCRATCH/your-userid/. In order to do this, you must first create a workspace directory and then modify your cluster configuration to use the new workspace configuration. To change the location for your default profile you can run something like the following in MATLAB:
workdir = [getenv('SHARED_SCRATCH') filesep getenv('USER') filesep 'MdcsDataLocation']; mkdir(workdir); pc = parcluster; set(pc, 'JobStorageLocation', workdir); p.saveProfile;