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Page statistics
Content pages2,763
(All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)
Uploaded files4,020
Edit statistics
Page edits since was set up48,644
Average edits per page6.19
User statistics
Registered users (list of members)99
Active users (list of members)
(Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days)
Bots (list of members)14
Administrators (list of members)30
Interface administrators (list of members)1
Bureaucrats (list of members)33
Suppressors (list of members)0
team (list of members)2
Administrators (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)20
Curators (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
View statistics
Views total16,343,914
Views per edit335.99
Most viewed pages
Property:Has title143,009
Property:Has author134,412
Accelerator Seed List (Data)131,192
Innovation Policy130,878
Property:Has year95,196
Small Business92,552
Property:Has article title91,652
Affordable Care Act90,012
Property:Has project status77,834
Semantic statistics (cached)
Property values (total)14,940
  -  Property values (improper annotations)3
Properties (total) 313
  -  Properties (used with at least one value)111
  -  Properties (registered with a page) 119
  -  Properties (assigned to a datatype)116
Entities (total) 14,139
  -  Outdated entities 1,815
  -  Subobjects0
  -  Concepts0
  -  Queries (embedded, total)631
    -  plainlist format505
    -  table format77
    -  count format60