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1,015 bytes added ,  18:17, 25 September 2020
no edit summary
rsync -av --progress /var/lib/mediawiki /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT/astarte-2020-09-24/
cp /etc/apache2 /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT/astarte-2020-09-24/
A test import using McNairCenter.xml (one page: McNair Center) showed that old revisions will just be put into the page history, so we are good to go. I broke pull into three requests: one of the joint pages, and two of the Astarte only pages.
On mother (having using [[Special:Export]] on Astarte to generate the appropriate files) with source files in /bulk/astarte:
cd /var/lib/mediawiki/maintenance/
php importDump.php < /bulk/astarte/AstarteOnlyA-F.xml >& progress1.log &
php importDump.php < /bulk/astarte/AstarteOnlyG-O.xml >& progress2.log &
php importDump.php < /bulk/astarte/AstarteOnlyN-P.xml >& progress2.log &
php importDump.php < /bulk/astarte/AstarteOnlyP-Z.xml >& progress3.log &
php importDump.php < /bulk/astarte/BothWikisA-L.xml >& progress4.log &
php importDump.php < /bulk/astarte/BothWikisM-R.xml >& progress5.log &
php importDump.php < /bulk/astarte/BothWikisS-Y.xml &> progress6.log
tail -f progress1.log
php rebuildrecentchanges.php
php initSiteStats.php --update

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