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==Drug Policy==
{{:Martin O'Malley (Drug Policy)}}
===Drug Overdose and Addiction===
*Reduce deaths from drug overdose by 25% by 2020 [ (MOW-AT)]
*Establish a national dashboard to monitor the overdose and addiction problem, track nationwide responses, and target resources to increase access to critical services [ (MOW-AT)]
**Create and adopt a national strategy to reduce addiction to fentanyl (a deadly narcotic laced into heroin) within 100 days of taking office
*Stop the over-prescription of pain medications [ (MOW-AT)]
**Require physician training on pain prescribing
**Strengthen prescription drug monitoring programs
**Support patient education on pain
*Expand access to treatment [ (MOW-AT)]
**Expand access to Naloxone (a reversal drug used to treat overdoses from heroin and prescription opioids)
**Equip all first responders with Naloxone and ensure all hospitals and first responders can quickly direct patients to effective addiction treatment options
**Increase funding for effective therapies
**Expand coverage of proven treatments under Medicare and Medicaid
**Assure every veteran access to treatment within 12 hours
*Invest in community resources for recovery [ (MOW-AT)]
**Implement a public health response to addiction
**Support community services
**Launch a national campaign to reduce the stigma associated with drug addiction
*Supports the decriminalization of the possession of small amounts of marijuana [ (DP)]
*Supports the legalization of medical marijuana [ (DP)]
*Wants to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug [ (DP)]
==Middle East==
 ===Foreign Policy===*Adapt national security institutions to better anticipate fast-emerging threats [https{{:// Martin O'Malley (MOW-FPMiddle East)]*"Engage with a new generation of leaders from different walks of life—often in hostile environments where we lack historic ties; where we lack relationships" [ (MOW-FP)]]*Create a more far-sighted and proactive foreign policy based on engagement and collaboration [ (MOW-FP)]] ===Iran===*"Negotiations are the best way to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon" [ (MOW-FP)]]**Supports a verifiable, enforceable, tightly-monitored nuclear deal ===ISIS===*"Containing, degrading, and defeating ISIS will require an integrated approach" [ (MOW-FP)]]**Focus on both military power and political solutions**Amplify credible, local voices in the region and counter ISIS propaganda**Encourage the Iraqi government to govern more inclusively ===Israel===*Supports a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine [ (PBS)] ===Syria===*Opposes a no-fly zone over Syria [ (CNN)]*Believes that the U.S. should accept 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016 [ (CNN)]}}
 ===Trade Agreements=== {{:Martin O'Malley is critical of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and rejects any deals negotiated in secret. [ (CBS)] O'Malley will support and negotiate trade agreements only if they: [ (MOW-TP)]*Reject secret trade agreements and democratize trade negotiations*Prohibit currency manipulation*Prevent corporate power grabs**Oppose investor-state dispute settlement (ISDSTrade)**Put public interests first*Lift labor standards**Protect core labor rights**Set and enforce meaningful labor standards*Improve environmental protection*Uphold strong financial regulations*Provide fair access to markets*Protect access to affordable medicines*Support investment in the U.S. Economy**Ensure that U.S. corporations are taxed fairly, including on their global activities}}
 ===Comprehensive Immigration Reform===*Immediately extend executive action to protect at least 9 million immigrants from deportation [https{{:// Martin O'Malley (MOW-5)]*Provide deferred action to the greatest possible number of immigrants [ (MOW-IR)]*Grant broad waivers to the three- or ten-year bar and work with Congress to achieve a permanent repeal [ (MOW-IR)]*Expand parole-in-place to benefit all spouses, children, and parents of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents [ (MOW-IR)]*Undertake significant outreach and educational programs to promote naturalization [ (MOW-IR)]*Rescind the regulations restricting health care for deferred action recipients [ (MOW-IR)]*Limit detention to only those who pose a clear threat to public safety [ (MOW-IR)]*Close inhumane detention facilities [ (MOW-IR)]*Expand due process protections in the detention and immigration system [ (MOW-IR)]*Prevent racial and religious profiling [ (MOW-IR)]*Disentangle public safety and local law enforcement from immigration enforcement [ (MOW-IR)]*Ensure a secure border through the strategic use of personnel and technology, extensive training and support for immigration officers, and policies that address the root causes of migration [ (MOW-IR)]*Focus on priority cases that advance national security, address violent crime or financial fraud, and protect the most vulnerable members of society [ (MOW-IRImmigration)]}}
{{:Martin O'Malley (Environmental)}}
===Renewable Energy===*Create a Clean Energy Jobs Corps to partner with communities to become more energy efficient, create new green spaces, and restore and expand forests [ (MOW-CEF)]*Generate 100% of American electricity with renewable energy by 2050 [ (MOW-CEF)]*Federal legislation that caps on carbon emissions from all sources, proceeds from permits returned to low- and middle-class families Entrepreneurship and invested in job transition assistance and Clean Energy Jobs Corps [ (MOW-CEF)]*Reject projects like Keystone XL and deny new permits for drilling in Alaska, the arctic, and off the coast [ (MOW-CEF)]*Increase royalties and emissions fees for fossil fuel companies currently drilling on federal land and invest proceeds in jobs and skills training [ (MOW-CEF)] ===Carbon Emissions=Innovation==*Caps or taxes on carbon emissions from all sources, proceeds from permits returned to low- and middle-class families and invested in job transition assistance and Clean Energy Jobs Corps [ (MOW-CEF)]*Fully implement Clean Power Plan [https{{:// O'Malley_presidential_campaign,_2016/Taxes Malley (Ballotpedia)]*Adopt a zero-tolerance policy for methane leaks from current oil Entrepreneurship and gas production ['Malley_presidential_campaign,_2016/Taxes (BallotpediaInnovation)]}}
Ballotpedia ['Malley_presidential_campaign,_2016/Taxes]
HP = Huffington Post []
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