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1,111 bytes added ,  17:58, 24 October 2016
no edit summary
==To Do== #Remove "Powered By MediaWiki" and "Powered by Semantic MediaWiki" buttons on bottom of wiki pages.#Create pages for "[[Baker Institute]]", "[[Rice University]]", "[[Entrepreneurship]]", "[[Innovation]]".#Remove double pages for users on [[McNair Team]] page. Remove former interns. ==Affiliates and their researchers== Affiliates:*Susan Cohen: University of Richmond,,*Rosemarie Ziedonis: Boston Univeristy,,*Brian Ayash: CalPoly,, Affiliate Researchers:*Alex Christine: Works for Susan Cohen.  To doSusan: Accelerators (Data)  Brian: Leveraged Buyout Innovation (Academic Paper)  Rosemarie: Matching VentureOne (Data) ==Done==
Accounts -> Remove phonenumber from form (both McFaculty & Staff) -->Internal page: McNair Staff Full Contact Info -> Check semantics on form!!! DROP DOWN ON BILLING. -->Build 3 bill pages (see below) -> Add Yael, Dan Fedher (MIT), Dan Lee (Georgia State Econ) to Faculty -> Add Jake Floyd to researcher -> Do their ACLs
Repoint domain
Bill codes: -> AccMcNair01, AccNBER01, AccKauffman01 - pages for each. Put in Admin Category. -> All projects to AccMcNair01 exc.... AccNBER01: Accelerator Industry Classification (Data) Accelerators (Data) Entrepreneurship Ecosystems of Houston (Issue Brief) Houston Accelerators and Incubators (Report) Hubs (Academic Paper)
AccKauffman01: Goldilocks (Academic Paper) Micro-Geography (Academic Paper) Micro-Geography (Database) Start-Ups of Houston (Map) -> Asks on the 3 account pages
Restructure Sidebar (target at General Audience) Icons - recolor
->Add accounts for new indivs and give them access to just thier project pages
Make McNair Team Page McNair Faculty Category McNair Staff
McNair Affiliates Page
Category:Internal -> Tidy up class, Category and Form links
Admin pages: -> Build out McNair Admin Category page -> Rename Admin:FAQ and Admin:Center IT
Help page:
->Help for us vs. Help for others
Topic Areas to public? ?->Alter template ?->Rework content
Review uncategorized pages!
Bill codes pages
[[Category:McNair Admin]][[admin_classification::General Information| ]]

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