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3,523 bytes added ,  16:57, 15 February 2016
==Having Israel's Back==After a an initial visit, Carson proclaims that he is a strong supporter of Israel and disparages the Obama administration for their handling of the Israeli crisis. Carson states that if elected into office, he would make it markedly clear to the Israeli's that the US is a strong supporter and ally. Carson also made statements about a desire to counsel the Israeli's against divesting land for Palestinian peace efforts and instead suggested the responsibility falls should fall on neighboring states.(YH) *Notable Quotes on Israel: "I would make sure that Israel knew that we had their back," he said. "Because if their neighbors know that we're backing them up, they're not going to be anywhere near as aggressive." -Ben Carson to the AP on visit to Israel (YH)  "I do not believe that Obama has been one to cultivate the relationship," - Ben Carson to the AP on visit to Israel (YH)
==Schools Shouldn't Be Too Political==
When asked what he would do with the department of education, Carson responded that he wanted to repurpose it. Carson's vision for the department is to act as an overseeing body that monitors speech on University campuses. Subject to Carson's discretion, if speech on a University campus is deemed "too politically biased" Carson would cut federal funding to the institution. The Department of education therefore, would be employed to conduct monitoring efforts and report back to Carson. (MSN) Other than his views regarding changing the purpose of the department of education, Carson is relatively silent on the place of religion in schools, although he is admits to believing in creationism.
===Persecution of Christians in other Countries===
==Stop the Islamic State==
Carson feels strongly about moving quickly to counter the attacks of the Islamic state. Carson outlines a multi-step plan on his website including: issuing a formal declaration of war, partnering with moderate Arab nations, and instituting a task force to review and amend all visa and immigration policy. Specifically, Carson wants visas issued to expire after three months and require mandatory check in points throughout their duration. (BCW) Additionally, in response to the attacks abroad, Carson is vehemently opposed to the idea of allowing Syrian refugees into the country. Carson thinks that allowing the refugees across United States boarders before procedures are in place to prevent similar attacks to those that occurred in Paris, is a grave national security threat. Furthermore, Carson has proposed the idea of increasing ground troop presence in the Syrian region in attempt to combat the efforts of ISIS.
*Notable quotes on the persecution of Christians abroad:
"We can no longer dawdle while ISIS continues to persecute Christians, enslave young girls, oppress civil societies and perpetrate terrorist attacks against the free world. We must destroy their caliphate and prevent their terrorists from infiltrating our homeland." - Carson (BCW)
"Until we have a process that will keep us all safe from what happened in Paris, I believe it is foolish to take in refugees into our country," Carson in a Facebook post. (CP)
"The Islamic State wants to destroy Western civilization and establish a caliphate and that its “convert-or-die doctrine” mirrors some of the ideas pushed by the “political-correctness police” in America." - Ben Carson (CNS)
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