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737 bytes added ,  12:00, 30 October 2020
python -c "import tensorflow as tf; tf.enable_eager_execution(); print(tf.reduce_sum(tf.random_normal([1000, 1000])))"
===Sample CNN Projects===
There are some nice Tensorflow CNN tutorials online:
The code for is in E:\projects\tensorflow.
There's a nice Word2Vec guide with code and data here:
DIGITS runs in docker containers. See
As root run:
docker run --runtime=nvidia --name digits -d -p 5000:5000 nvidia/digits
Then browse to
Docker won't run if you left a container with the same name running (active or not). List docker containers:
docker ps -a
Stop a container:
docker stop containername
Prune them (-a is all, -f is no prompt)!
docker system prune -af
If you do a full prune, then docker will download a new image for nvidia/digits:latest

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