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Server Build notes:
*[[Computer Build]] -- Contains hardware spec
*[[RDP Documentation]] (IP Address:
*[[Web Server Documentation]] (IP Address:
*[[Database Server Documentation]] (IP Address:
*[[Test Web Server Documentation]] (IP Address:
*[[Power Backup]]
Other useful resources:
*[[Haas PhD Server Configuration]]
*[[Software Repository]]
*[[Patent Data Processing - SQL Steps]]
*[[Server Backup Policy]]
*[[McNair Security Policy]]
*[[Power Backup]]
*[[Progress tracking platform]]
*[[Server maintenance FAQ]]
*[[NLP Infrastructure]]
*[[RDP Compute Performance]]
[[Semantic Form Data structure]]
# The drive should now appear on your Finder menu sidebar.
===Connecting to the Database Server===
You can map the database server's drive in the same way that you map the bulk drive on the RDP server. The details are:
createdb yourbdname
=== Using the Normalize Fixed Width Script ===
# PowerShell should say "PS E:\Processing\SDC Data>" or a different filepath if you moved the script.
# Now in order to use the script type "perl -file='name of file to normalize (make sure to include the single quotes on the outside and the file extension or the script won't work)' "
 == Server Backup Policy ==Backups are written to an external usb HDD at midnight everyday. Backup logs are also updated.# For linux/unix machines this is done by invoking backup scripts from cron (see /etc/ for execution set-up)# For windows machines we use the built in Windows Server Backup tool.  === RDP server ===Current backup policy is to backup complete \bulk folder. To change/schedule a new policy use the Windows Server Backup tool. #6/15/2016##this corresponds to full E:\ volume. === WEB server === ==== MySQL databases ==== Current backup policy is to backup all MySQL databases on the server. Backup script: /root/scripts/web_mysqldump_backup.plx Backup destination path: /media/usb_backup/mysqldump/ Backup log: /var/log/web_mysqldump_backup.log.gz The script uses mysqldump and rsync for backup. #6-13-2016##backup destination paths are hard-coded in the script. ##TO DO: add command line options like --backup-destination= remote/local, --verbose/quiet##redo this script like for database server (see below) because its cleaner implementation. To see more information see perldoc  perldoc /root/scripts/web_mysqldump_backup.plx ==== /var/www ====This contains mediawiki, blogs and other stuff running on the apache webserver. Backup script: /root/scripts/www_rsync_backup.plx List of files to back up: /root/scripts/www_rsync_backup.list Backup destination path: /media/usb_backup/www Backup log: /var/log/www_rsync_backup.log The backup path reflects directory structure on host(source) starting at /. #6-16-2016## The script rsyncs the files from host to backup.## We should probably save snapshots weekly/monthly.. ==== /home ====This contains home directories for all users. Backup script: /root/scripts/home_rsync_backup.plx List of files to back up: /root/scripts/home_rsync_backup.list Backup destination path: /media/usb_backup/home Backup log: /var/log/home_rsync_backup.log The backup path reflects directory structure on host(source) starting at /. #6-16-2016## The script rsyncs the config files from host to backup.## We should probably save snapshots weekly/monthly..=== Database server === ==== PostgreSQL databases ====Current backup policy is to backup most PostgreSQL databases on the server. We ignore a few test databases.  Backup script: /root/scripts/db_pgdump_backup.plx List of databases to back up: /root/scripts/db_pgdump_backup.list Backup destination path: /media/backup_usb/pgdump/ Backup log: /var/log/db_pgdump_backup.log The script uses pg_dump for backup. All databases are then collected in a tar archive.#6-15-2016##backup destination paths are hard-coded in the script. ##TO DO: add command line options like --backup-destination= remote/local, --verbose/quiet To see more information see perldoc  perldoc /root/scripts/db_pgdump_backup.plx 6-16-2016: Above method is a very simple backup. We should do something like using[ barman] which provides enterprise backup control. ==== PostgreSQL config backup ==== Backup these files /var/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf : This file is read by psql on server startup. /var/postgresql/data/ : This is also read at server startup. Should not be edited manually. Config options are set with ALTER SYSTEM command. /var/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf: Contains psql user account information. /var/postgresql/data/pg_ident.conf : Contains mapping from psql user accounts to system accounts. We probably don't need last two files. Better to recreate them when restoring the database.  Backup script: /root/scripts/psql_cfg_rsync_backup.plx List of config files to back up: /root/scripts/psql_cfg_rsync_backup.list Backup destination path: /media/backup_usb/postgresql_config Backup log: /var/log/psql_cfg_rsync_backup.log The backup path reflects directory structure on host(source) starting at /. #6-16-2016## We rsync the config files from host to backup.## We should probably save snapshots weekly/monthly.. [[Categorycategory:McNair Admin]][[admin_classification::IT Build| ]]

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