Assignee Count Table

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Table Purpose

In a transaction, multiple assignees and assignors may be involved.

Table Structure

  Table "public.assigneecount"
  Column    |  Type   | Modifiers 
reel        | integer | 
frame       | integer | 
recdate     | date    | 
patent      | integer | 
numassignee | bigint  | 

Example of table entries:

reel  | frame |  recdate   | patent  | numassignee 
 4974 |   662 | 1988-10-18 | 9999999 |           1
 4974 |   662 | 1988-10-18 | 9999999 |           1
18015 |   523 | 2006-06-30 | 9933719 |           1
10425 |   882 | 1999-12-06 | 9925487 |           1
11177 |   159 | 2000-09-14 | 9907141 |           1
11177 |   159 | 2000-09-14 | 9907141 |           1
13036 |   521 | 2002-06-25 | 9903592 |           1
13011 |   193 | 2002-06-19 | 9827659 |           1
13036 |   521 | 2002-06-25 | 9824727 |           1
12653 |   532 | 2002-02-25 | 9808340 |           1

Table Variables

Reel and frame give the location on the microfilm files where the particular transaction is recorded. The reel number and frame number are unique to a transaction between the assignee and assignor. The recdate is the date the assignment was recorded. Patent gives the patent number of the patent involved in a specific transaction. Numassignees is the number of assignees involved in the transaction. The table has a composite key consisting of reel number, frame number, and recdate.

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