Information Asymmetry Measures
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This page provides a summary details from the Information Asymmetry in Acquisitions Lit Review and the begining of the build notes for these variables.
Table of Measure Usage
In a review of 28 papers that used one or more information asymmetry measures to explain stock price events (acquisitions, earning announcements, diversitures, etc.), the following measures were found:
D91 | CS01 | Mea07 | KS99 | FL04 | O07 | L92 | T02 | Aea02 | AB94 | LT07 | T10 | UC97 | Oea09 | M96 | ES99 | AL00 | Y03 | CS07 | Cea04 | Others* | Count | |
Price/Volume Metrics | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | 8 | |||||||||||||
Idiosyncratic Volatility | y | y | y | y | y | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
R-Squared from Earnings, Book Val. On Price | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Momentum | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Stock Illiquidity | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Pre-CAR | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ratio of shares traded to outstanding | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Abnormal/Unexpected Turnover | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Analyst Forecasts | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | 10 | |||||||||||
Forecast Error | y | y | y | y | 4 | |||||||||||||||||
Std. Dev. Of Forecasts | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | 8 | |||||||||||||
Normalized Forecast Error | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Range of Forecasts | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
No. Estimates | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
No. Analysts | y | y | y | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||
News | y | y | y | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||
News Announcements | Y | y | y | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||
Capital Structure | y | y | y | y | y | y | 6 | |||||||||||||||
Breadth of Ownership/Block Holdings | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Institutional Ownership/Holdings | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Managerial Holdings | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
No. Wholy Owned Subs. | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Accounting-based Measures | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | 10 | |||||||||||
Market-to-Book-Assets (or Q) | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | 7 | ||||||||||||||
Market-to-Book-Equity | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Earnings to Price Ratio | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Firm Size | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Development Stage (Sales<0.5b) | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
R&D Expenditure | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Ratio of R&D to Sales | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Intangible Assets | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ratio of Intangible Assets | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sales Growth | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
External Responses | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ratings Change | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Transaction Characteristics | y | y | y | y | y | y | +8 | 14 | ||||||||||||||
Method of Payment | y | y | y | y | y | +7 | 12 | |||||||||||||||
Diversification/Related | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Acquirer Experience | y | y | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Distance between A&T | +1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target Characteristics | y | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target Age | y | 1 |
Note that C98, Eea90, Aea90, BR91, Fea02, ET00, and CL87 (not listed above) all used payment method only, and BC11 used a distance measure.
Paper Codes
The paper codes are as follows (where 'ea' denotes et al.):
Code Paper AL00 Aboody and Lev 2000 Aea02 Affleck-Graves et al. 2002 Aea90 Amihud et al 1990 AB94 Atiase and Bamber 1994 BC11 Basu and Chevrier 2011 BR91 Brown and Ryngaert 1991 CL87 Calvet and Lefoll 1987 CS07 Capron and Shen 2007 Cea04 Carrow et al. 2004 C98 Chang 1998 CS01 Clarke and Shastri 2001 D91 Dierkens 1991 ET00 Eckbo and Thorburn 2000 Eea90 Eckbo et al 1990 ES99 Emery and Switzer 1999 FL04 Frankel and Li 2004 Fea02 Fuller et al. 2002 KS99 Krishnaswami and Subramaniam 1999 L92 Lee 1992 LT07 Lobo and Tung 1997 M96 Martin 1996 Mea07 Moeller et al. 2007 O07 Officer 2007 Oea09 Officer et al. 2009 T10 Tetlock 2010 T02 Thomas 2002 UC97 Utama and Cready 1997 Y03 Yook 2003
Summary Of Usage
There are 28 papers and 33 distinct variables broken into 8 distinct categories: Price/Vol, Analyst, News, CapX, Accounting, External, Transaction, and Target. Market Microstructure papers and measures are excluded from the summary and tabulation but included in Information Asymmetry in Acquisitions Lit Review with comments.
The average paper uses 2.8 variables from 1.7 categories. The most variables and categories covered by a single paper are 9 and 4 respectively, for Tetlock 2010.
Method of payment measures (cash vs. stock) are most popular, and present in half of all papers covered. Other transaction characteristics are rarely used. Acccounting-based measures, particularly Tobin's Q, and Analyst Forecast measures, particularly the Std. Dev. of Forecasts, are the next most popular and occur in approximately 1/3rd of all papers covered. Price/Volume measures, particularly the idiosyncratic volatility, are the next most popular, occuring in approximately 1/5th of all papers covered.
Rejecting Variables
The following variables are explicitly or implicitly related to the CAR in an acquisition and so unsuitable:
- Pre-CAR
- Abnormal/Unexpected Turnover
- Momentum - It is unclear from a quick read of Tetlock (the only paper that uses this measure) whether momentum is an artifact of information asymmetry or a response to it's mitigation.
- Stock Illiquidity - see Momentum above.
The following are simply too hard to get on a reasonable timescale:
- News Announcements
- Ratings Changes
- Target Age (not in SDC, so we would have to get another source...)
- R-Squared from Earnings, Book Value - this was used in a single paper and isn't worth it (it requires joining CRSP to COMPUSTAT before running the regressions)
- All of the capital structure measures. Sources include 'Thompson 13' (Tetlock 2010), 'Value Line Investment Survey' (Emery and Switzer 1999), 'Compact Disclosure' data base of 13f filings (Utama and Cready 1997), 'CDA/Investnet' (Aboody and Lev 2000), etc. We don't have any of them...
Build Notes
Idiosyncratic Variability
We want [math]\sigma_{\epsilon}^2[/math] from [math]R_it = \alpha + \beta_i R_mt + \epsilon[/math] run annually for each publicly-traded firm in the NYSE/Nasdaq/Amex universe.
This is equivalent to the RMSE as:
[math]\mathbb{E}(\epsilon) = 0 \quad \mathbb{V}(\epsilon)= \mathbb{E} \left( (R-\hat{R}) - (\alpha-\hat{\alpha}) - (\beta - \hat{\beta})R_m \right)^2 = RMSE^2[/math]
- Annual data from CRSP
- Draw entire universe (>2Gb?)
- Rely on date stamps
- Use CRSP Permo (or Cusip?) - Don't need to draw NAICS if we are going to join back...
- Holding Period Return
- Value-Weighted Return inc. distributions
Run the regressions on raw data (i.e., don't join to COMPUSTAT first).
- Date Range: 1/1/78 -> 12/31/11
- Company Codes: PERMNO
- Time Series: VOL (Share Volume, -99 is missing), RET (Holding Period Return, error codes -66.0 -77.0, -88.0, -99.0)
- Share info: SHROUT (No. Shares Outstanding in K)
- Mkt Info: VWRETD (Value-Weighted Return inc. Dists)
- Output: tab-delimited txt
- Date Format: YYMMDDn8 (corresponds to ISO 8601 and is Postgres compatible)
RET errors:
- E -44.0 No valid comparison for an excess return
- D -55.0 No listing information
- C -66.0 more than 10 periods between time t and the time of the preceding price t?
- B -77.0 not trading on the current exchange at time t
- A -88.0 no return, array index t not within range of BEGRET and ENDRET
- -99.0 missing return due to missing price at time t
Get file:
- e5da94cf0a760426.txt (3195.8 MB, 60127561 observations 8 variables)
Plan: Pull into Postgres, Index, Cut into chunks (yearly? Want < 250mb?), Run regressions in STATA using a batch script with dispatch to Bear.
Defined as: "the ratio of number of shares traded during the last year ending before the equity issue announcement, divided by the number of shares outstanding at the end of the fiscal year before the ... announcement."
We can compute it on an average over an annual basis using CRSP quarterly ("Shares Traded" isn't in COMPUSTAT), or using CRSP daily (same data as above), either way we want:
- Share Volume (VOL)
- No. of Shares Outstanding (SHROUT in K)
- And to take an average over the year for each firm.
Analyst Forecasts
At least one paper reported problems with the data before 1991 (see the lit review).
- Forecast Error (Analysts over and under react): [math]ForecastError=\frac{|ACT_t-EST_t|}{|Act_t|}[/math]
- Std. Deviation of forecasts (Correlated with riskiness): [math] ForecastSD=\frac{SD_t}{|Act_t|}[/math]
- Range of Forcasts
- No. Estimates
- No. Analysts
- Normalized forecast error: [math]NormForecastError=\frac{ForecastError}{\sigma_{ACT_t - ACT_0}}[/math]
I.e., Over some time period calculate the detrended variation in Earnings. This probably isn't worth it. From KS99: "the normalized forecast error, which is defined as the ratio of the forecast error in earnings to the earnings volatility of the firm. Earnings volatility is the standard deviation of the firm's detrended quarterly earnings in the five-year period before the announcement of the spin-off."
- From I/B/E/S Detail file pull:
- CUSIP (8Dg)
- Fiscal Yr1
- Analyst Code
- Estimate Value
- Actual Value
Match back to COMPUSTAT to get NAICS.
Accounting Variables
Data source: COMPUSTAT - North America Fundamentals Annual
Ref vars:
- Company Name
- Market-to-Book-Assets (or Q): MKVALT (Sup: Market Value Total) / AT (Bal: Assets Total)
- Market-to-Book-Equity: CEQ MKVALT (Sup: Market Value Total) / (Bal: Common/Ordinary Equity Total), TEQ (Bal: Shareholder's Equity Total)
- Earnings to Price Ratio: RE (Inc: Retained Earnings), EBIT (Inc: Earnings before Income Taxes), EPSPI (Inc: Earnings Per Share (Basic) Including Extraordinary Items), PRCC_F (Sup: Price Close - Annual - Fiscal)
- Firm Size: AT, MKVALT (as above)
- Development Stage (Sales<0.5b): SALE (Inc: Sales/Turnover (Net))
- R&D Expenditure (XRD: Inc: Research and Development Expense), RDIP (Inc: In Process R&D Expense)
- Ratio of R&D to Sales: XRD/SALE (as above)
- Intangible Assets: INTAN (Intangible Assets - Total)
- Ratio of Intangible Assets INTAN/AT
- Sales Growth: [math]\frac{SALE_t - SALE_{t-1}}{SALE_{t-1}}[/math]
Draw Notes:
- Jan 1978 to Jul 2012
- GVKey (note: No Permno anymore?)
- No output on screening, otherwise all defaults
- ID: Company Name, CUSIP
- ID Cont: NAICS
- Desc: FYear
- Sup: PRCC_F
- tab delimited, no compression, YYMMDDn8
Get file: fe1b6bba6be3a4e1.txt (41.3 MB, 347184 observations 18 variables)
Target Characteristics
We already have:
- Method of Payment
- Diversification/Related (i.e., Horiz, vert, cong)
- Acquirer Experience
- Patent Counts
We need:
- Distance btw Acquirer and Target
- Citations Recd to patents
Distance btw Acquirer and Target
Addresses for both the Acquirer and the Target are available from SDC in the vast majority of cases. We will build a quick XML API to access:
We can pass 2,500 requests per IP address per day (24hrs) to this service, with a max of 100 elements per query and a max of 100 elements per 10 seconds. Note that URLs are restricted to 2048 characters, before URL encoding (particularly relevant if using multiple elements). Returned data includes:
- Road Distances (in meters/ft in the value field, and miles/km in text)
- Driving Times (in seconds in the value field, and hours in text)
Geocoding is internal. We can explicitly use Google's geocoding to get longitude/latitude if we want to calculate Great Circle Distances (etc):
The sensible thing is probably to query all targets (up to some limit, say 25, depending on the length of address strings) for a single acquirer in one-shot.