McNair Projects

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A project is a deliverable-based effort, undertaken by small groups of research or tech team members. Projects range from codifying institutional knowledge into wiki pages to full reports that contain policy recommendations, and from creating tools (see Software Repository Listing) or datasets to building components of academic papers. A List of All McNair Projects contains projects that are not active, tabled, completed, or subsumed. See also Project Planning for Fall 2017 or Projects Under Review.

Restricting Requests

In the 2020 wiki rebuild, the old McNair Projects template, form and category were abandoned. All McNair Projects were moved the Template:Project, and so Form:Project and [[Category:Project]]. Then the Has sponsor field was set to McNair Center:

|Has sponsor=McNair Center

Active Projects

Further information on each project may be found in the table below.

Data summary: There are 38 projects found.

Project TitleHas owner
Accelerator Demo DayMinh Le
BID ProjectCindy Ryoo
Crunchbase Accelerator EquityMaxine Tao
Crunchbase Accelerator FoundersGrace Tan
Deep Text ClassifierYang Zhang
Enclosing Circle Algorithm (Rework)Abhijit Brahme
Federal Grant DataAvesh Krishna
Catherine Kirby
Jeemin Sim
GPU BuildOliver Chang
Kyran Adams
Google CrawlerAnne Freeman
Google Scholar CrawlerChristy Warden
Hierarchical ClusteringOliver Chang
Kyran Adams
Houston Innovation DistrictBen Baldazo
Anne Dayton
Taylor Jacobe
Joe Reilly
Dylan Dickens
Houston Startup ChallengesDiana Carranza
Houston's VC FirmsDiana Carranza
Houston's Venture Capital Issue BriefDiana Carranza
HubsHira Farooqi
INBIAAnne Freeman
Internal Link ParserChristy Warden
Matching Entrepreneurs to VCsEd Egan
Christy Warden
Matlab, CUDA, and GPU ComputingWei Wu
Medical Centers and GrantsCatherine Kirby
NOTS Computing for Matching Entrepreneurs to VCsWei Wu
Parallelize msmf corr coeff.mWei Wu
Patent Design Main PageShelby Bice
Oliver Chang
Joe Reilly
Patent ThicketGrace Tan
Ranking US Cities by Venture CapitalEd Egan
Anne Dayton
Diana Carranza
Reproducible Patent DataOliver Chang
Scholar Crawler Main ProgramChristy Warden
Selenium DocumentationPeter Jalbert
TIF ProjectCindy Ryoo
Yunnie Huang
Texas Franchise TaxCindy Ryoo
Tiger GeocoderPeter Jalbert
U.S. Seed AcceleratorsConnor Rothschild
USITCHarrison Brown
USPTO Patent Assignment DatasetEd Egan
University PatentsAnne Dayton
Julia Wang
Meghana Pannala
VC Startup Matching Stata WorkMarcos Ki Hyung Lee
VentureXpert DataEd Egan

Subsumed Projects

Tabled Projects

Completed Projects

Data summary: There are 47 projects found.

Project TitleHas owner
Accenture WorkDylan Dickens
Amazon HQ2Ed Egan
Anne Dayton
Diana Carranza
Amazon Mechanical Turk for Analyzing Demo Day Classifier's ResultsMinh Le
Analyzing the Innovation Promotion ActAriel Sun
Augusta Startup EcosystemBen Baldazo
Taylor Jacobe
Joe Reilly
Dylan Dickens
Challenges Women Entrepreneurs Face (Wiki Page)
Climate ChangeShrey Agarwal
Collecting SBIR DataAdrian Smart
Creating a Guide to Patent LitigationMarcela Interiano
Crunchbase DataAdrian Smart
Maxine Tao
Grace Tan
Connor Rothschild
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth Literature ReviewRamee Saleh
Eventbrite Webcrawler (Tool)Gunny Liu
Exploring Business Dynamism in High TechAriel Sun
Governance Measures
Govtrack Webcrawler (Tool)
Key Terms SearchChristy Warden
LBO Data DescriptionEd Egan
James Chen
Brian Ayash
LBO Lit ReviewBrian Ayash
Marcela Interiano
Mapping on RAlbert Nabiullin
Matching LBOs (Julia)James Chen
Matching VentureOne (Data)Rosemarie Ziedonis
Ariel Sun
Mechanical Turk (Tool)
Moroccan Parliament Web CrawlerPeter Jalbert
Overconfidence Papers
PDF DownloaderChristy Warden
Parallel Enclosing Circle AlgorithmOliver Chang
Patstats Documentation
Presidential Candidates and EntrepreneurshipDylan Dickens
Redesigning Patent DatabaseShelby Bice
SDC Normalizer
SDC Platinum (Wiki)Ben Baldazo
Small Business Access to Capital SurveysAriel Sun
Carlin Cherry
Small Business DataDylan Dickens
Social Entrepreneurship
Social Media Entrepreneurship Resources
Start Up Address Finder Algorithm (Tool)Jake Floyd
Trial Data ProjectCatherine Kirby
Jeemin Sim
Twitter Follower Finder (Tool)Christy Warden
Twitter Webcrawler (Tool)Gunny Liu
Twitterverse ExplorationGunny Liu
URL Finder (Tool)Veeral Shah
US Address VerificationOliver Chang
Venture Capital Databases
Whois ParserKunal Shah

Tool and Data Projects

Data summary: There are 30 tool projects found.

Project TitleHas ownerHas project status
Accelerator Industry Classification (Data)Veeral ShahTabled
Collecting SBIR DataAdrian SmartComplete
Crunchbase DataAdrian Smart
Maxine Tao
Grace Tan
Connor Rothschild
Deep Text ClassifierYang ZhangActive
Enclosing Circle AlgorithmChristy Warden
Peter Jalbert
Enclosing Circle Algorithm (Plotting)Subsume
Enclosing Circle Algorithm (Rework)Abhijit BrahmeActive
Eventbrite Webcrawler (Tool)Gunny LiuComplete
Google Scholar CrawlerChristy WardenActive
Govtrack Webcrawler (Tool)Complete
Industry ClassifierChristy WardenSubsume
Interactive Maps - The Whole Process
LinkedIn Crawler (Python)
Mapping on RAlbert NabiullinComplete
Matching Entrepreneurs to VCsEd Egan
Christy Warden
Matching LBOs (Julia)James ChenComplete
Mechanical Turk (Tool)Complete
Moroccan Parliament Web CrawlerPeter JalbertComplete
Patent Data Extraction Scripts (Tool)Marcela InterianoSubsume
Patent Data Processing - SQL StepsShelby BiceSubsume
SDC NormalizerComplete
SDC Platinum (Wiki)Ben BaldazoComplete
Start Up Address Finder Algorithm (Tool)Jake FloydComplete
The Matcher (Tool)Proposed
Twitter Follower Finder (Tool)Christy WardenComplete
Twitter News Finder (Tool)Christy Warden
Twitter Webcrawler (Tool)Gunny LiuComplete
URL Finder (Tool)Veeral ShahComplete
Whois ParserKunal ShahComplete

Data summary: There are 23 data projects found.

Project TitleHas ownerHas project status
Accelerator DataShrey Agarwal
Matthew Ringheanu
Accelerator Seed List (Data)Shrey Agarwal
Matthew Ringheanu
Connor Rothschild
Veeral Shah
Accelerators (Data)Susan Cohen
Veeral Shah
Bulk Patent Assignee ProcessingSubsume
Collecting SBIR DataAdrian SmartComplete
Crunchbase DataAdrian Smart
Maxine Tao
Grace Tan
Connor Rothschild
Federal Grant DataAvesh Krishna
Catherine Kirby
Jeemin Sim
Houston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem ProjectBen Baldazo
Dylan Dickens
HubsHira FarooqiActive
Lex MachinaAmir KazempourTabled
Medical Centers and GrantsCatherine KirbyActive
Patent Assignment Data RestructureSonia Zhang
Marcela Interiano
Patent DataMarcela InterianoSubsume
Patent Data Cleanup (June 2016)Marcela InterianoSubsume
Patstats DocumentationComplete
Small Business Access to Capital SurveysAriel Sun
Carlin Cherry
Small Business DataDylan DickensComplete
Start-Ups of Houston (Map)Ben BaldazoSubsume
USPTO Patent Assignment DatasetEd EganActive
USPTO Patent Litigation DataEd EganTabled
Venture Capital (Data)Meghana Gaur
Adrian Smart
Jake Silberman
Venture Capital DatabasesComplete