UVM Patent Filings
UVM has recently experienced a dramatic and precipitous drop in rankings of patents granted to universities. However, those rankings use ten-year cumulative patent grants, and patents can take several years to be processed by the USPTO. Moreover, UVM could conceivably have been granted more patents but failed either to keep up with its peers or with patent inflation.
BigQuery Code
Accordingly, I retrieved all of UVM's patent filings to the USPTO from Google Patents Public Dataset using the following SQL in BigQuery:
WITH Patent_Matches AS (SELECT PARSE_DATE('%Y', SAFE_CAST(ANY_VALUE(patentsdb.filing_date) AS STRING)) AS Patent_Filing_year,
patentsdb.application_number AS Patent_Application_Number, ANY_VALUE(assignee_name.name) AS AssigneeName
FROM `patents-public-data.patents.publications` AS patentsdb, UNNEST(assignee_harmonized) AS assignee_name WHERE LOWER(assignee_name.name) LIKE '%univ vermont%' AND patentsdb.country_code = 'US' GROUP BY Patent_Application_Number ) SELECT Patent_Filing_year, COUNT(Patent_Matches.Patent_Application_Number) AS Number_of_Patent_Applications FROM Patent_Matches GROUP BY Patent_Filing_year ORDER BY Patent_Filing_year;
Note that UVM's harmonized assignee name is UNIV VERMONT. Also, I could only go up to 2017, as patent applications are typically not disclosed for 18 months to protect their investors.