Patent Schema Reconciliation
Example files
There are two sets:
- Granted
- Applications
Applications contains just utility and some plant, whereas granted contains design, plant, reissue, and utility patents (i.e., all four types of patents). Both applications and granted have multiple versions (e.g., v4.5, v4.4, v4.3, ..., etc.).
The Task
For both sets (starting with granted), all types, and all versions, we need to identify the xpath (or APS equivalent, see below) for each node.
A node is something like:
- patent number (it shows up as document_id)
- filing number (it also shows up as a document_id in another place)
- grant date
- kind
- type
- applicationnumber
- filingdate
Some nodes are lists of other nodes, for example the assignees node contains multiple assignment records.
Useful links
The Equivalent_XPath_and_APS_Queries#Query_Equivalences page has example XPath statements
The Reproducible_Patent_Data#Schema_Reconciliation page shows which schemas are associated with which year
The Patent_Data_Extraction_Scripts_(Tool)#Utility_patent_grants_fields pages has examples of nodes and where to find them for utility patents (XML version 4.4, I think).