Abhijit Brahme (Work Log)

From edegan.com
Revision as of 16:16, 7 June 2017 by AbhiB (talk | contribs)
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Downloaded Atom IDE along with Juno, a Julia specific console.
Began looking at MATLAB code for the Entrepreneurship Matching Project and trying to understand it
Began translating enclosing circle algorithm from python to julia


Looked through MATLAB code for Entrepreneurshp Matching with James, Ed in-depth
Understood the general idea of the code; Going to call original author for more details.
Worked through the Julia implementation of Brute Force Enclosing Circle. (had to install "Combinatorics")
There are small errors with the number of valid circles; still need to implement plotting circles on map.


FIXED the errors involved with translating Python to Julia for Enclosing Circle (Brute Force)
Implemented the plots in Julia using PyPlot and Plots (need to Pkg.add("Plots") and Pkg.add("PyPlot"))
Run time in the Julia implementation is actually 2x as slow for the small test set ( 1.12 s for Julia, .55 for Python)
Need to look into vectorizing some of the code
Steps Forward:

    1) The code might not be optimized for Julia, so try doing that 
    2) The code for Julia for overhead might be great so it might be slower on a smaller set; try on a bigger set of test points

Code Location:

    E:\McNair\Software\CodeBase\Julia Code for enclosing circle