Matching Entrepreneurs to VCs
Notes 04/03
Matching Entrepreneurs to VCs | |
Project Information | |
Project Title | Matching Entrepreneurs to VCs |
Owner | Christy Warden |
Start Date | 2017 04 |
Deadline | |
Keywords | Tool |
Primary Billing | |
Notes | |
Has project status | Active |
Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved. |
Found problem with opening MATLAB and possible solution but did not have time to try it.
In order to open pathdef.m, I used my admin privileges to change permissions so that everyone can read and execute this file.
Note 04/05
Got Matlab working by changing the privileges above. I had to also give everyone the right to modify pathdef before Matlab accepted it. When opening Matlab, there are a bunch of files that we don't have permission to run because they are in Amir's user folder but they do not seem important to the Entrep code so I am ignoring this for now.
I had issues running the code because the various paths and m folder references in the code do not match our own path variable, so I took an easy route and copied all of the provided files into one big folder called Adjusted Code in the same folder as Original Code. Now, I can actually run the files but they take forever.
I planned on stopping the code at about 30 minutes of runtime, but right then, something mysteriously printed so I decided to let it keep going. Since I don't totally understand what this code is doing, I'll let it run until I come back on Friday and hope I get some output that provides insight into what is going on.
In the meantime, I downloaded Atom and set it up so that I can write julia code in Atom and run it in the terminal. I am reviewing Julia syntax concepts for when I finally start to code.
Note 04/12
I went through to fix the permission denied error that displays at the beginning of every time one opens Matlab. First, I used admin privildeges to let myself into Amir's account, then copy and pasted all the folders that he had added to the pathdef.m file. Then I copied them into E:/McNair/Software/Scripts/MatlabFolders. Then, I took myself off the permissions for Amir's folders. Next, I changed all of the path definitions that had lead to Amir's folder to start with this new path. Now, the permission denied error does not show up. Matlab Usage