This page is a short summary of how to effectively use the Yoast SEO tools plugin in WordPress to optimize your blog post's searchability and readability. =Google Meta Tags= This link has some details on how to tag your blog posts for Google It also briefly mentions other methods, not through the plugin, which could increase search optimization: [https://support.googlesuccess.com/webmasters/answer/79812?hl=en]
=Yoast SEO=
===Our priorities===
Although we don't need to satisfy all of the plugin's standards for readability, we do want to make sure that our posts are not so high-level or unreadable that people will not want to read our pieces.
*For critiques about reading ease, the Flesch reading ease test is used to determine what kind of reading level is necessary to read your post. Although we do not need to reach he plugin's standards for reading ease, try to keep your reading score to about 30-50. For reference, anything below 30 is meant for college graduates; 30-50 is approximately high school or college reading level [https://yoast.com/flesch-reading-ease-score/].
*For critiques about passive voice: try to lower this to a reasonable number. The plugin specifies 10%; this is a good goal.
*For critiques about sentence length, you should try to get your percentage of sentences with more than 20 words to approximately 30% or less. Click on the eye symbol next to the bullet point in the plugin to see which sentences are too long, and use this feature to find sentences which may be too complex or have too many points.
==SEO tab==
""Search for the title of your blog post, with stop words and without them. If the results are different in both the cases, then it is clear that Google is considering the stop words. So, it makes sense for you to retain stop words in your title"" [http://www.gobloggingtips.com/stop-words/].
=Other Resources for Search Optimization=
This link has some details on how to tag your blog posts for Google search optimization through meta tags: [https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/79812?hl=en]