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Haas research computing for PhD students currently consists of '''''' and ''''''. This page details these resources.
Bear is a 12 8 node research computing cluster. [ The official blurb] is out of date (it still says that bear has two sets of 5 compute nodes, one set with 64Gb of RAM per node, and one with 16Gb of RAM per node). Nodes All nodes have dual quad core 3Ghz Xenon processorsat about 3Ghz.
There are three ways of using bear:To find out this information yourself (and for other reasons), you'd like to be able to shell on to a node. I currently can't (I get permission denied requests). However, you can dispatch a shell command to a node through bsub though!
The following commands are valuable:
free #list memory available
cat /proc/meminfo #see the memory specs
cat /proc/cpuinfo #see the chip specs
uname -a #see the system info
/sbin/ifconfig -a #see the network tables
The IP addresses of the nodes are:
*Bear (login node):,,,,,
*cn-06 to 11: to
The memory and chips are:
*The login node(s) have 2 dual-core Xeon 5150 chips @2.66Ghz, with 38G of RAM
*cn-06 to cn-10 each have 2 quad-core Xeon 5570 chips @2.93Ghz with 48G of RAM
*cn-11 has 8 physical cores (16 cores through hyperthreading) with 196GB of RAM
Previously, we also had:
*(Disabled) cn-01 to cn-05 have 2 single core Xeon chips @3.2Ghz with 16G of RAM
'''There are three ways of using bear''':
===Storing Data on Bear===
And save the connection settings if you want.
You may want to use the 'screen' command to create a screen that can be detached from your SSH session or to run multiple shells within a single session.
Just type:
To control screen, rather than the shell you are given, use the Ctrl-A (C-A) commands. Type:
C-A ?
to get the screen help. The command 'exit' will exit you from (your last) screen and dump you back to the original shell. Crucially, screen's can be 'detached' and left running in the background, and if your SSH (putty) connection drops for some reason but if you are running your commands within a screen, they will stay running and can be picked up again later on. Screens can also be shared across multiple users.
Useful commands are:
'''Within Screen:'''
C-a c Create a new screen
C-a 0 Move to screen 0
C-a 1 Move to screen 1 (and so on)
C-a n Move to next screen
C-a d Detach screen from the SSH session and return to the shell
exit Terminate screen and return to the shell
'''From the shell:'''
screen -ls List all screen sessions available
screen -r session_name Reattach to a screen session
See also:
*[ A quick tutorial on screen].
If you are running scripts then you should use the ''bsub'' to have them execute on the compute nodes, rather than the login node, as otherwise a runaway script can bring the entire of bear to a stand still. An example syntax for running a perl script is:
bsub -Is "perl"
When a process launches it reports the compute node that is being used (cn-02 to cn-10), and a process id (p_id). You can kill a process (that wasn't launched interactively) by typing:
bkill p_id
You can set the memory allocation and target a node. Memory is in Kb, so 48Gigs is 50331648 (48 * 1024 * 1024) and 40G is 41943040. To target a node use the -m switch and the node name. Nodes cn-06 to cn-10 have 48Gb (see the specs above).
bsub -M 41943040 -m cn-06 -Is "..."
To decide which node to target, you'll need to know who is running what where. To get this list of jobs run by '''all''' '''u'''sers you type:
bjobs -u all
To see the actual utilization on a particular node you can run top on the node with the commands
etc... Note that top-cn-11 isn't defined (yet) so you can give the command directly:
bsub -m cn-11 -Ip top
Also, note that if the top command isn't being dispatched to the node then it is probably because it thinks the node is full. You can probably get around this by giving top higher priority.
If you are running many jobs simultaneously (and please, be respectful when you do) it seems that bsub will only submit 3 jobs to compute nodes at once, and will queue the rest up as pending. Submitting jobs to individual nodes bypasses this.
Note that there are both stata and stata-se versions on bear. And Versions 9, 10, and 11. When you give the command
You automatically run the latest version and it passes the command to bsub so that you are running stata on one of the commute nodes.
If you want to manually control bsub options give the command (this one runs stata se version 11:
bsub "/usr/local/stata11/stata-se -b"
Available scripting languages include:
*Fortran 77
====Unix Commands====
To see your files you might want the following simple commands:
*'''cd bulk''' - change into the bulk directory
*'''cd ..''' - change up a directory
*'''top''' - look at the top processes
*'''ps -aux''' show all processes running
====Useful Tricks====
If you want to change the color scheme used by the 'ls' command then:
cp /etc/DIR_COLORS.xterm .dir_colors
And edit the .dir_colors file to suit your tastes. Note that the changes won't take effect until you start a new session!
===Using Xwindow Applications on Bear===
Remember - Bear is your R drive, so the root of bear, when you login, is the root of your R drive!
==PhD-PGSQLPostgres.Haas.Berkeley.Edu== '''Postgres.Haas''' is a new and experimental database server for PhD students and faculty. It hosts a copy of PostgreSQL with support for R, Perl and C++ scripting inside of the RDMS.  At present the server is being tested and new users are welcome.
'''phd-pgsql''' is a new and experimental database server for PhD students and faculty. It hosts a copy of PostgreSQL Those with support for R, Perl and C++ scripting inside of permission can see the RDMS. At present [[Haas PhD Server Configuration]] page to view the server is being deployedset-up. More news will be available here shortly!
In the meantime, those Details on how to work with permission can see this server are on the [[Haas PhD Server ConfigurationWorking with PostgreSQL]] page.
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