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=Topic Pages=Events*[[Tax Reform]]*[[Jobs and Business Policy]]*[[Health Policy]]*[[Drug Policy]]*[[Middle East]]*[[Trade]]*[[Immigration]]*[[Environmental]]*[[Entrepreneurship and Innovation]]*[[Monetary Policy]]*[[Religion]]*[[Quotes]]*[[Carried Interest]] =Candidates={| class="wikitable sortable" style="border: 1px solid darkgray; bgcolor: #f9f9f9"|'''Republican''' || '''Current Poll Number''' || '''IEM Price''' || '''PredictIt Price'''|-| [[Donald Trump]]||36.2||40||49|-| [[Ted Cruz]]||19.4||16||16|-| [[Marco Rubio]]||10.8||25.7||27|-| [[Ben Carson]]||8.2||0.1||1|-| [[Jeb Bush]]||4.8||-||8|-| [[John Kasich]]||2.6||-||4|}
===Event 1: International Affairs===
10th Feb 2016{| class="wikitable sortable" style="border: 1px solid darkgray; bgcolor: #f9f9f9"|'''Democratic''' || '''Current Poll Number''' || '''IEM Price''' || '''PredictIt Price'''|-| [[Hillary Clinton]]||52.5||68.2||70|-| [[Bernie Sanders]]||37.2||27||28|}
Moderator: Allen Matusow
#Middle East - Joe Barnes
#Trade - Russell Green
#Immigration - Tony Payan
#Environmental - Ronald Sass
{| class="wikitable sortable" style==Event 2"border: 1px solid darkgray; bgcolor: Domestic Policy===#f9f9f9"|'''Drop Outs''' |||-| [[Rick Santorum]]|-| [[Rand Paul]]|-| [[Mike Huckabee]]|-| [[Carly Fiorina]]|-| [[Chris Christie]]|-| [[Martin O'Malley]]|}
16th Feb 2016
Moderator: Mark Jones
PanelistsPoll numbers taken from real clear politics [http:#Tax Reform // John Diamond#Jobs and Business Policy - Ed Egan#Health Policy - Vivian Ho#Drug Policy 3824.html] [ Bill Martin3823.html]
=Topic Pages=Prediction market prices are reported in cents.*PredictIt Republican [] and Democratic [] nomination data*Iowa Electronic Markets (IEM) Republican [Tax Reform]and Democratic []market data
=CandidatesDebates===Democratic Party Primary Debates==
{| {{table}}
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Republican CandidatesDate'''| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Democratic CandidatesTranscript'''| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Link to Highlights''' 
| 13-Oct-15|| [[Jeb Bush] Las Vegas, NV]||[[Hillary ClintonOct. 13, 2015 Democratic Debate Highlights|10-13-15]]
| 14-Nov-15|| [[Ben Carson] Des Moines, IA]||[[Bernie SandersNov. 14, 2015 Democratic Debate Highlights|11-14-15]]
| 19-Dec-15|| [[Chris Christie] Manchester, NH]||[[Martin O'MalleyDec. 19, 2015 Democratic Debate Highlights|12-19-15]]
| 17-Jan-16|| [ Charleston, SC]||[Ted Cruz[Jan. 17, 2015 Democratic Debate Highlights|01-17-16]]||
| [[Carly Fiorina]]11-Feb-16||TBD, WI
| [[Mike Huckabee]]9-Mar-16||Miami, FL|} ==Republican Party Primary Debates=={| {{table}}| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Date'''| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Transcript'''| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Link to Highlights'''
| 6-Aug-15|| [ Cleveland, OH]||[John Kasich[Aug. 6, 2015 Republican Debate Highlights|08-06-15]]||
| 16-Sep-15|| [ Semi Valley, CA]||[Rand Paul[Sep. 16, 2015 Republican Debate Highlights|09-16-15]]||
| 28-Oct-15|| [ Boulder, CO]||[Marco Rubio[Oct. 28, 2015 Republican Debate Highlights|10-28-15]]||
| 10-Nov-15|| [ Milwaukee, WI]||[Rick Santorum[Nov. 10, 2015 Republican Debate Highlights|11-10-15]]||
| [[Donald Trump]]15-Dec-15|||} [{111177 Las Vegas, NV]| {{table}}| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"[[Dec. 15, 2015 Republican Debate Highlights|''''''| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Democratic Party Primary Debates'''12-15-15]]
| 1314-OctJan-1516||[ Las Vegas111395 North Charleston, NVSC]||[[Jan. 14, 2016 Republican Debate Highlights|01-14-16]]
| 1428-NovJan-1516||[ 111412 Des Moines, IOIowa]||[[Jan. 28, 2016 Republican Debate Highlights|01-28-16]]
| 196-DecFeb-1516||[ 111472 Manchester, NH]
| 1713-JanFeb-16||[ CharlestonGreenville, SC]
| 1126-Feb-16||TBDHouston, WITX
| 910-Mar-16||MiamiTBD, FL
==Republican Party Primary Debates==
March 10th, 2016: Republican Candidates Debate in TBD, Florida
=Caucus Results=[[Iowa Caucus]] Super Tuesday is on March TBD, 1st. A nice chart of when each state votes and how is available from the [ /02/daily-chart-0 The Economist]. =Polls= Donald Trump continues to lead the GOP. His polls have risen steadily since late May 2015. Trump has held the Republican Candidates Debate lead throughout the primary, excluding a brief period in November 2015 when Ben Carson rose within 1% of Trump. Since that spike, Carson's numbers have dipped, and the most recent poll numbers place Carson in fourth. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, polling second and third respectively, have both demonstrated gradual increases in TBDpoll numbers since September 2015. Starting the election process as a clear GOP front runner, Jeb Bush has experienced a gradual decline to under 5%. The remaining GOP candidates,including Christie, Kasich, Paul, Huckabee, Fiorina, and Santorum, are each polling below 4%. (USA)
February 26thHillary Clinton polls as the Democratic front runner. She has maintained a lead in the polls since the beginning of her campaign. Her poll numbers dropped between July-September 2015, 2016: Republican Candidates Debate but have been on the rise since then. Bernie Sanders comes in Houstonsecond, Texaswith his numbers steadily on the rise since spring and summer of 2015. Martin O'Malley's numbers have remained relatively flat and have not risen above 5%. (USA)
February 13thFor the most up to date Presidential Campaign poll data, see USA Today's [ Republican Candidates Debate in Greenville, South Carolina/ Interactive Poll Tracker].
February 6thFor data on U.S. political trends, 2016see Pew Research Center's [http: Republican Candidates Debate in Manchester, New Hampshire// key indicators page].
January 28, 2016: Republican Candidates Debate in Des Monies, Iowa=Baker Institute Events=
January 14, 2016: [ North Charleston, SC[Ed's Presentation]]
December 15th, 2015===Event 1: [ Affairs===111177 Las Vegas, NV]
November 10th, 2015: [ Milwaukee, WI]Feb 2016
October 28th, 2015Moderator: [ Boulder, CO]Allen Matusow
September 16th, 2015Panelists: [ Semi Valley, CA]#Middle East - Joe Barnes#Trade - Russell Green#Immigration - Tony Payan#Environmental - Ronald Sass
August 6th, 2015===Event 2: [ Policy===110489 Cleveland, OH]
==Democratic Party Primary Debates==March 9th, 16th Feb 2016 Democratic Candidates Debate in Miami, Florida
February 11th, 2016 Democratic Candidates Debate in TBD, WisconsinModerator: Mark Jones
January 17th, 2016 [httpPanelists:// Charleston, SC]#Tax Reform - John Diamond#Jobs and Business Policy - Ed Egan#Health Policy - Vivian Ho#Drug Policy - Bill Martin
December 19th, 2015 [ Manchester, NH]==Event Format===
November 14th*Introduction (EPD or moderators)* 10 minutes at the podium for each participant** slides preferred, 2015 [http://wwwso we can put them online Des MoinesThis will help direct media to our interests**strict time keeping, because most audience members want to get to the Q&A* Moderated Q&A**let's aim to have the audience ask most of the questions, IO]but the moderators should be prepared in case of lulls*Finish about 8pm and adjourn to the reception
October 13th, 2015 [http://wwwA template for the slides was sent out by email from Las Vegas, NV]
=Helpful Links=
*Bing Political Index
(USA) =
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